
Well Known Member
Well oops.

I was planning on doing my BFR last summer while I was back in Kansas City on my way to Oshkosh, but the timing didn't work out.

Then I was planning on doing it this fall with an instructor friend out here but things kept getting in the way.

Now I'm "out of annual" as it were, and so can't act as PIC. My instructor buddy has no real experience in RVs, so he can't act as PIC. So...

Are there any RV-fluent CFIs in the greater Bay Area who would be willing to do the honors? I'm based at KRHV (Reid-Hillview) in San Jose. The airplane is a 2001 RV-6A.
Surely you will find someone, Steve. But if not, I will be out that way in a week for Christmas, and always looking to do some west coast flying. So file that away.
Well oops.

I was planning on doing my BFR last summer while I was back in Kansas City on my way to Oshkosh, but the timing didn't work out.

Then I was planning on doing it this fall with an instructor friend out here but things kept getting in the way.

Now I'm "out of annual" as it were, and so can't act as PIC. My instructor buddy has no real experience in RVs, so he can't act as PIC. So...

Are there any RV-fluent CFIs in the greater Bay Area who would be willing to do the honors? I'm based at KRHV (Reid-Hillview) in San Jose. The airplane is a 2001 RV-6A.

If you don't find someone sooner, I will be in the area 12/21 and can fly with you to do your BFR then.

Mike and Josh: Thanks very much for offering to interrupt your vacations to do this. Not sure if the schedule will work as I'm going to Baja for Christmas. I leave on 12/19 and return on 12/26.

Will either of you be around before / after then with a few hours to review / fly?
Mike and Josh: Thanks very much for offering to interrupt your vacations to do this. Not sure if the schedule will work as I'm going to Baja for Christmas. I leave on 12/19 and return on 12/26.

Will either of you be around before / after then with a few hours to review / fly?

Let?s see... I will be flying my RV back from Oregon soon, and if I stop through the Bay Area, you will be the first to know.
On my return flight from Oregon, I stopped by RHV to meet Steve and give him his BFR. So... he's all taken care of! :cool: