
Anyone else having trouble getting their NavWorx 600B-exp delivery? I ordered mine in the first week of August, scheduled delivery Sept 9th. Then they said they had trouble with their circuit board supplier, and it would be at the end of September. Now they are saying 2nd week in October.

Either they are doing a roaring business and having trouble keeping up with orders, or they are in a little trouble. Any information out there?

But they took my money immediately.
I've seen "stuff" in the last few days, that they are presently fighting the FAA. Seems the feds are saying their units aren't 2020 compliant. Something to do with 600-2012 and 2013, but I forget exactly what.
I ordered an ADS600-EXP at Oshkosh for my RV3 and got it two weeks ago. At the same time at OSH I ordered a certified ADS600-B unit for my Part 23 factory made aircraft. As of last week it has not arrived.

Both units meet the 2020 mandate no problem. What the issue is that the FAA $500 Rebate Team is saying that the certified B model's internal WAAS GPS receiver is not TSO'd and therefore not eligible for the rebate. That's it. The FAA says you can still install it in a type certificated aircraft. You just won't get a rebate.

This is not an issue for the EXP model as it was never eligible for the rebate to begin with.

Owners of certified aircraft who ordered the ADS600-B unit under the impression that they would get a $500 FAA rebate are ticked off at NavWorx who advertised it as such. I understand NavWorx is negotiating with the FAA. Hope they get it done and wish them all the luck in the world.

Personally I canceled my second order, the ADS600-B, after applying for a rebate and getting an email from the FAA rebate team with the ineligible for rebate news. NavWorx hadn't shipped it yet. I had to move on to something else certified since my rebate clock was ticking.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy another experimental ADS600-EXP unit from NavWorx. But what's up with the FAA? Once again bureaucracy trumps logic with regard to safety vs obsolete TSO certification for light aircraft. For an agency who says that they are promoting safety above all else and encouraging equippage of ADS-B they speak with forked tongue.

Navworx is worth the wait

I have the navworx 600 exp in my 7A and if I had 10 experimental airplanes, I'd put the same in all of them. I bought mine at sun n fun in April. It came in the mail about 6 weeks later. Installed in just a few hours and presto, I had full traffic and weather. Works flawlessly. I was told at SNF when I ordered they do have supplier issues from time to time and they are quite busy as well. Couple the two and long waits can occur. The $500 FAA rebate????? They can just keep that. I suspect that paying for a certified box just to get the rebate might cost you that 500 plus more. The navworx people are providing a 2020 solution for VERY reasonable prices IMHO.... Look at some of the others.... many thousands more.
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I think that since the NavWorx unit is so much less expensive than all other stand-alone units that they are having a hard time keeping up with demand. I've installed over a dozen NavWorx units of both models and all of them get a clean report from the FAA.
iOS app for iOS 10

Hi Folks,

I have no info on orders and availability but I DO know that Apple's latest iOS 10 broke my app. I am currently waiting for my repaired test box so I can fix the issue and release a free update to the configuration app..

I hope to have it fixed by early next week.
Thanks for all the encouragement. I have been speaking with the Navworx people every couple of weeks, and the latest is that they are hoping for boards from their supplier on Oct 19th. I suggested to them that if their supplier is this seriously later than promised, they should change supplier.

I made up a wooden mockup and spotted the mounting holes exactly, so when I had my dashboard apart to install iFly I also drilled the Navworx mounting holes. When the real unit comes MAYBE I will not have to take the dash apart again.
I was told that their circuit board supplier was late in their deliveries as well, and it has taken longer than originally planned. I received a message a couple days ago that the ADS transceiver box would ship this week. I received the other components I ordered a couple weeks ago, so was able to complete most of the installation ahead of time. While it's true that the EXP is not eligible for the FAA rebate, it costs $600 less than the certified unit, so what's not to like?
Faa $500 rebate is a joke

If you look at the details of the rebate you have to declare it as income. Lets say you fall in the 23% tax bracket you are going to be taxed $115 bucks. so you only see a $385 savings. Still a savings but not $500 as they led you to believe.