
Well Known Member
I'm in the process of building a RV-6 (working on the wings at the moment). To date, I have not sat in or even seen in person a RV-6 and was wondering if there is someone near by that would let me stop by and hop in for a test fitting. The aircraft doesn't need to be flying, but something with the interior and canopy installed would be best.

I'm not a small guy by any means 6'4" and 280. If there will be any mods needed for me to be comfortable, I would like to start thinking them through well in advance of the fuse kit. Width wise, I fit in a 172 just fine which is narrower than the RV, headroom is my only real concern and I already have some ideas to help with that if needed.

I live in Sachse, just on the east side of Dallas and could stop by any time that is good for you outside of working hours.

I would like to bring my wife along also if that's not a problem, she needs a re-up of airplane inspiration.

Any assistance would be appriciated, and lunch is certainly on me.
Just jump on Lavon Hwy (78) and come on up to Farmersville. I'll be out of pocket tomorrow and Saturday morning. After that I should be around for a while.
Got a -6 sitting right here in the Hangar.
Give me a call.

Thank you for the quick reply. I'll give you a call Saturday afternoon / Sunday and stop by when you are available.



Colin, I'll be out at 52F working on my plane around 1030 in the morning Friday. You're more than welcome to sit in my RV-6 for an hour making airplane noises if you want!


Colin, I'll be out at 52F working on my plane around 1030 in the morning Friday. You're more than welcome to sit in my RV-6 for an hour making airplane noises if you want!



Thank you very much for the offer, darn work is getting in the way of airplanes....couldn't take you up on it this time, maybe another day.



Thank you again for letting my wife and I come for a visit and check out your beautiful RV-6. It was great to meet both you and your wife. I'm sure we will be seeing more of you in the future!
