Jim Wright

Well Known Member
The unit seems to have lost its almanac. After completing its self check it begins to check for satellites. However only satellite #1 is displayed. None of the other satellites that are in view are shown. In a minute or so satellite 2 appears and again in a minute or so satellite 3 appears and so on. It will never lock on to a satellite.
I called Garmin and all they would say is to send the unit in for repair. As you know Garmin charges a $400.00 fee just to examine a unit. If this is just a software problem, it is a pretty expensive fix.
Does anyone have any suggestions???
Thanks for your help.
I did the $400 repair several months ago and am still fuming over it. This is one reason that I would look at other brands if I was buying now. They did a trivial amount of work to my -250XL and then had the gall to say a database update wasn't included. My understanding is that avionics shops cannot work on Garmins, they all have to be sent back.

Be glad you don't have a -530. They cost $1000 for repair, no matter how trivial the problem is.

Good luck with your radio,

If I'm not mistaken, software updates are free. Any Garmin dealer can do them. I'd try that first. I've had my 250 updated before and it only took about 15 minutes. Another thought; the internal battery is supposed to be good for 5 years. Could that be the problem?