Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
We've had a gathering of RV-8/8A builders and owners at OSH for many years. I've organized the last several of these, but I won't make OSH this year due to a hard scheduling conflict (house sale closing date).

I wish I could make it, but it simply isn't possible this year :(

If there is interest in a gathering of RV-8/8A builders and owners, we'll need someone else to volunteer to organize it.
I would like to be a community organizer!

I will be volunteering at OSH all week and would be happy to heard all the 8(A) cats. Besides, our brother Luke will be here from Italy, which deserves a special celebration. What if we break from tradition and meet for breakfast at Lasure's?
Let me know your thoughts.

If it is a breakfast meeting, count me OUT.

For those that camp, finding transportation off the grounds will be difficult.
Lasures is readily accessible to campers

If anyone is worried about getting to Lasures, it is not difficult. Just take the North 40 bus to the gate near Friar Tuck's on the northwest side of the field. Go through the gate and walk across the street for the best breakfast in OSH. We would have to arrive early to avoid a lengthy wait and we could not all sit together, but the 8(A) gatherings in the past have usually split up into small groups.

If you guys are not hot on the breakfast meeting idea, then we can certainly do something else.

What say you, fellow 8(A) builders, pilots?

keep the tradition

I can't imagine the week without the 8's builders gathering.

We are so cool ;)


IMHO could be easier stay 'inside' the area, I'll arrive sunday 23 with another italian 8 builder - Franz (the orange one).

ps: sad that Kevin is busy this year, see you next time.

I will be volunteering at OSH all week and would be happy to heard all the 8(A) cats. Besides, our brother Luke will be here from Italy, which deserves a special celebration. What if we break from tradition and meet for breakfast at Lasure's?
Let me know your thoughts.

Donuts at the Theater. After all, we our have traditions...

....and there's no way I'm riding a bus to go stand in line.

I'll be there for the first time in a few years. Can we draft Dr. Don to return with the doughnuts?
Theater (American spelling :).

Now we just need a carefully considered day and time.
I'll be there for the first time in a few years. Can we draft Dr. Don to return with the doughnuts?

No, Scott, I won't be there. My Oshkosh days are over. However, I will always think fondly of these meetings over the years when the end of July rolls around. The RV-8 Gatherings at the Theater in the Woods started a long, long time ago. Pretty amazing that the tradition continues! You guys have fun.

Besides, it's Bob DiMeo who is in charge of the doughnuts. :D

We've had a gathering of RV-8/8A builders and owners at OSH for many years. I've organized the last several of these, but I won't make OSH this year due to a hard scheduling conflict (house sale closing date).

I wish I could make it, but it simply isn't possible this year :(

If there is interest in a gathering of RV-8/8A builders and owners, we'll need someone else to volunteer to organize it.


I'm not trying to volunteer for anything but wanted to say thank you for organizing the gathering and your continued efforts at keeping it going.

Sorry to hear you can't make it this year. My wife and I attended last year for the first time and found it to be a great resource to getting many of my questions answered and meeting some really awesome folks.

See the rest of you attendees on Tuesday at 1000, Theater in the Woods.
It looks like we have a concensus!

Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. At the Theater in the Woods. I will take care of the donuts. How about coffee?

Any other suggestions? Let me know.

Steve Ashby

I'm not trying to volunteer for anything but wanted to say thank you for organizing the gathering and your continued efforts at keeping it going.

Sorry to hear you can't make it this year. My wife and I attended last year for the first time and found it to be a great resource to getting many of my questions answered and meeting some really awesome folks.

See the rest of you attendees on Tuesday at 1000, Theater in the Woods.

Thanks Charlie. I've greatly enjoyed meeting a long list of RV-8/8A builders and owners over the years. The first few times I went to OSH, it was all about seeing all the aircraft, talking to vendors, watching the air show etc. The last 10 years or so have been much more about spending time with old friends I've made over the years.

I'm sorry to miss this year, but I've got a lot more OSH visits to go. Hoping for next year.

Count me in - building an RV8 also - and know Luca - so will be good to catch up.

Going to be in the USA from later this week - PA, OH then thru to Oshkosh hoping to do my FAA PPL renewal and get some RV-8 flying .. is anyone on this group an Instructor and willing to do an RV-8 conversion also (currently fly an RV-6) ?

Email: [email protected]
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rv 8 group

Tue. at 10;00 I can bring some cheese and crackers or some can put some swiss cheese on there donut.

Tuesday morning doughnuts after the Monday night beer fest hangover........

Pretty sure doughnuts are a good cure for that. Count me in!
First time going to OSH as a RV-8 builder !

Hello all RV-8 builders and flyers !

I will be at OSH this year, for my second visit. First one was in 2012, and it sparked the interest in building a RV-8. This year, I am attending as a RV-8 builder :)

My Dad decided to join me this year. We will be driving from Montreal, Quebec all the way to OSH. We will gladly join you for a social event.

Looking forward to meet you all !


OK Campers,

I am blasting off for OSH tomorrow morning. This is your last minute reminder that we are holding our RV-8(A) Airventure get together at Theater in the Woods on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. I will bring doughnuts.

I will also bring name tags.

It has always been a tight gathering, so lets each be prepared to give a little 2 minute run down about what has been going on in our flying/building. Nothing formal, but a way to better connect with each other.

As Pope Paul used to say, it's not about the airplanes, its about the people. I really cherish seeing you guys every year. Let's make this one count!

Name tags

We should put our real name AND our "VAF handle" :D Looking forward to seeing all you Bad A$$ -8/-8A drivers there!
Thanks for the Doughnuts!

Steve et al,
Thanks for the doughnuts and fellowship! Made my Air-venture awesome!
Thanks Ron for the formation info

Thanks guys. It was fun to make our first OSKH with a year old airplane and get together with you. We hope to do it again in a couple three years as OSKH seems to work out best for us along that time line. I really had a good time there talking to some of the new builders. The B-52 driver was fun to talk to about his day job and his 8 build. That's what it is all about. Thanks, your as always, R.E.A. III #80888
I kept my duct tape name tag all day, and told the high-zoot folks it identified me as a homebuilder. It was universally acclaimed!
It was great to see you guys

I had a great time talking to my RV-8(A) brethren at the Theater in the Woods. The duct tape name tags were the result of me forgetting to purchase "proper" name tags. I think it worked out even better.

The excess donuts (thank you Pic-N-Save) were given to the able flight students on the Theater stage. As you would expect any teens to do, they inhaled them.

I tried to email the group photo to DR, but it did not go through. I will try to figure out how to post them here and give it a shot.

Till next year.

Steve, send me a PM or a mail [email protected] with your e_mail address, I arrange for you a private directory in my Dropbox so you can upload the group photo and I'll share it to Doug.


I had a great time talking to my RV-8(A) brethren at the Theater in the Woods. The duct tape name tags were the result of me forgetting to purchase "proper" name tags. I think it worked out even better.

The excess donuts (thank you Pic-N-Save) were given to the able flight students on the Theater stage. As you would expect any teens to do, they inhaled them.

I tried to email the group photo to DR, but it did not go through. I will try to figure out how to post them here and give it a shot.

Till next year.

RV-8(A) OSH Gathering Photo

I finally got home and sorted out the group photo from the gathering. Here are the happy campers.

Great Job Steve. Miss my 8, but I will get back to OSH soon. Nice to see many familiar faces!
Great time !

I had a great time meeting "like minded" RV-8 builders and flyer. It was my first experience meeting other RV-8 builders face to face since I started my project. Just a great bunch of people from around the World.

Can't believe Osh 2017 ended a week ago...time flies too fast at RV speed !

Looking forward to meet you all again, maybe showing you a newly completed and flying RV-8...