
Dear RV Friends
I am going to visit S&F this year traveling from Venezuela, I am the first and probably the only RV builder in myVenezuela. My RV6 is finished and only waiting for Flight authorization.

I am looking for someone in the area of Fort Lauderdale or lakeland during the show who can take me to fly one or two hours in order to get familiar with the RV tail dragger planes. No problem to pay for the gas an cost of the ride.

I will be in Miami area on saturday 5 and sunday 6, and will be at the show from monay to friday.

Any help will be very appreciated
Congrats on getting the plane done! I'm pretty sure someone can help you out at SnF if not sooner.
Thanks I knew you all would have a solution.

I will spent at least three days of the Sun and fun having good time with all the RVrs and meeting part of this great comunity.

Thanks again