
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Hey folks, I am finally getting around to replacing the cracked canopy in the Valkyrie (cracked a year and a half ago - had the spare in the garage - was busy with the -3!), and I pulled it off last night. Then discovered that I didn't have the bag of AACQ-4-4 rivets I thought I had. I can order them from Van's, but it will take a few days....if anyone in the south side of Houston happens to have a bag of 100 they don't need right away, I can have Van's ship replacements to you a lot cheaper than overnight mail to me!

PM me if this might work for you - thanks!


I'm just about 99% sure ive got a bunch. Let me go check to make sure and I'll PM you my number.
Got 'em - thanks! William got them to me this evening, and I have a bag f them coming from Van's to replace his for when he's ready to mount his canopy. This is a great service builders can do for each other - keeps momentum going (or gets a flying airplane back in the air) and for the builder, it gets him newer parts sitting on the shelf... ;)

Thanks also to Nick for the call!
