Scott Hersha

Well Known Member
This is a question for VAF'ers that have some experience with the NavWorx ADS-B box and can offer help or suggestions with setup. I have a new NavWorx ADS600 EXP installed in my RV4 and it works, sort of, I think..... The UAT light goes out and I can see some traffic on my iPad and GRT Sport EFIS most of the time, but I've had trouble with updating and configuring the unit using my iPad app.

The update tool doesn't work. I've tried several times on this iPad and on my iPhone. The program keeps stopping and posts a dialog box that says the wifi signal is lost..... "No problem, just turn the unit of and restart it" it says. The wifi signal isn't lost - it still shows NavWorx active on my iPad, iPhone, and Nexus 7 (Android) at all times. After doing this maybe 25 times, I figured I could just click 'OK' and it would continue updating without shutting it off for the umpteenth time, so I left it on and went flying. It kept updating for about 30-40 seconds at a time before stopping and giving me that dialog box, which I would just click OK and it would continue. I finally got to about PASS 14 when it froze up and I couldn't exit the program. This was at least 30 - 40 minutes into the update - I was in flight by then and had to shut down the avionics bus to turn off the NavWorx unit, after which it still wouldn't continue or restart the update. It showed all red X's on the status page. On earlier flights it showed some green status indications on the iPad app, but Flight Status, Transponder Code, and Secondary Altitude always shows red. Doesn't work at all with Android apparently. I have WingX Pro running on these devices.

The settings page doesn't work either. When I enter Aircraft details, GPS antenna position, Anonymous Mode, the entries I make erase immediately and go back to 0.0. There are no instructions for the iPad app, so if it's not intuitive, something is missing. The configuration manual must not apply to the iPad app because nothing in that manual looks like what you see on the app. Unfortunately, I don't even know anyone that has a PC type laptop that would allow me to use the other configuration tool. My NavWorx unit is mounted behind the instrument panel in my RV4 using the NavWorx wiring harness, two NavWorx supplied antennas with the supplied cables. It's trying to communicate with my GRT Sport and a brand new Garmin GTX 327 transponder - and it has communicated partially. The UAT light goes out, and I can see traffic, sometimes, but I still see at least three red X's on the status page all the times.

So what's up with this thing and why won't it update? I've sent this message and a data report to NavWorx, but they're pretty busy, so I thought I would try here for an answer. I've always gotten good input on the forum.

Navworx Configuration

I have the Navworx-EXP unit installed in my RV-8 and it works without any problems. Mine was configured using a PC and if you would like to try to set up yours with my PC just let me know. I am located in the Dayton area so hooking up with you shouldn't be a problem. BTW the weather is really nice for most of this week.
Val Kozak
937 689 8249
iOS 10

Hi Folks,

I'm in touch with Scott to help him. I'm also working with Bill to try and resolve the iOS problem. If I can't get Scott's iPad to lock on with iOS 10 I will ask him to get in touch with a pc laptop owner.

Apples code is insisting on trying to resolve the navworx IP address with a DNS server that does not exist. Instead of just using the raw IP, apples sockets layer freaks out and won't let us send packets. This will be Greek to most of you, but there is the problem in a nutshell. This changed internally in iOS 10.

I have the Navworx-EXP unit installed in my RV-8 and it works without any problems. Mine was configured using a PC and if you would like to try to set up yours with my PC just let me know. I am located in the Dayton area so hooking up with you shouldn't be a problem. BTW the weather is really nice for most of this week.

Hi Val! Haven't heard from you for a while. Thanks for the offer. I may be contacting you for help in the next few days if I can't find a PC owner here at HAO. I think that may be the issue. Apple can be difficult at times when you try to mix operating systems or applications....... guess they're a little prejudice. The people at NavWorx have been very helpful and I'm confident I'll figure this out soon. I'll get ahold of you if I get frustrated and need an expert. Are you still at that cool airport just north of Wright Pat? Thanks.