Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
I mounted my AFP FM-150 divider above the case to avoid blocking cylinder air flow and engine heat. Today, reviewing install instructions :mad: I absorbed the warning to mount the divider BELOW the nozzle for best idle performance.
There is no way to get the divider output BELOW the nozzle without mounting below the cylinders ,which would make the injector lines a spaghetti nightmare.

I know Don and Kyle are going to say follow instructions.
SO: Does anyone have experience with the divider above the case split?
The installation manual section 3.25 says to mount the divider below the engine if you have an UPDRAFT cooling setup - and just below that there is a large note to install the divider on the COOL side of the engine.

I believe you are referring to the instructions for the distribution block - not the same part as the divider. As I understand it, you can use one or the other - but in practice I don't recall ever seeing a distribution block used, only the typical "spider" divider block on top of the case split.

Refer to Appendix D for the divider block, and Appendix E for the distributor block. Which one are you using?
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Thanks Greg

I have the round flow divider with 8 line ports, one gauge and one in port. You are correct, the specific comment on "same level as nozzles" is labeled DISTRIBUTION BLOCK. I must be getting tired !