
Well Known Member
Need a ride to Oshkosh (NC or NJ)

My wife and son both want to go to Oshkosh this year, but I only have a 2 seater!. I am in search of an open seat for my son. He will be working in Kitty Hawk teaching hang gliding this summer, so he can depart from there, or I can bring him up to New Jersey and he can leave from here. Either way we can meet up on the way and travel together (or not)
He is a 19 year old Aeronautical Engineering Student at Virginia Tech. He has his Privet Pilot with about 250hrs PIC (100 in an RV6A). He is very polite, and a great asset for cross country flying, helping with navigation, weather, frequencies, etc.
I am sure he would train you for your H1 Hang Glider rating for free! We are flexible on what days, and will be camping. I will split fuel. - What better incentive do you need to go this year???
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