Big Mal

I'm New Here
I just purchased an RV-8 and the taildragger dragger I have does not work. Can someone recommend one that I can purchase to get the job done.


I just purchased an RV-8 and the taildragger dragger I have does not work. Can someone recommend one that I can purchase to get the job done.



The taildragger dragger works beautifully on aircraft with full-sized tailwheels, and lots of weight on the tail. We use one with our AirCam which has a Maule tailwheel and over 200# on the tailwheel with empty seats.

The easiest solution for the Van's taildraggers is a towbar designed for Cessna nosewheels. If you replace the tailwheel "axle" with one a bit longer and stack washers under the head and the nut, you create "ears" which the cessna type towbar will easily grab.

On smooth, level ground, it's not hard to maneuver an -8 with the canopy open by standing behind the wingroot and grabbing the seatback weldment.

available from various sources under $100
Agree with James. I did the same thing to my -6. My taildragger dragger didn't work well on our grass strip...grass in front of hangar. I modified my t/w axle bolt with longer bolt and extra washers. Also had to put bushings in the towbar to match the bolt of t/w. Got bushings from local hardware store and installed with J.B. Weld. Works great.
I just use a nylon strap with a rubber coated hook. slip it on the tail spring and drag away. For going the other direction I just grab the prop at the blade roots.
What you need is a Bogie bar from Hobart. They are great, very light, will break down into two parts if you need to take it with you. I've been using one for five years and don't need anything else. The exception would be if you have a steep incline into your hangar in which case you'll need power. But I suspect you don't if you asking about a dragged.
