Well Known Member
I have been dealing with some significant medical issues past several months. Not up to speed on ADSB issues.
Question: does NAVWORX problem extend to the certified model ( which I have) I believe it is a 660 B or some such.

CLAIRIFICATION: I own a NAVWORX certified system.
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I have been dealing with some significant medical issues past several months. Not up to speed on ADSB issues.
Question: does NAVWORX problem extend to the certified model ( which I have) I believe it is a 660 B or some such.

The original certified Navworx unit is not within the scope of the AD.
I have been dealing with some significant medical issues past several months. Not up to speed on ADSB issues.
Question: does NAVWORX problem extend to the certified model ( which I have) I believe it is a 660 B or some such.

CLAIRIFICATION: I own a NAVWORX certified system.

Make sure it is a -0112 or -0113 unit...the AD calls out the -0012 and -0013 versions.
Bob and Ralph are correct. I also own the certified version and it is not subject to the AD per the part number delineation above.

At the time of purchase, the model number was advertised as the ADS600-BG
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