
Moderator, Asst. Line Boy
For the DFW area Crowd, particularly near 52F Northwest Regional:

I request use of an RV-7A (preferred), or 6A, 9A, or 8A for dual training to satisfy the insurance folks at NationAir. They need me to accomplish 2 hours of dual instruction in an A-model RV. I have an RV-experienced CFI lined up (Gary Platner), and I just need the aircraft.

Can anyone help?
Thanks. However, Alex sold his 7A. Still looking...

I just did my transition training with Alex last weekend. He did an excellent job!

I'm building a 9A and had a heck of a time finding someone (sort of) local to do the training. Nationair was able to get a waiver to let me use Alex's 10 for my transition training. You might give them a call and see what they can do for you.


I used Dave Austin at DTO. Highly recommend him. He has a 9A and is still in the business. Phone number is 214 236 7973.

Think you will be better off going to someone with a plane and a transition pilot, rather than trying to borrow an unfamiliar plane
Why not use your plane and Alex. I believe the FAA removed the solo flight restriction last Fall. You have your pink slip and the plane looks ready to go.

Jim Fogarty
RV-9A flying
need aircraft and transition training

I 2nd Dave Austin, I spent 10 Hours dual with Dave over two days in MY RV7 including a BFR and couldn't have learned more. He Flew up in an 8A.
My insurer required 10 hours dual and that was Hardy Aviation in Wichita. We also worked out a few bugs, like carb idle, wing heavy, elevator travel etc.

Keith Rhea
RV7 69 hours since 10/15/2014
Why not use your plane and Alex. I believe the FAA removed the solo flight restriction last Fall. You have your pink slip and the plane looks ready to go.

Jim Fogarty
RV-9A flying

That's a great question. I have two answers, one involving legality and the other involving human factors/risk management.

1) Phase I exists solely for the purpose of flight test, with no other task taking place. Dual flight instruction (or any other activity) isn't legal on an aircraft undergoing Phase I flight test. The second pilot allowance applies only for the purpose of flight test. Both my insurer and my FSDO made these points clear to me.

2) If I'm receiving dual transition, I don't want to be distracted by flight test tasks. And when I conduct my Phase I flying, I'll be too focused on test flying to divide my attention with transition training. I just submitted articles in my "Risky Business" column about distractions and channelized attention. In these two mission sets, I choose to conduct only one at a time.
Trasition training

Alex told me he will only train in his own planes.

Roy G at Hicks will train you in your own plane. He took care of my transition in my 6A.

Send me a PM. I would let you borrow my plane if you go with Roy, since I know he's familiar with her.
All good points Sid, I received transitional training in Tom Berge's RV-7A, and the most important part of that training was what I learned each time Tom and I got together. Good luck with your transitional training and good luck with your RV-7A.

One flight was very interesting with a dead stick landing from 4000' above the runway, I still have not tried that with the 9A. Fun stuff.

Jim Fogarty
RV-9A Flying, 54.1 hrs.
That's a great question. I have two answers, one involving legality and the other involving human factors/risk management.

1) Phase I exists solely for the purpose of flight test, with no other task taking place. Dual flight instruction (or any other activity) isn't legal on an aircraft undergoing Phase I flight test. The second pilot allowance applies only for the purpose of flight test. Both my insurer and my FSDO made these points clear to me.

2) If I'm receiving dual transition, I don't want to be distracted by flight test tasks. And when I conduct my Phase I flying, I'll be too focused on test flying to divide my attention with transition training. I just submitted articles in my "Risky Business" column about distractions and channelized attention. In these two mission sets, I choose to conduct only one at a time.

(1) is correct, and (2) certainly a good idea.

A note to others about the lack of available airplanes: It is perfectly legal to rent your airplane to someone else - for the sole purpose of transition training - if you get a waiver ("LODA") from the FSDO. These days that should be an almost routine paperwork exercise. You do NOT have to be a cfi to hold a LODA; you do have to list the names of the cfi(s) who will conduct the training. I do recommend you talk with your insurance agent, too. Standard policies do not cover this, whether you rent with a LODA or loan it for free.
Rob, Jim, Dan, Don, and Keith,
Gentlemen, I sure do appreciate the help and the conversation. I have located a possible 6A here at NW Regional that might be available.

If not, Rob, I'll PM you abut Roy G in your 6A. If that doesn't work, then Don, I'll contact Dave Austin.

Thanks again.

Thank you, Rob Olivier of Hicks Field, for allowing me the use of your beautiful RV-6A. I noticed your hangar looked a little dry, so I left you a little something smoky-peaty-Scotty. :cool:

Thank you, Roy Geer of Hicks Field, for your fantastic dual instruction. You are a calm and knowledgeable CFI, and you really do know how to instruct in the RV. I don't know how I could have received better transition training. Thank you Sir!

Rob, please pass my thanks to Lisa for opening up shop for us. She's a delightful lady: A real keeper.

Cheers to all!
I just did my transition training with Alex last weekend. He did an excellent job!

I'm building a 9A and had a heck of a time finding someone (sort of) local to do the training. Nationair was able to get a waiver to let me use Alex's 10 for my transition training. You might give them a call and see what they can do for you.


I did my transition training for my 7A with Alex in his 7... if you are comfortable doing your training in the 7, Nationair insurance should not have a problem with insuring you in the 7A after doing your transition in the 7...

Good luck.

First flgiht?

I thought you were a certificated pilot! heehee

Let me know if it's a go for Sunday, I may buzz over to watch.