Well Known Member
After six months of testing, I have decided to use two backup battery packs composed of Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries. Each pack weighs about 1lb each. They will hold up a Dual Screen GRT Horizon 1 and AHRS for about 1hr 20 minutes per battery. Total power is 8 ampre hr. My question is what do I need to use/do in concern with diodes, etc. to trickle charge these batteries safely (not over charge). I was thinking about hooking these up parralel and feeding to the main buss. If you would turn off the master switch, that would prevent backfeeding the main battery, but don't know this is the best way.

Please give this your best thoughts, I need to know specifically what to use and how to hook up.

Thanks in advance.
Have to charge carefully!

Here is a link that tells you some of the in's and out's of charging this type of battery. You should also note the use of temperature to determine the charge. Hope this helps. I would guess you will need a car charging adapter for them.

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