
Active Member
Well, powered up the ADS-B for the first time tonight. No smoke!

For those of you who have set up the NavWorx with GRT what did you set your S7 Out to? I've set S7 in on all units to ADSB but I can't figure out what to set the S7 Out ... there is no ADSB setting on the OUT side!

Also .. when you use the traffic simulator on the NavWorx do you see the traffic on your GRTs? I do see the traffic on my ARINC link to the 430.

I've set all for 115k and the units say TRAFFIC .. but I don't see the simulated traffic on screen.


The last I knew, the GRT does not communicate out to the Navworx. Since it's not active, you can set it to OFF.

Don't know about simulated traffic.