
I'm New Here
Greetings... It's been a while since I've been on the forum.
With regret, I'm making a decision to step away from a RV-8 project and I'd like advise as to how to pass it on to someone looking to get into a project.
This kit was purchased as a quick-build, and I bought a brand new 360/180 certificated Lycoming engine and a brand new three-bladed propeller when I bought the kit.
I am not prepared to head to the classified with this yet, as I am contemplating how to present this.... as a complete turn-key kit with engine and propeller, or separate them. Also, I am wondering if there is a better way to reach folks who may be interested in this, other than simply listing in the classifieds? A lot of times it seems that word of mouth or a friend-of-a-friend situation works out better.
My partner and close friend who bought this with me has passed away in a house fire, and I simply need to step away from it. It breaks my heart to do so, but my plate is too full. There has been significant work done to it, which is all documented correctly. I am an FAA DAR, so I am particular about details.
If any ideas, please let me know.
I’m very sorry about your friend... Best of luck and better days ahead for you fine sir.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, and completely understand your decision to walk away from the project.

Regarding your original questions, I don't think there's a better way to reach large numbers of people interested in obtaining an RV kit than through VAF. I bought my RV-10 kits through the classified section here about a year and a half ago.

As for how to list them, I would probably give the buyers an option by listing the complete kit and engine/prop combo, while noting that should either sell separately first the other will be available afterwards. You'll have to decide what time interval you're willing to wait on a single purchaser, and whether you might be willing to separate the kits even further.

Over the years I lurked here prior to purchasing my kits I saw several similar listings posted. In some cases, multiple prospective buyers spoke for the respective parts and the sellers were able to move all the items quickly by working with various buyers.

There are definitely people who would jump at the opportunity to buy a kit/engine/prop combo, however the cost factor will necessarily limit the number of potential buyers. Being willing to split the items will give you, and they, greater flexibility in working out a deal.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Depth matters

You didn’t mention how far along in the project you are. (Edit, I saw the note about “significant work” having been done. Disregard all my comments other than the condolences.) As someone that ordered a QB kit a month ago and is now has an 8 month wait, I assume that there is a ready market for a basically pristine QB kit (and engine). I assume a still crated kit would have many suitors calling. Personally, I was interested initially in taking over a project, but most of the ones I saw had progressed to the stage that I didn’t have the experience or confidence to access the build quality, or to the point where i would have to live with design directions I didn’t want. A lesser issue for me, but relevant, was working with a kit that wasn’t on the same design page as a new kit (sb’s, kit changes, updates,, etc).

I am (will be) a first time builder. The above issues are likely NOT as much of an issue to a veteran builder, or someone living in an area rife with RV builders willing to help/advise. So, I’m assume your market will be mostly multiple-build types. There are a ton of those here on the VAF.

Sorry for your loss, and best wishes parting with your project.

Warning! These are thoughts from a newbie prospective, and do not represent those of someone who knows WTH they are talking about.
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Well as fate has it, things changed again! ..... Yesterday I transported my RV-8 project from my home shop over to the hangar where I keep my other plane, in preparation to show it for sale. Well, my new neighbor in the hangar next to me has an RV-8 so he came over to see what was up to. When I told him I was selling the project he immediately starting giving me reasons not to part with it.... then he offered to take me flying in his RV-8. An hour later, after a wonderful time flying, a few beautiful aileron rolls, and loops.... I decided I simply can't part with this project and I'm going to get it done and fly it. I already started getting rid of some other projects and plan to start the RV-8 project back up next year in early 2022.
Now what are the chances that the new hangar neighbor has a nice RV-8, and what are the chances he'd be there right at the right time to talk me out of selling the kit, and take me flying in his RV-8?
While I can understand wanting to part with the project, I’m so glad you decided to keep it and restart at a later time. I had to take a two year break while building and don’t regret the 14 years it took beginning to end. Your friend’s workmanship with be with you every time you fly. That will be special. I have signatures of various regular helpers inside various structures. It would be hard to part with it.


Well as fate has it, things changed again! ..... Yesterday I transported my RV-8 project from my home shop over to the hangar where I keep my other plane, in preparation to show it for sale. Well, my new neighbor in the hangar next to me has an RV-8 so he came over to see what was up to. When I told him I was selling the project he immediately starting giving me reasons not to part with it.... then he offered to take me flying in his RV-8. An hour later, after a wonderful time flying, a few beautiful aileron rolls, and loops.... I decided I simply can't part with this project and I'm going to get it done and fly it. I already started getting rid of some other projects and plan to start the RV-8 project back up next year in early 2022.
Now what are the chances that the new hangar neighbor has a nice RV-8, and what are the chances he'd be there right at the right time to talk me out of selling the kit, and take me flying in his RV-8?
Good decision

Now what are the chances that the new hangar neighbor has a nice RV-8, and what are the chances he'd be there right at the right time to talk me out of selling the kit, and take me flying in his RV-8?
Very often, when one door closes, another door opens. I was flying an old 150 when an engineer friend who built model airplanes said: "I found this RV kit in Tenn. Why don't YOU (meaning me) buy it and we'll build it?" We did, and that lead to non stop building and enjoying the company of some really talented people. After we finished my 9A in 18 months, we built a 6A for him in 24 months. 900 hours later, I still enjoy my 9A.
Well as fate has it, things changed again! ..... Yesterday I transported my RV-8 project from my home shop over to the hangar where I keep my other plane, in preparation to show it for sale. Well, my new neighbor in the hangar next to me has an RV-8 so he came over to see what was up to. When I told him I was selling the project he immediately starting giving me reasons not to part with it.... then he offered to take me flying in his RV-8. An hour later, after a wonderful time flying, a few beautiful aileron rolls, and loops.... I decided I simply can't part with this project and I'm going to get it done and fly it. I already started getting rid of some other projects and plan to start the RV-8 project back up next year in early 2022.
Now what are the chances that the new hangar neighbor has a nice RV-8, and what are the chances he'd be there right at the right time to talk me out of selling the kit, and take me flying in his RV-8?

You’d be surprised at the odds, there’s always an Rv builder within motivational distance within the states at least. The RV network is there, use it and pass it along several years from now.