
I'm New Here
Howdy! Looking to buy a plane, but want to ride in a RV8 to see if it's comfortable for a 225lb pilot! Anyone need a little gas money for a short hop? Also looking for a deal on a 'steam gauge' nice 8. Thanks!
I need a ride in an RV-8 too. I just spent the last 16 years building one. I've never ridden in one, and I haven't had my first flight yet!!
Some things are taken on faith...
Ride avail

The boys at CXO are always avail. We have 30+ RVs here. Officers call at 1700 daily. Coffee & doughnuts on Mon @ 1000.
Thanks for the help guys!

Thanks! I now have a couple leads for a ride..... if all works out I will have a Arrow and a Starduster for sale soon!
A more specific question- RV8 panel to pilot distance

Thanks in advance guys, but can anyone tell me the difference in distance from panel to pilot (front seat of course) in the RV8 versus the RV4??? I have flown a RV4, but was very crowded by the lack of space between me and the panel.... very uncomfortable. I know the answer is available by looking at the plans for the 4 vs. 8, but I bet someone has flown both and can give me an idea of what to expect....