
I was one of their customers who paid for a unit but never received it, ~$1800 in the hole.... Anyone in the same situation able to get a refund? I am from Michigan so small claims court not a good option..... Anyone know of a class action suit?....


If they filed BK then they are protected against legal action. Your only option is to file a claim with the court so if there are any funds to distribute, you will be in line (probably a long line) for some refund.


I was one of their customers who paid for a unit but never received it, ~$1800 in the hole.... Anyone in the same situation able to get a refund? I am from Michigan so small claims court not a good option..... Anyone know of a class action suit?....


If you paid for the deposit with a credit card, typically credit cards companies will reimburse you for goods you never received. This worked for me years ago when I stupidly put a deposit on alternative engine package (at Oshkosh) only to have the company implode. They refunded all the money.
Good luck.
Cleaned my hangar up this week and wondered what to do with my old 600EXP? Toss it? Is it worth anything?
Tim Andres

Edit, sorry you got burned, I guess a lot of us did, at least I got some use from it.
Cleaned my hangar up this week and wondered what to do with my old 600EXP? Toss it? Is it worth anything?
Tim Andres

Edit, sorry you got burned, I guess a lot of us did, at least I got some use from it.

I'm continuing to use mine for ADS-B IN using the AMOC, until I finally decide on an OUT solution. I guess I've got another year to commit.

I was one of the early adopters & not too keen on jumping in again. Technology is still evolving & may come up with a better solution.
I'm in health care and can't pretend to understand the tech issues in ADSB and what navworx faced. I had the 600 EXP which is sitting in a closet in my hanger, (replaced by the uavionix). I did get almost two years of used from it before I had to remove it. Money down the drain.... not as much as folks that paid and never even received one. I'm looking at it like this... if that now defunct navworx box saved me even once from a close call/midair then it was $1500 well spent! I have to say I loved the navworx unit. It was a neat/clean/easy install and worked beautifully! Never once failing to feed my screens steady and reliable information. I can imagine the navworx people were extremely frustrated when the FAA made changes that made navworx adsb boxes illegal without them having to I'm guessing spend large amounts of $$$ to bring their boxes up to speed again. After uavionix comes up with a fix for the disappearing targets then I'll be just as happy with them.
If they filed BK then they are protected against legal action. Your only option is to file a claim with the court so if there are any funds to distribute, you will be in line (probably a long line) for some refund.

What he said. BK proceedings automatically halt all other actions to collect, of any type (it's called the "automatic stay"). At this point, you can file a claim with the BK court and get a pro-rata share based on your claim amount and claim priority (some debts are senior to others, so they'll get paid first; hint, yours isn't one of the senior ones).

I cut my teeth as a legal intern working for a BK lawyer, so I've seen a bit of this.
This whole thing is really a shame. There is absolutely elegant design in the Navworx products. BH
That bit will probably survive and be bought up as an asset by ... somebody (likely a competitor), if they see the value in it. That's part of the BK process: identifying assets (including intellectual property) and liquidating them to provide cash to pay creditors. If the IP is that good, expect somebody to buy it up for integration into their own products.
That bit will probably survive and be bought up as an asset by ... somebody (likely a competitor), if they see the value in it. If the IP is that good, expect somebody to buy it up for integration into their own products.

I got one ( 600EXP, GPS antenna and all) in the cabinet at the hanger if "they" would like to buy. Worked great for 2 years never a blink. give me a call. :)
Two evenings ago I was up for a quicky oil stirring flight. I heard a cessna call out his position. I found him on the display and after several seconds he disappeared. Frustrating!