
I just talked to the company looking for the exp-600 that I paid for in July . They have admitted that they are not even production. They hope to start up in mid Oct. that means with there back log, it unlikely to see a unit until the end of the year. This is so unprofessional . Now , I don't know what I will do. If I could find an alternative that would work with my advanced 4500, I would do it. Any ideas?
I just talked to the company looking for the exp-600 that I paid for in July . They have admitted that they are not even production. They hope to start up in mid Oct. that means with there back log, it unlikely to see a unit until the end of the year. This is so unprofessional . Now , I don't know what I will do. If I could find an alternative that would work with my advanced 4500, I would do it. Any ideas?

There are alternative solutions and like Mike recommended, give AFS a call.

While I agree that there could be significant improvements in how Bill keeps his customers informed, this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. There is a very long thread here on VAF that documents all the issues and why the delays have occurred.

I will say that the Navworx gear works great once you have it in your hands.


p.s I have the ADS600-B and AFS 4500s
Upgrade available for EXPs

Our (early release) ADS600EXP is coming back tomorrow with 5.0 firmware installed. I will be regressing all the bugs I found with the last release and will report on the other thread.

Yes, Bill could be more loquacious.
Bill sent out an e-mail on 8/27 saying they were back in production after reorganizing their operation and expected to fill all back orders in 5 wks.
Are you saying they have NOT been in production after all and not starting until Oct? What the h----?!? At best that's flat out deceptive practice or worse.... flat out lying. Like you said, they already have ALL my money for the order. I wish they would have just required a 10% deposit and charged the balance on delivery. I sense huge red flags here.....

I ordered a -EXP unit last Feb, but told them not to ship it until others had a chance to get the bugs out. I talked to NavWorx last week and was told that they are currently producing the certified units, and will start the -EXP line when those are done. They expected the -EXP line to startup sometime near the end of Oct. In the meantime, a friend, whom ordered his -EXP unit in Feb, has had his, sent it back twice for updates, and is again in the process of checking it out. I'm glad I waited. And the price was right! When I do get it, the bugs will have been worked out...

Bill sent out an e-mail on 8/27 saying they were back in production after reorganizing their operation and expected to fill all back orders in 5 wks.
Are you saying they have NOT been in production after all and not starting until Oct? What the h----?!? At best that's flat out deceptive practice or worse.... flat out lying. Like you said, they already have ALL my money for the order. I wish they would have just required a 10% deposit and charged the balance on delivery. I sense huge red flags here.....
Sure wish Navworx would just tell all, and let all know when they expect to ship the EXP unit. With a REALISTIC DATE!!! Have heard several dates, none that have come even close. Mine is still on order, but, may cancel and get a refund. The truth may hurt in the short run. In the long run, the truth, will garder a bunch of customers. NavWorx has a bunch to learn about marketing.
I only recently placed my order...mid August...and would love to get the unit tomorrow. However, being realistic and knowing myself, I will remember how well the unit works after I receive it much longer than I will remember how long it took to arrive.

I hear they have a new manufacturing setup so hopefully that will streamline the process.
Heck, a month or two aint much--------------------be glad you are not waiting for the 6 cyl Pmag:eek:
Worth the wait in my opinion

I was an early adapter of the NavWorx ADS-B. Since initial installation, the device has been sent back at least twice for firmware and hardware updates because of changing compliance requirements. Frustrating but necessary. The repairs took several weeks each time and I hated being without their ADS-B. I hated being without their ADS-B because it performed so well, especially its mapping of targets all around me. I'm still looking at a near future return of the box to have a required 2020 compliant GPS installed because of compliance changes. I know how it feels to be frustrated with equipment providers. But I also know how complicated it can be to produce a quality and compliant aviation device. My belief is that the equipment released by NavWorx will be worth the delays if it is compliant and fault free as I am expecting. In my opinion, the NavWorx ADS-B is my most valuable safety of flight equipment on my aircraft. And at the current EXP price, it's still a bargain worth the wait (IMHO).

Best regards,
I too have had the navworx 600b for close to three yrs. have sent unit back twice and am now updated to be 2020 compliant. All at no charge. My navworx has been the best addition made to my rv 10