I've had great luck with the Odyssey PC680 for many years now - rugged, lighter than older batteries, and you can mount it in any position. I am looking in to the new super-lightweight LiFe batteries, but haven't settle don the idea yet.

It's really hard to beat the Oddessy Battery, but with 10.1 and a very cold weather most batteries could have a little trouble with CCA's. Maybe a little preheater tied to a cell phone activation device in the hanger would help.
Harley Battery

I tried 2 PC680s and they both failed, I was instructed a local Yak pilot that PC 680 are not designed to endure vibration, (Lycoming O320 vibrate?) His advice was to use a Harley Davidson gel cell battery. I have put over 470 hrs on it with out an issue, My engine starts on cold days like today ( 9F) without hesitation. I will recommend this battery at every opportunity
Don't know how your aircraft is set-up battery-wise.
I use a PowerSonic 33 AH in my -6 (9.5:1 comp.) It works great. It's heavier than the Odyssey but I need the weight for C/G.

I just replaced mine (150hp, O-320) a few weeks ago with a BC100-1. When we pulled out the old one it was dated 11/2000....eleven years, yep, I'll take another one of those. They also have some with more juice, if necessary.

Batteries Plus

I am using a "Werker" brand 12V from Batteries plus. It is for a motorized wheelchair I am told, although it meets the exact spec of a very similar looking Concord. Cost about $70.00 a year ago. I have 100 hrs on my 160HP O-320(lightweight starter) and have done starts at 25-30 degrees without pre-heat. It is very strong even cold.I found this battery from a thread elsewhere a couple years ago, so I'm sure I am not the only one using this type battery.

I've had a PC-680 and I'm pretty happy with it. I may be wrong here, but I think the PC-680's performance actually improves when it gets colder. Maybe some electrical gurus can chime in.

You can't beat the size and weight though.

RV-4 N999XS
I tried 2 PC680s and they both failed, I was instructed a local Yak pilot that PC 680 are not designed to endure vibration, (Lycoming O320 vibrate?)

Wow, sounds like you got stuck with a couple of bad ones, but what are the odds of that?? I'm still on my first PC680; bought in Oct. '04 (for $55!), first flight Nov. '06 and still going strong with 875 hrs on the Hobbs. As far as the vibration issue, I don't see it, but mine is aft mounted in an RV-8. I'm curious as to how long this sucker will really last...

My battery adventure began in 86 with the original gel cell (35 lbs?); then to Concorde and now 3 years on the Odyssey (11 lbs?). Latter is the best o the bunch...that said, with a toothpick prop on a 4 inch extension, toyota truck starter and a light/light plane, the cg has shifted perceptibly aft over the years....MTCents John N95JF
Odessey Rocks, but....

I have installed three odessey batteries in 2 RVs and my Rocket. Great product, period dot. Half the weight, twice the CCA of an acft battery. However comma, Panasonic makes a great competitor I installed in a Midget Mustang and my Mazda pickup. Great deep cycle battery for half the cost of an oddesey.


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I am using the PC680 on a IO360 with 10 to 1 compression. No problems at all on cold days. It also holds a charge well if the aircraft is not flown for a few weeks.

With shipping on the site Smokey provided, the Panasonic LC-RD1217P is only $6 USD less than the PC-680...so no significant price advantage on that site. Assumption is that the LC-RD1217P is the closest comparable Panasonic battery to the PC-680.

What would be interesting if the batteries mentioned could be tested for aircraft use.
FS PC680

I've got a PC680 that cranked my 0320 regularly for three years. Thought there was a battery problem and bought another. HOWEVER the PC680 just needed charging with the correct charger! It now has been done and shows 13.08 V after the 72 hour wait. It should have another 4 or 5 years life. For sale and ship to you for $80 in US