Well Known Member
I have done a local search for a 37 degree flaring tool for flaring fuel lines without much success. Most of the tool shops have a 45 degree tool but not the 37 degree. Does anyone have a good source for this tool? Is one tool design better than others with these tools? What would be a decent price to pay for one of these tools? Any advice is appreciated.


$68 bucks from ATS!
Thanks Dan

I was trying to recall this very tool. I had seen it in an ATS catalog a few months ago but could not remember where I had seen it. Thanks for the link. I just now clicked on it, gave my credit card as payment and ordered it. The $68.00 also included free shipping. That is a good deal in my book.

I have a great respect for all you builders out there who built your planes before VAF existed. I personally don't know if I could be building this airplane if it weren't for all the people posting help and suggestions on this forum.