
Well Known Member
Dallas Avionics received the first shipment of Echo-fix experimental replacement systems for ADS-B. These are the kits with wiring harness to match the outlawed Navworx units. Shipping to customers will begin today. Please post your compliance flight results and any technical comments here for others to learn from. I will be installing in my RV9A on the weekend. Note: first owner of an orphan navworx that is also a builder and needs a pneumatic rivet gun, send me a PM. I will ship to the first builder who writes, and the cost will be free. Blue skies...
I actually pulled the trigger today.

They charged me $97 in tax. I guess I thought that unless a place has a physical presence in my state that tax would not be collected. Has others who purchased one of these paid tax as well?

UPDATE: I looked at my invoice from the Navworx dog house and they were charging me tax on that as well. I guess that's a normal thing in this case.
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I just ordered also, and the sales invoice shows tax applied on a shipment to Idaho. I have an inquiry in to them asking which tax authority and rate is being used and pointing out Idaho use tax will be due on this purchase so in effect I’m being taxed twice on one purchase.
Edit: heard back from Dallas Avionics, they have a tax presence in Fla and Ca. They had another address for me from a prior purchase in Ca.

Tim Andres
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Interesting. I ordered mine Nov 2 and as of yet have not heard it has been shipped. Hopefully that will happen soon.
navworx adsb 600exp replacement

I ordered the (essentially) plug and play replacement for my navworx 600exp boat anchor yesterday. Dallas avionics told me they have about 100 of the 200 kits left. They are shipping now. When these are gone, they will get more but at the regular price, about $300-$400 more. My invoice says $1050. No sales tax in PA.
Mine shipped!

I got a notification from Dallas Avionics today that my uAvionix box shipped (finally!). I ordered mine on 03 November. Since this is UPS's busy season, I have no idea when it might show up. But at least it has shipped!
I got a notification from Dallas Avionics today that my uAvionix box shipped (finally!). I ordered mine on 03 November. Since this is UPS's busy season, I have no idea when it might show up. But at least it has shipped!

Ordered on Nov 6 so should get shipping info in the next few days. Fingers crossed. I look forward to closure of this debacle. Oh, the joys of being an early adapter.:eek:
I got an email notice that mine shipped today. I ordered the ECHOUAT+SKYFYX-EXT version on Nov 3. According to the tracking number it should arrive Thursday Dec. 14th.
I also ordered mine on November 3rd. I noticed Dallas Avionics charged by credit card today.
not yet

I ordered November 3 as well. No e-mail or shipment yet. I appreciate you all keeping me informed of your situations. It allays some anxiety.

You would think that having been a NavWorx customer, if nothing else I would have learned to be patient, but no.

I know that the included harness simplifies wiring of the ECHO unit to the previous 600exp harness, but does anyone have experience with using a 430W as a nav source? Do we run a new RS232 out connection from the 430W?
Hey Steve, I am in the same boat as you; I have the feeling we may be last in line because we only ordered the ECHO/UAT and not the ECHO/GPS kit. Hey Flightlogic, what do you think. Thanks Barry
You can, but

if you ordered the "bundle" from Dallas, it comes with its own GPS Nav source ( another small box) --- rather than run a line from my 650, I am just going to use the supplied position source.
Next week for UAT only boxes

Shipping says they have confirmation of the UAT only, kits arriving Friday by close of business. If that happens, Dallas Avionics will begin shipping Monday.
Kind of getting the run-around

I ordered on 12/4 and I was told my order would go out by the end of the week (12/8). Nope, didn't ship.

I called back yesterday (12/12) and was told my order would go out by the end of the day. It did not.

Now we're saying shipping Monday?

I would appreciate it if they were more realistic with their dates.
I feel like I’m still dealing with navworx. I ordered mine Monday and give my shipping address to our house in Indiana as we will be there for the holidays. Miguel told me they would be arriving that morning and shipped this week. I have a feeling I will be back down in FL about the time it ships. Seems like the old runaround game we are all so familiar with....
I feel like I?m still dealing with navworx. I ordered mine Monday and give my shipping address to our house in Indiana as we will be there for the holidays. Miguel told me they would be arriving that morning and shipped this week. I have a feeling I will be back down in FL about the time it ships. Seems like the old runaround game we are all so familiar with....

Comparing to NAVWORX?? You mean the company that seemed to lie about mostly everything and stole your money too? Are you serious? :)
Navworx replacement shipping today from Dallas

Order Nov 3, shipped yesterday received today, echo +skyfx
doing our best

Folks, I spent the day in Dallas at the office. (normally I am in Prescott, or seeing customers on the west coast) I visited the shipping area and saw almost nothing but uAvionix boxes stacked up waiting for the drivers. If you are frustrated and complaining publicly, be assured that everyone is doing their best. Look, we all get impatient at times. I know I do. But I think the benefit of the doubt is an almost forgotten concept. RV builders, as a group, appear to me to be really decent folks. I love this forum and try my best to do right by people. Any updates I receive will be passed along right away. No one at this family owned company will cheat you or turn their back on you. Thanks in advance for understanding....
Nick, just bustin chops here. You gotta have some perspective after how hard we all got wrenched on the navworx thing. If I wasn’t on this forum I’d be making a call by Friday to inquire why I hadn’t seen a shipping notice (if that happened to be the case). I’ve just seen a lot of “over promise and under deliver” in this arena when working with smaller companies and high demands. I’d rather have the company be straight up honest instead of playing I have a secret. Absolutely am not saying that is the case at all here, but if an accurate delivery date is hard to give I’d rather have a “expect to see it end of December, early January” type of thing and be pleasantly surprised when it shows up early. All about expectation management. Looking to get the navworx out of the plane and move on from this whole situation.
I totally agree. I put my order in Nov 6 and was told it would be shipped the next Friday, which didn't happen. But, I also understand that these things take time and gave them some grace. After a few weeks, I called Uavionx and talked with Shayne and learned that they were a little behind schedule with production but all the units would be shipped to Dallas Avionics soon. Be patient, I got my notice of shipment yesterday and am happy that Uavionix and Dallas Avionics stepped to help us out with the Navworx debacle.
Folks, I spent the day in Dallas at the office. (normally I am in Prescott, or seeing customers on the west coast) I visited the shipping area and saw almost nothing but uAvionix boxes stacked up waiting for the drivers. If you are frustrated and complaining publicly, be assured that everyone is doing their best. Look, we all get impatient at times. I know I do. But I think the benefit of the doubt is an almost forgotten concept. RV builders, as a group, appear to me to be really decent folks. I love this forum and try my best to do right by people. Any updates I receive will be passed along right away. No one at this family owned company will cheat you or turn their back on you. Thanks in advance for understanding....

Thanks that needed to be said. I?ve had no problem at all communicating with Miguel via email or land line. Nor has my card been charged prior to shipment ?ala Navworx. We?re getting a deal here from Dallas Avi and I appreciate it. They have no responsibility or duty to make us whole.
Tim Andres
Dallas Avionics uAvionix Kit delivery

My unit was shipped on 12/06/17 and delivered on 12/08/17. I installed the unit yesterday and hope to fly and check it out today.
Bob Kibby RV-12 N712BK
me too

My unit was shipped on 12/06/17 and delivered on 12/08/17. I installed the unit yesterday and hope to fly and check it out today.
Bob Kibby RV-12 N712BK

Mine is supposed to arrive today per UPS. I can't wait to get it into the airplane and try it out. Are there any PIREPS about getting it installed or set up?

This has been a tremendous help and, at least from me, greatly appreciated.

Thank you, all involved.

UAvionix Install

Installed Echo/FYX combination replacing my 600 EXP. First harness received was wired incorrectly at the GPS connector. Shane at Uavionix immediately sent a replacement. Super easy configuration . Test flew this morning and received a clean performance report with no exceptions. Sniffer works as advertised in place of the Transmon.

Very happy with UAvioniix and Dallas Avionics.

Don Bodnar
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John, all reports... say it is easy and straight forward. The only pain.... is getting down under the panel in an RV !!! At least mine presents a challenge.
Are you kidding me!!

Received my ECHOUAT & SKYFYX(EXT) today. The UAT is tiny - I'll be able to save 2lbs:) Very cool little package . . .
I ordered Nov 3 and it arrived last week.

Install was plug and play with the supplied harness for the Echouat and FYX.

Powered on and my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 immediately found the WIFI put out by the Echouat. I was able to connect to the unsecured Echouat WIFI without any issue in the phone settings under WIFI. Opened the Echo app and get a message: PLEASE CONNECT TO PING-XXXX WIFI NETWORK IN SETTINGS. I tried closing the app, reinstalling the app, installing the app on my tablet and trying to get it to work with the tablet, forgetting the network and reconnecting to the network, all to no avail.

At this point I am unable to configure the Echouat due to an issue with the Echo app. At least with the old navworx box I was able to connect and configure the device without any issue... Not and illustrious start.
uAvionic replacement for the NavWorx EXP unit

I ordered Nov 3 and it arrived last week.

Install was plug and play with the supplied harness for the Echouat and FYX.

Powered on and my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 immediately found the WIFI put out by the Echouat. I was able to connect to the unsecured Echouat WIFI without any issue in the phone settings under WIFI. Opened the Echo app and get a message: PLEASE CONNECT TO PING-XXXX WIFI NETWORK IN SETTINGS. I tried closing the app, reinstalling the app, installing the app on my tablet and trying to get it to work with the tablet, forgetting the network and reconnecting to the network, all to no avail.

At this point I am unable to configure the Echouat due to an issue with the Echo app. At least with the old navworx box I was able to connect and configure the device without any issue... Not and illustrious start.

I recieved my unit yesterday. Today, I mounted both boxes onto a .062 base that had the same mounting holes at the NavWorx unit. I installed right angle brakets for the GPS antenna adapter, and a DP-9 male connector. I then installed the wiring harness with MUCH shorter wires as the provided harness was much too messy with VERY long wires.

I was able to configure the UAT unit via the PING-XXX WiFi interface and the Uavionics App per the instruction manual (with an Ipad). Initial testing was done inside the hanger, but I was able to observe on the GRT Hx EFIS that the unit was receiving one ADS-B ground station (on our field) and did see local traffic on the EFIS.

Initial testing with the APP in the MONITOR mode indicated proper operation EXCEPT that there was no Squawk code shown. Pressing the Transponder IDENT button did not resolve this indication. I did not observe a reply indication on the transponder during the test...

I have a lot of questions concerning expected UAT operation that have not been resolved with multiple calls to tech support to both Dallas Avionics and uAvionics. I've not gotten any new information from either source as to the proper setup of this NavWorx replacement configuration. So I have taken to testing with a trial and error attitude. NOT WHAT THE FAA LIKES as they just reported that it takes 1.5 man hours to properly generate a non-conformance report......

The uAvionics (or Dallas Avionics ) interface harness for NavWorx wiring includes Alt Encoder input (COMM-1 Rx) on Pin # 3 of the DB-9 to the uAvionic UAT. If this interface is properly setup (correct baud rate, etc) does the UAT accept this information over the TRANSPONDER MONITOR input program mode? If not, why has this input been included on the interface? This alt data input is not addressed anywhere in the uAvioniocs installation manual. What is its purpose and how is the UAT supposed to be configured? Anything other than TRANSPONDER MONITOR mode requires some other source (EFIS???) for the squawk code information to the UAT.

The manual does address an optional interface to the transponder REMOTE output (page 41 of the installation manual), but this data would come in on the DB-9 on pin #1 (of the NavWorx interface connection) which HAS NOT BEEN WIRED in the provided harness. Again, if this data was available (in the proper format and baud rate) and the UAT is programmed to TRANSPONDER MONITOR, would this serial input over ride the TRANSPONDER MONITOR information? Again, the installation manual does not address this. Under what setup configuration would this be used? If it is used, how is the Transponder Squawk code inputted to the UAT when the UAT is setup in the TRANSPONDER MONITOR mode? Anything other than TRANSPONDER MONITOR mode requires some other (EFIS??) source for the ALT information. How is this performed and what are the setup parameters ??????

Currently, This ADS-B solution ONLY provides display information to the EFIS. I do not see the significance of the UAT PORT 1 Rx input.

I'm planning on flying tomorrow (12-17-17) and will try and get an FAA test report. While flying, I'll monitor the UAT performance on the IPad to see if all the expected data is present (Squawk code, Baro Alt, GPS Alt & location, etc).. hopefully all works as advertised....

UPDATE: I did fly the plane today, with the IPad in the MONITOR mode on the Echo App. All information was displayed as advertised. Squawk code & baro alt information was present. The FAA ADS-B performance report Indicated a 2.11% error in Baro Alt and a 2.11% error rate on Mode 3A.

I'm wondering if these errors were due to where I was flying: between KBKV and KOCF at 3500' MSL. I'm going to redo the flight test nearer to KTPA inside the class B airspace later this week.
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I also found the serial ports section of the install manual less than clear. Hopefully we will see results similar to some of the positive reviews that I have read. At this point however with a nonfunctional android app, no windows program and questions about the serial ports it appears not ready for prime time. given the prior experience with navworx my trigger for return is low.
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Initial testing with the APP in the MONITOR mode indicated proper operation EXCEPT that there was no Squawk code shown. Pressing the Transponder IDENT button did not resolve this indication. I did not observe a reply indication on the transponder during the test

...... requires some other (EFIS??) source for the ALT information. How is this performed ....

1. In the hangar there?s no signal to ping the transponder. Pushing IDENT doesn?t change this.
2. The rules require you to use the same altitude source for adsb as the transponder uses.
If this interface is properly setup (correct baud rate, etc) does the UAT accept this information over the TRANSPONDER MONITOR input program mode? If not, why has this input been included on the interface? This alt data input is not addressed anywhere in the uAvioniocs installation manual.

I think this is a selection in the setup app under "control source".
Everything worked fine

I received my replacement package on Friday, and spent 4 hours on the install on Saturday. Most of that time was spent removing and modifying the mounting plate to accept the new mounting configuration. Later I took it up for 15 minutes or so and was able to get a passing performance report from the FAA website later that day.

Setup was through my android phone. It took several attempts before the unit actually accepted the correct Mode S code and tail number, and I had to wheel it out of the hangar before it picked up the transponder code.

All in all a fairly painless procedure, and my thanks to Dallas Avionics for facilitating this package.

Just a heads up. After I landed I requested a performance report and received one that said something like “no transmitter found”. Turns out you have to wait an hour or so after the flight before requesting the report.
A short time ago I received a new version of the Uavionics echo app which worked on mm android. I was able to configure the echouat. Still have not test flown yet or attempted to configure the GRT EFIS or 496 to display ads-b data.
I also ordered mine on November 3rd. I noticed Dallas Avionics charged by credit card today.

Received my EchoUAT ADS-B Transceiver and FYX GPS today via UPS!

I recieved my unit yesterday. Today, I mounted both boxes onto a .062 base that had the same mounting holes at the NavWorx unit. I installed right angle brakets for the GPS antenna adapter, and a DP-9 male connector. I then installed the wiring harness with MUCH shorter wires as the provided harness was much too messy with VERY long wires.

I was able to configure the UAT unit via the PING-XXX WiFi interface and the Uavionics App per the instruction manual (with an Ipad). Initial testing was done inside the hanger, but I was able to observe on the GRT Hx EFIS that the unit was receiving one ADS-B ground station (on our field) and did see local traffic on the EFIS.

Initial testing with the APP in the MONITOR mode indicated proper operation EXCEPT that there was no Squawk code shown. Pressing the Transponder IDENT button did not resolve this indication. I did not observe a reply indication on the transponder during the test...

I have a lot of questions concerning expected UAT operation that have not been resolved with multiple calls to tech support to both Dallas Avionics and uAvionics. I've not gotten any new information from either source as to the proper setup of this NavWorx replacement configuration. So I have taken to testing with a trial and error attitude. NOT WHAT THE FAA LIKES as they just reported that it takes 1.5 man hours to properly generate a non-conformance report......

The uAvionics (or Dallas Avionics ) interface harness for NavWorx wiring includes Alt Encoder input (COMM-1 Rx) on Pin # 3 of the DB-9 to the uAvionic UAT. If this interface is properly setup (correct baud rate, etc) does the UAT accept this information over the TRANSPONDER MONITOR input program mode? If not, why has this input been included on the interface? This alt data input is not addressed anywhere in the uAvioniocs installation manual. What is its purpose and how is the UAT supposed to be configured? Anything other than TRANSPONDER MONITOR mode requires some other source (EFIS???) for the squawk code information to the UAT.

The manual does address an optional interface to the transponder REMOTE output (page 41 of the installation manual), but this data would come in on the DB-9 on pin #1 (of the NavWorx interface connection) which HAS NOT BEEN WIRED in the provided harness. Again, if this data was available (in the proper format and baud rate) and the UAT is programmed to TRANSPONDER MONITOR, would this serial input over ride the TRANSPONDER MONITOR information? Again, the installation manual does not address this. Under what setup configuration would this be used? If it is used, how is the Transponder Squawk code inputted to the UAT when the UAT is setup in the TRANSPONDER MONITOR mode? Anything other than TRANSPONDER MONITOR mode requires some other (EFIS??) source for the ALT information. How is this performed and what are the setup parameters ??????

Currently, This ADS-B solution ONLY provides display information to the EFIS. I do not see the significance of the UAT PORT 1 Rx input.

I'm planning on flying tomorrow (12-17-17) and will try and get an FAA test report. While flying, I'll monitor the UAT performance on the IPad to see if all the expected data is present (Squawk code, Baro Alt, GPS Alt & location, etc).. hopefully all works as advertised....

UPDATE: I did fly the plane today, with the IPad in the MONITOR mode on the Echo App. All information was displayed as advertised. Squawk code & baro alt information was present. The FAA ADS-B performance report Indicated a 2.11% error in Baro Alt and a 2.11% error rate on Mode 3A.

I'm wondering if these errors were due to where I was flying: between KBKV and KOCF at 3500' MSL. I'm going to redo the flight test nearer to KTPA inside the class B airspace later this week.

I flew another performance test flight again today. This time for a longer period (55 min) and higher altitude (5.5K'). It still failed (Baro Alt .49% error & Mode 3A .58% error). Here's what I found out about the flight test performance testing methods.

I'm located at KBKV which is on the 30 mile ring of Tampa Class B airspace. This turns out to be a FRINGE area that produces errors during taxi and take off, and landing. ALL ERRORS DURING THE TEST DAY ARE ACCUMLATIVE IN THE TEST REPORT! I was told to NOT turn on the ADS-B until I landed at an airport under the Class B airspace, fly the flight test, land again at the same airport, then turn OFF the ADS-B and fly back to KBKV. This should result in a pass report.... Even with the CONTROL SOURCE set in the Transponder Monitor mode.....

All the testing so far has been done with the Installation Control Source set to TRANSPONDER MONITOR. Turns out, if you have a GNS330 transponder, the Squawk code and Alt Encoder information is available on the transponder output that is currently wired up to Pin #1 on the NavWorx DB-9 connector, WHICH CURRENTLY ISN'T USED BY THE UAT (because the provided harness wasn't wired properly). If your harness has the UAT COM1 RX wired to the DB-9 Pin #3, move that wire to Pin #1 IF YOU HAVE A GNS330 transponder. If you have a GNS327 transponder, THIS WILL NOT WORK as I'm told the 327 doesn't output all the needed data.

The UAT Setup will also need to be changed for GNS330 operation. The CONTROL SOURCE is now EFIS/PANEL (COM1), COM1 RATE is now 9600 baud, COM1 DATA is now 81N, COM1 PROTOCOL is now GPX. None of the other settings change from their original values....

I'm going to make these changes tonight, and fly again (To KCLW with the ADS-B OFF, fly the test, land at KCLW, turn OFF the ADS-B, then fly back to KBKV) and see what happens to the FAA performance report.

I'll report again tomorrow...
I flew today approx 100 nm at up to 9000 msl. Previously I had requested an ads-b performance report by email to:
[email protected]
It appears the faa now has an automated webpage for this request:

My report was all good (zero failures) except in 2 categories:
Baro Alt 100% failure
Mode 3A 100% failure

Assuming the altitude encoder not configured (or wired with the supplied harness?) correctly in the Echo app. Yes? I am using a GRT HX as altitude encoder.
Echo fix customer note

Note: just had a conversation today with an RV owner in PHX who opened his uAvionix box from Dallas Avionics. It contained a monopole antenna that he did not order but was missing the one page quick start guide. I scanned my quick start pages and sent them via email. I called Miguel at the Dallas office to let him know the customer would be calling in. I suggested that he swap the customer the monopole antenna for an adapter that he will need. His 600B box did not use SMA antenna connectors. Dallas is stocking the adapter needed to convert to SMA for those that equipped their experimental aircraft with the "certified" Navworx 600B unit. So, if anyone else is missing something, let either Miguel know at the home office, or me at this forum address, and we will make it right.
I just received a reply post from uavionics support. They stated that their wire harness supplied for NavWorx Customers converting to the echouat was wired incorrectly. it turns out that pin 3 on the DB9 connector needs to be moved to pin 1. they did offer to ship a corrected replacement harness.
further from uAvionix Dec. 19th


We?ve have a few contact us about this. If they were using the TransMonSPE or have the EchoUAT set to Transponder Monitor in the Configuration steps, then they are fine.

Ultimately, we have harnesses here ready to ship out if needed. I?ve spoken with about 4 guys so far and they?s simple elected to move the Ping 3 to Pin 1 on the DB-9. We?ll gladly ship a replacement harness with it corrected.

It?s been fairly isolated as most so far seem to be using the Echo?s internal Transponder Monitor. We?d be happy to provide you with some replacement harnesses or send us there info and we?ll ship a replacement to them.

Feel free to contact me at 214-909-1515 if you want to discuss this is detail?


Shane Woodson
uAvionix | Director of Sales
C: 214.909.1515 | E: [email protected]
Easy mod

I opened the DB9 connector on the harness shipped with uAvionix Echo-fix. It is a simple solder type connector. I moved the white wire to pin 1. Took about a minute...
If you are not comfortable soldering, you can request a new harness from uAvionix. Shane is at 214-909-1515
But, I suggest a soldering iron from Santa if you don't have one already !
Cheers, Nick

When I read your post a few posts back, I thought I was crazy and I must have posted that. Your story pretty much echos what I found. I did the physical install this weekend, made a plate to mount it all on that fit the same footprint as my ADS600B, and then flew it this week.

I encountered ALL of the same issues as you did.

First, I repeatedly emailed both companies well in advance to let them know that they were not including the right adapters for ADS600B users. We need MCX to TNC and SMA to TNC, and neither adapter was provided with my kit. I had to order them separately, and thankfully Amazon got them to me quickly. The sad part was, there were many weeks in advance that if someone would have listened to my emails, this could have been prevented.

Then, I *thought* that the feature list was pretty good. The UAT had most everything other than an Encoder input. My old system was wired to my GTX330 and 327 (2 planes, 2 systems) 9600 baud, was wired to a USB wifi adapter @ 115,200baud, was out to the EFIS at 38,400 baud. And of course my ADS600B had dedicated Encoder inputs at 9600 baud.

I wired my system up expecting to get everything but the encoder working simultaneously, but it didn't work that way. As it turns out, you can only set the baud rate in one spot for both TX and RX for each of the 2 ports. So, effectively, if I needed 115,200 in from the GPS, and I needed 38,400 out for the EFIS, that was all I could have connected and working. You can't ALSO have GTX input at 9600 baud, you can't have an encoder, and I'm still not sure that I can even output 115,200 TRAFFIC to another system. I submitted a ticket, but got no reply.

Then I flew the system and got 11.06% baro failure, and 4.68% Mode 3A failure. I read your post that maybe I should test it by flying with it turned off near the Class B area, then turn it on, fly, and turn it off before I head back home. But, now I'm a little worried. With a dedicated encoder input and a hardwired squawk update wire, you could pretty much count on always sending the info that makes the FAA happy. Without it, you rely on 1) your transponder functioning perfect, and 2) the UAT constantly and consistently hearing the transponder and 3) the UAT updating the info to match as appropriate. Sure, it should work, but what's the chance, based on this test flight, that it's going to happen at such a high consistent rate that we never have issues. NavWorX got in trouble by cutting corners on the GPS module, which, had we received upgraded modules, wouldn't have been a problem. But now we see where they are. What happens if some day the FAA decides that these systems aren't producing the 100% accuracy with enough consistently. Will we be required to pull these out too? It's too early for me to sweat it to badly, but I would like to get my support ticket answered so I at least know how close I am to meeting my goals. If the baud rate for TX and RX could be independently set for each port, I could fix at least some of these problems.

The other question I asked was, since the system is delivered with a pre-set SSID and no wifi security, is that user-changeable? If not, then someone with a smart phone could walk around OSH reconfiguring everyone's ADS-B system when they power up to taxi. I'd like to be able to define my own SSID and secure it if possible.

Oh, and I, like you Fred, found that the premade harness was very very excessively long. I was able to buy additional connectors and pins from Digikey and just make my own DB37 to Molex harness. I'm not super thrilled with molex as a connector...one of my pins didn't like to stay clipped in very well at first. But, technically, we're flying behind systems made for a UAV, not made for actual metal airplanes, and at the price point we're looking I guess that's to be expected.

On the very up-side, it's extremely nice to have dual frequency traffic on the box. And, I did see traffic easily from 50 miles away.

One more down side though. The ADS600B was set to filter and display only the nearest traffic up to whatever count you set, and also only traffic within +/- 8000' of your altitude. This kept unnecessary clutter off your EFIS. I noticed day one with the Echo that the first airplane I was was +361' (FL 37000~ since I'm at 900'). I sure hope they add some options to the config interface that allow us to set bounds on what traffic is displayed. It's hard enough some days when flying on days like during the eclipse to pick out the planes near you....I don't need to be distracted by airline traffic at the same time.

I'll see how my support ticket goes. I have a 2nd unit arriving for the other plane, but won't start that install until I see how this all shakes out and get a good handful of flights out of it.
I flew another performance test flight again today. This time for a longer period (55 min) and higher altitude (5.5K'). It still failed (Baro Alt .49% error & Mode 3A .58% error). Here's what I found out about the flight test performance testing methods.

I'm located at KBKV which is on the 30 mile ring of Tampa Class B airspace. This turns out to be a FRINGE area that produces errors during taxi and take off, and landing. ALL ERRORS DURING THE TEST DAY ARE ACCUMLATIVE IN THE TEST REPORT! I was told to NOT turn on the ADS-B until I landed at an airport under the Class B airspace, fly the flight test, land again at the same airport, then turn OFF the ADS-B and fly back to KBKV. This should result in a pass report.... Even with the CONTROL SOURCE set in the Transponder Monitor mode.....

All the testing so far has been done with the Installation Control Source set to TRANSPONDER MONITOR. Turns out, if you have a GNS330 transponder, the Squawk code and Alt Encoder information is available on the transponder output that is currently wired up to Pin #1 on the NavWorx DB-9 connector, WHICH CURRENTLY ISN'T USED BY THE UAT (because the provided harness wasn't wired properly). If your harness has the UAT COM1 RX wired to the DB-9 Pin #3, move that wire to Pin #1 IF YOU HAVE A GNS330 transponder. If you have a GNS327 transponder, THIS WILL NOT WORK as I'm told the 327 doesn't output all the needed data.

The UAT Setup will also need to be changed for GNS330 operation. The CONTROL SOURCE is now EFIS/PANEL (COM1), COM1 RATE is now 9600 baud, COM1 DATA is now 81N, COM1 PROTOCOL is now GPX. None of the other settings change from their original values....

I'm going to make these changes tonight, and fly again (To KCLW with the ADS-B OFF, fly the test, land at KCLW, turn OFF the ADS-B, then fly back to KBKV) and see what happens to the FAA performance report.

I'll report again tomorrow...

I flew another test flight out of KBKV (RADAR Fringe area) two days ago. The performance report still came back with BARO ALT errors. So today I flew to KCLW (nearer Tampa) with the ADS-B OFF. While on the ground I turned the ADS-B ON, verified it was working properly on the IPad, then took off and circled VFR around the 10-11 mile ring of Tampa at 1100' (the base of the Class B is 1200, and the cloud bases were at 1200!). Slowed down (looking out for towers!) it took almost :30 to get back to KCLW. After landing there, I shut OFF the ADS-B and then returned to KBKV.

The performance report came back 100% OK....

Here's how I physically set my unit up to make it look more like the EXP box it was replacing...
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