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Press Release
For Immediate Release
Date: November 22, 2016
Contact: Lynn Lunsford
Phone: (817) 222-4455
Email: [email protected]
You are subscribed to News updates for the Federal Aviation Administration. A new Press Release is now available. We've included a copy of the release in this email.
FORT WORTH, Texas ? The U.S. Department of Transportation?s Federal Aviation Administration today issued an emergency order suspending the authorization NavWorx Inc. uses to manufacture certain Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) navigation units. Such units, when properly manufactured and operated, help to improve the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations.

The authorization, known as a Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA), enables suppliers to produce components for use on aircraft after proving that each component meets FAA standards. Federal regulations set forth FAA?s authority to inspect suppliers? quality systems, facilities, technical data, and products to determine whether they meet safety standards. These regulations also provide that FAA may witness any tests necessary to determine a product?s compliance.

The suspension order was issued after NavWorx declined on repeated occasions to allow FAA personnel to conduct the required inspections. The suspension is immediate and will remain in effect until NavWorx consents to the inspections and demonstrates compliance with FAA standards.

The FAA is concerned that two versions of the company?s ADS600-B units, carrying part numbers 200-0012 and 200-0013, may contain an internal Global Positioning System (GPS) chip that does not meet the FAA?s minimum performance standards for transmitting an aircraft?s accurate location.

On June 29, the FAA requested to inspect NavWorx?s facility to determine the specific GPS unit and software installed in part numbers 200-0012 and 200-0013, and if the units are marked correctly. NavWorx informed the inspector that he would not be allowed inside the company?s facility. During subsequent correspondence, NavWorx agreed to allow an Aug. 31 inspection but then denied access when FAA inspectors arrived.

NavWorx later agreed to allow inspectors into the facility on Nov. 21 but they were again denied access.

Due to the company?s unwillingness to comply with these requirements, the FAA has determined that NavWorx?s continued use of its FAA authorization is contrary to the interests of safety in air commerce. During the suspension, NavWorx may not mark or otherwise indicate that its ADS600-B units meet FAA standards.

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The FAA is concerned that two versions of the company?s ADS600-B units, carrying part numbers 200-0012 and 200-0013, may contain an internal Global Positioning System (GPS) chip that does not meet the FAA?s minimum performance standards for transmitting an aircraft?s accurate location.

So, this looks like the problem is the internal GPS chip.

If the unit is hooked up to an approved external GPS source (GTN 650 for example), it it then compliant?
Just a tip to those who play in the TSO space:
When the FAA knocks, you open the door.

So, this looks like the problem is the internal GPS chip.

If the unit is hooked up to an approved external GPS source (GTN 650 for example), it it then compliant?

If you asked me yesterday, I would have said yes. I actually started running new wiring from my 650 just for this.

However, the suspension implies that the door may be shut until the FAA and Navworx settle their differences. There seems to be extreme lack of transparency on both sides at the moment.
What's interesting at this point is that the FAA could publish a news release immediately, but the actual order is nowhere to be found on their web site. Now it looks like a PR battle. Little ol NavWorx probably won't be able to compete with big brother. Bob
Something smells fishy!

My big question would be WHY the inspection refusals?
Does NavWorx have something to hide?
My big question would be WHY the inspection refusals?
Does NavWorx have something to hide?

I bet the paperwork stating which version chip and software vs. serial number/part number that was factory installed is not quite up to snuff...:)

Or worse still, there is no paperwork. :eek:
Last sentence of the PR: "During the suspension, NavWorx may not mark or otherwise indicate that its ADS600-B units meet FAA standards."

If the ADS600-EXP unit isn't marked with a statement that it meets FAA standards, it wouldn't be the subject of the suspension, I guess....
Ya think it will be ANY different? Still wondering why the ADS600-EXP is NOT mentioned.

What was suspended was NavWorx's authorization to manufacture and sell equipment bearing a TSO approval.
The EXP is not TSO approved.
So here we go: if the FAA decides they don't like the EXP units, they will issue an order to Owner/Operators (that's us) forbidding their use.
FAA vs Navworx


I'm really puzzled about this. I'm a navworx 600 EXP customer and have been happy with the product as it meets all my expectations, (at least the last time I flew it did). I can't understand Navworx refusal to allow FAA inspectors in??? I have been a loyal navworx supporter but now I'm a little suspicious... not sure about what but a little suspicious none the less! What is navworx thinking? Weather they agree with whatever the FAA is saying and doing, doesn't matter. Right or wrong the FAA WILL have the last word. It's kinda looking like the election, a really big pis...ing contest and navworx will lose!

I like Navworx, a company with a great product and many many times cheaper than the competition! I hope they can get it together.
I guess I am glad I haven't bought one of these units yet. It's unclear whether this currently affects the EXP version. However, their approach to managing their relationship with the FAA is clearly lacking in several areas. They have clearly ticked off the regulatory body that must bless their products and this creates a real problem for them. The experimental stuff still must meet the performance standards, even if not TSO'ed. We all know who gets to pass final judgement on whether or not their products meet the performance standard.

I think I'll sit on the sideline a bit longer and hope another low cost option emerges.

Very Alarming

Since I have paid for the EXP unit & they have only shipped the wiring & blade UAT antenna; I sure hope they figure this out pretty soon!! NavWorx is the only affordable ADSB In/Out system currently on the market for those of us not having expensive EFIS. And not wanting to tear up a perfectly good panel to install one.
Currently using a Bendix/King KT76A Mode C transponder.
I considered the Trig TT31 Transponder and TN70 encoder; although no ADSB/In; and pushing $4,000.
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On the subject of "how do they know" I believe the make and model of transceiver was selected on the compliance report that was requested on initial installation, otherwise I don't think there is any transmitted info sent in the packet for tx model or make. So about all they can do is require removal. Fairly standard for Non TSO equipment. BUT I'm waiting on them to make me. If they are actually serious about GA safety they will allow until Jan 1, 2020.
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Willing to Wait and See

I was an early adapter to the NavWorx ADS-B. I consider the NavWorx ADS-B to be my best piece of equipment in my aircraft purely based on my sense of increased situation awareness and safety. In all of my dealings with NavWorx, Bill has done me right and has gone out of his way (at Oshkosh this year) to help me. Since my purchase, there have been several FAA changes in the Tech Orders resulting in my box needing to be upgraded. Each time, Bill fixed the problems and provided the upgrades rapidly and at no charge. I consider NavWorx to be a good Company trying to provide a good product to aircraft owners. It is unfortunate that the Company is facing challenges from the FAA. Like everybody else, I am hopeful that all can be worked out without seriously affecting NavWorx's numerous Customers. But I am not ready to speculate the details of the NavWorx vs the FAA conflict. There just isn't enough out there to explain what is really going on between the two Parties. I prefer to take a patient wait and see attitude with expectations, that in any case, NavWorx will do right by its Customers. I encourage you to file your comments with the FAA regarding the AD.