I am planning a business trip to College Station, Texas in an October time frame and I am wondering whether I can hitch a ride in an RV.

Is there anyone out there who might be able to get me from Dallas to College Station, wait for a couple of hours and then return to Dallas the same day?

I'd much rather pay for someone's fuel than give it to the airlines.

Dave Hertner

Dave, technically this is not allowed. Flying you to College Station for business and for compensation would be considered a commercial flight and is not allowed in experimental aircraft.

Remember, RV's are for educational and recreational use. The rules do allow passengers to "share" the cost of flight but technically you can't pay for the entire flight.

The rule is pretty clear but there are alway a lot of "what if..." questions surrounding this issue such as "What if I ferry a fellow RV'r to pick up his plane at the paint shop and he pays for all of my fuel to and from?" The way I read the rules, this would technically be considered a commercial flight as well as in - transporting a person for compensation or hire. I know it happens all of the time and is probably not a violation of the spirit of the law. But technically it is a violation of the letter of the law.

This is largely a no harm-no foul situation. I mean, who is going to know right? Well probably nobody will be the wiser and nothing will happen. I can't even concieve of how one would get caught at this but according to the letter of FARs, this would be a violation. It happens all of the time and without a second thought. I know the spirit of the law is to prevent pilots from using experimental aircraft for "true" commercial work as the commercial guys fly under an entirely different set of rules. But then, everytime we as experimental pilots carry someone or something for hire, whether or not the compensation is less than or exceeds actual costs, we are acting as one of those "true" commercial guys.

If my plane were flying, I would be happy to give you a ride. But as soon as you asked me to fly you somewhere on business I would have to say that I can't. I don't mean to come across as holier-than-thou, I am just a stickler for these kinds of details that make up the letter of law regarding experimental aviation.

Good luck to you and have a good one.
Yep. Not tying to pile on here or offend, but for a second I thought this request might be a creative little "evaluation" by an FAA safety inspector. I'm too paranoid, I guess.

But you do not want them breathing down your neck on this pt. 91/135 conflict. Sharing expenses (pt 91) sounds reasonable to me. But I've heard of an instance where expenses were shared but the pilot (in command) got violated because he had no real business at the destination. The accumulation of PIC time (PIC's purpose for the flight) was deemed compensation.

Probability of this becoming a problem? Slight. But the issue is now posted here for God, the FAA and everyone to read. Sounds goofy - but not beyond the realm of possible.

2 cents offered trying to keep those not aware out of the FAA crosshairs...

cfi hat off now.
Sorry for the Misunderstanding

For all those who read and replied,

I certainly did not convey my request in the most appropriate fashion.

I in no way was implying that the ride would be in a commercial fashion. I was simply hoping to meet another RV pilot and as we all do, hope for a ride that would enhance my building experience which I do for purely educational purposes.

Thanks for the Kick

Dave Hertner said:
Thanks for the Kick

No kick involved. I was sharing an experience I heard about regarding the FAA and this type situation. Hope you get your ride.