
Well Known Member
Anybody know the actually colors and/or paint numbers for the Navy Training aircraft such as the T2C we used in my squadron (VT23 NAS Kingsville, TX)?

I have photos and such showing our aircraft and myself and at least one other builder are talking about painting our RV's in that scheme kinda like Doug's take on the Tweety bird but in a Navy theme of course :rolleyes:

Any help on a source or company color numbers would really help too.

Starting a site for fellow VT23 folks as well but nothing up but the front page and my email address.

Scorch, you got anybody that can get that info?
Corpus Christi NAS


I'm at NAS Corpus Christi right now. I'll talk to one of the mechanics next Monday and see if I can get you some info. Do you need the actual design, or just the exact colors?
Navy trainer colors

That's awesome. Man have I got fond memories of that place.

I have photo's from my days in VT23 and some from Air Museums and even a privately owned one but any info on paint company and color codes would be great and if they have a lay out of the stenciling and other markings that would help too.

I'm just firing up a very basic website (www.vt23.org) with my old maintenance officer to try and set up a reunion, maybe at Corpus or Pensacola, sometime in the next year. I still need to add all the content and pictures and such but Doug didn't build this overnight either.

My plane won't be done but it'd be cool to bring pictures of it and a computer graphic of the color scheme.

Anything you can get me would be great.

Is Mrs Paul's Greek Restaurant still there on the south end of town?

When I was last there (79) there was only one hotel on the beach at Padre I hear there are more?

Be well and thanks for the help.

I haven't been on the south part of town much... might have to look up Mrs. Paul, though. I live on the island. There is still only one hotel, but I'm sure it's grown substantially. The Gulf side of the island still only has a hotel, a gas station, a couple car washes, a bar or two, and a handful of condos and houses (rural enough to get my truck stuck in the mudflats and nobody could see or hear me). But on the inland side of the island (west of Park Road 22), there are many, many canals lined with houses. Not very commercial yet, but fairly dense residential. Even with that said, once you get 5 or 6 miles south of the bridge and out of suburbia, there's nothing from there to Brownsville. Check your email - I sent you some Navy aircraft schemes.


I just talked to a few of the maintainers here and all the planes are painted in Selma, AL, at L-3 Communications Vertex at the Navy Depot. They don't have the information on the paint here. I'll keep my ear open, but so far no luck.
Navy T-44 paint codes


Here are the codes out of the BE90 tech manual. Guess you just have to ask the right question to the right guy.

dull black: 37038
gloss red: 11136
gloss white: 17875
international orange: 12197
gloss black: 17038
blue insignia: 15044

I guess these are PPG codes? I couldn't find anywhere online to verify that. Good luck.
I guess these are PPG codes? I couldn't find anywhere online to verify that.
I would guess (based on 30+ years of plastic modeling) that these are Federal Standard (FS) numbers, not a particular paint mfr's. numbers. You, Jim or anybody should be able to give these numbers to the person at the paint counter and get the exact color you need.

There are color chip books of all FS colors available. You can check with R/C guru Frank Tiano (www.franktiano.com). I know he carries them.

Hope this helps, and best of luck with the painting, Jim. Don't forget to add the tailhook! ;)
Navy paint

Tailhook? No I'm building a nosewheel :D

If I can figure a way to hang one you never know.......

Thanks for the info.