
Well Known Member
I need a first hand, unbiased comparison of how the 696 and the 796 compare. (good luck I know).

Specifically I am most interested in how well the screen works in the bubble canopy cockpit of an RV in bright light.

I was all set to purchase a 796 until I saw a video on youtube from Avweb that showed a 796 beside an Ipad. This video caused me much pause! It looked to me like on that video, that the 796 was no brighter than the Ipad although the 796 did not appear to have as much reflection issues.

Bottom line is if I plop down the $ for a 796, am I going to hate it due to the fact that in my opinion the Ipad screen is basically useless in the RV cockpit?
The 796 is many times better than the iPad screen, but not as good as a 696. I like both for different reasons. As you know, even with a low glare screen protector on the iPad it's difficult to read in the sun. The 796 is also harder to read than something like th 496 or 696, but not as bad as the tablets. I guess you need to try and play with actual units side by side. Sorry I don't have a very definitive answer!

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Thanks Stein...

I can't find one local to play with!!!!

How much better is it than the Aera 5XX screen? I have a 510 and I am not happy...
696 in sunlight

Can't help you with the 796 but the 696 is very good in the sun. no comparison between it and the Ipad which as you know is terrible. our 696 is comparable to the panel mounted GRT EFIS units only with much better resolution. The screen is also non-reflective.

At night you have to turn the 696 way down to about 20%.
I have a 696 and a Ipad both on Ram mounts. I can't read the Ipad at all in normal sunlight with Sun glasses on. The 696 is bright and clear in direct sunlight while I am wearing glasses. No need at any time for something brighter.
The Ipad can be read with the sun glasses off and shading it with my hands or not being in direct sunlight. Its much better if its overcast and is simply great at night. The potential really shines at night. Sadly the Ipad 3 is no better then the two during the day in a bubble canopy. Never a problem with the 696 in any situation.

Will Garmin come out with a 796 based PFD?

On a related note, soon after Garmin came out with the 696, they developed the G3X Pilot Flight Display. My question, as I come closer to having to make some big decisions (and write some big checks) regarding the panel in my 8A, is whether I should go with the tried and true G3X or wait till Garmin comes out with a 796 based PFD. Even using hot coals and waterboarding at SNF, I could not get the Garmin guys to talk. Any intel (or WAGs) out there?

There is a place, it may be Tropic Aero in FL, that will rent a 796 by the month. Check Trade a Plane. They may have some 696's also.
I may be able to help ...

I have flown quite a bit, first with an iPad, then with the 696, and as of yesterday, a 796.

the screen of the iPad washes out in my RV-8. That combined with a few other factors has relegated it to a very nice pre-flight device and backup but no longer is it primary in my cockpit.

The 696 is primary in my plane now. I have used it for about 6 months. Very readable. Very capable. What I don't like about it is the user interface. ForeFlight on the iPad is just so easy.

Yesterday I flew with the 796 in the RV. Loved it. Just as readable and capable as the 696 but so much more usable. the touch screen interface is getting close to the intuitive nature of the iPad. More important, it is faster to get to useful information on the 796 that the 696. Getting info about anything you see on the 796 screen is a touch. On the 696 its a matter of remember which button sequence gets you that info of a combination of buttons and the joystick. My 696 feels down right archaic by comparison.

I don't own the 796 so I won't be able to test anything for you. I am happy enough with my 696. I'm also happy with the money saved compared to the 796.
696 vs 796 vs G3X

I have flown all of the above units. Started with a 196 then a 396 then a 496 then a 696 then a G3X then a 796.

I had been using the 496 with XM weather on my Osh trips during 2008 and 2009. Fits nicely in left hand corner of my 6A (not panel mounted). Worked problems with viewing the screen in direct sunlight. I do not use polarized sunglasses however. In 2011 I took a 696 on a kneeboard in addition to my 496. The much larger screen and twist knob inputs were two big improvements as well as a host of other upgrades from the 496.

When the touch screen 796 came out I was very skeptical and believed it would not work out well flying in an RV. I was dead wrong. I have not had any trouble with the touchscreen features. It is much faster to "go to" any location on the screen with a touch. I really like the touch screen for finding out instantly the limits of airspace. One touch and the airspace limits pop up on the screen. One of the big reasons I got it was for the sectional chart view. I believe the 796 is the only unit with sectional charts available. It works great, the screen is bright, updates fast, can read it/see it in any light...the only disappointment is that the chart page can not be viewed track up, the way I like to fly it. Garmin says they are working on that but it requires FAA approval for some darn reason...??

The 796 synthetic vision is a nice feature that I find useful.

I also fly a dual screen G3X system. That is a very good combination but I find myself trying to touch the screen on the G3X to get it to do what the 796 can do.

A friend brought his iPad with Foreflight into the cockpit on my 6A to test it out. It was not useful at all due to the screen being unreadable in most of the lighting conditions encountered on the flight.

If you could put a 796 in your panel and had the $$ I think you would get your money's worth out of it.
I really hate posts like the above. Now you have me thinking I should sell the 696 and look for a 796. Thats going to cost me a chunk of money!!!

Thanks Stein...

I can't find one local to play with!!!!

How much better is it than the Aera 5XX screen? I have a 510 and I am not happy...

There is no comparison between the 796 and the Aera 560 screen readability.
The 796 is significantly better. I have both.

My 796 is mounted in my panel and it is very sunlight readable. almost on par with my AFS 4500. The Garmin map is superior to the sectional chart view
As far as screen brightness. The sectional view seems washed out to me.

Looking up info on the 796 is much faster than the button Garmin gps's.
I find closing my Koger sunshade makes the iPad readable when it's on my kneeboard. Nothing helps with my Aera 500 though. :( I love the interface and the functionality, but that screen is absolutely the worst.

I velcro my iPhone to my panel right beside my Aera for most local flights, and my iPhone running Air Nav Pro is the one I can see. I have to shade the screen of the Aera, and take my sunglasses off, if I want to read it.
Decision made

Decided to go with the 796.

I have a 600nm CC trip planned for the end of next week from KMOR to 36WI if the weather is good. I plan to put this thing thru its paces.

The things that pushed me to the 796 vs the 696 are;

*Latest hardware technology
*Better user interface
*Landscape mode available
*Hopefully better resell value in about a year since I won't need it after the G3X panel goes in
*$100 rebate vs buying a used 696. The used 696's are priced so that buying a new 696 does not make much sense.
*Sectional chart view
*Synthetic vision although I am not sold on the "virtual 3D" stuff
*I like the bare wire cable/connector better on the 796 vs the 696
*It is lighter
*Lion battery/longer life

Stein and I have reached an agreement and hopefully this time next week I will be getting familiar with it.....
The big Brown truck dropped off my 796 at the house earlier so I had to run home during lunch to check it out....

First impressions are WOW! This thing is truly a new design from the ground up.

Turned it on and found the firmware is the latest but the database and charts are expired...bummer (is this common?)

It locked on to the sats while I was in the house in about 30 seconds. Impressive!

The screen is amazing in the house so I took it outside in direct Sun on a CAVU East TN day and I have to say that I am impressed. I turned a couple 360's and tried different angles. While I have never seen a 696 in the Sun, the 796 is light years better than the Ipad! It still has some of that super smooth glass reflection but it is not as bad as the Ipad. I honestly think this thing might just work in the RV!

There is a brick of a box plumb full of stuff that comes with this thing. XM antenna, indoor mount, cable and power pack, yoke mount and cable, Lion battery, etc, etc. I bet all these mounts and cables make up 1/3 or more of the cost of one of these things!

Can't wait to try it out in the airplane! So far I am diggin it!!!
Flew my first CC today of around 625nm after deviations and all I can say about the 796 is WOW!

The unit works perfectly and the screen is a non issue in the RV. Bright and clear! 50 times better than the IPad!

The interface is just down right awesome!
I took a friend up in my Aero AT-4.. full glass canopy and installed 796 that replaced the old 496. He used my iPad with Foreflight to see how the two compared. It was night and day difference between the clarity of the two. Prior to installing it in the AT-4 I used the 796 with a suction cup mount in the sunlight with no block and it was totally visible. The same config with the iPad is nearly unreadable. I have flow the same plane with the Garmin G3X installed (close to the 796). I would say it and the 796 are very similar in terms of sunlight performance. The biggest gain for me is the 796 is so much more usable and easier to use than having to click around through the menu structure of the 496/696. Multi-touch works very well and yes I have used it in some serious turbulence with little issue.