That's great!


Thank you for your hard work on this! It is likely to be a game changer for a lot of people.

I see that the GTN 650 AMOC is for the ADS600B. Does that apply to the -EXP model, as well?

I have already ordered the $299 solution for my -EXP but have a 650 and would likely have gone this route had I known that it would have been available.

Thanks, again.
The EXP has no input for an external position source. The only real option for the -EXP is there add-on box.

Thank you for your hard work on this! It is likely to be a game changer for a lot of people.

I see that the GTN 650 AMOC is for the ADS600B. Does that apply to the -EXP model, as well?

I have already ordered the $299 solution for my -EXP but have a 650 and would likely have gone this route had I known that it would have been available.

Thanks, again.

Jesse stated the issue with the exp. there isn't any way to use an external gps.
thank you for the effort with the faa. if you could post the letter notifying your local faa district, would appreciate
thank you for the effort with the faa. if you could post the letter notifying your local faa district, would appreciate

So far Ralph is the only one that has gone that far in the process. I'll probably get around to it next week sometime.

However, I highly recommend giving your FSDO a call and asking the principal inspector their requirements. As we know with EAB certifications, standards vary greatly from one FSDO to another. I wish it wasn't true, but that's the reality we have to work with.
FSDO Letter

I second Bob's to your local FSDO first

I will post my redacted letter after it is successful!
I still need to take a picture of my placard next to the console port connector.
As Bob said, my letter is for my FSDO (PHL) - if that is yours as well, great...
If your (non-PHL) FSDO wants a letter - make sure my template has what they need!
Thanks Ralph and Bob. We really appreciate your work.

I am connecting a 430W to a -013.

I called my FSDO this morning and all they need is a letter notifying them of what I am going to do, and a log book entry saying what I did. Very easy. The FSDO really emphasized that I didn't need their approval, only that they be notified. The FSDO also confirmed that there was no need to send anything to OKC (a 337 or whatever). I sent the letter off this morning. Here's a link to the letter sent to the FSDO, the envelope, and my logbook entry.
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430W to a -013 - been there and done that.
Questions, let me know.

Meanwhile what do you have for a transponder / Control Head / Display?

I'm using a SL-70 for transponder / control head and a MX-20 for display of weather/traffic - along with the traffic in the 430W.
430W to a -013 - been there and done that.
Questions, let me know.

Meanwhile what do you have for a transponder / Control Head / Display?

I'm using a SL-70 for transponder / control head and a MX-20 for display of weather/traffic - along with the traffic in the 430W.

Ralph, I'm using a GTX327 to send CONTROL (squawk) to the ADS600-B via RS232, and I'm using an ACK 30.9 Encoder to send BARO ALT to the ADS600-B via RS232. Works like a champ.

Display is 430W via ARINC 429, and tablet/phone via WIFI and/or Bluetooth. V5 has a pseudo heading output and this will enhance the 430s display a lot, since it will now show heading on the traffic targets.
327 to ADS 600 PIN numbers

John, I'm wiring my 327 to the ADS 600B directly for mode 3a info. Could you post the pin numbers on both units to connect?

John, I'm wiring my 327 to the ADS 600B directly for mode 3a info. Could you post the pin numbers on both units to connect?



Do you have the install manual? It's well documented on what pins to use.

Bill has taken the documentation off the web site. I can send you the file if needed.

I don't mean to be a jerk, but I'd rather teach somebody to fish, than hand them one directly. If you don't understand the schematic, then please ask a question.

Unfortunately, depending on which serial number you have, the pins on the db-37 are different. If my memory is correct, it was around s/n# 850.

It's pretty straight forward. It's three wires. One pair for the serial connection and a single wire to eliminate yourself as a "ghost".

Sent my FSDO notification

After installing and photographing the placard required by the AMOC for my installation, I have sent my notification package to the PHL FSDO.

I will post an update when I receive the acknowledgement of the notification.
How to connect to the Navworx 200-12 box

Hi guys,

When I sent my Navworx 600-B back for a factory upgrade 2 years ago, they sent me a 200-12 box in return. The old box had a 9 pin serial port that I could connect to use the console configuration program. The new -12 box does not have this port. How does one connect to the box to update the software?


Jim Faber
Hi guys,

When I sent my Navworx 600-B back for a factory upgrade 2 years ago, they sent me a 200-12 box in return. The old box had a 9 pin serial port that I could connect to use the console configuration program. The new -12 box does not have this port. How does one connect to the box to update the software?


Jim Faber

The new units, which haven't shipped yet, use a direct USB port. You don't need to use an USB to serial converter anymore.
Hi guys,

When I sent my Navworx 600-B back for a factory upgrade 2 years ago, they sent me a 200-12 box in return. The old box had a 9 pin serial port that I could connect to use the console configuration program. The new -12 box does not have this port. How does one connect to the box to update the software?


Jim Faber

You'll need to remotely mount a DB9 connector and run wires to it from the large Navworx connector. Here's how mine is wired.
I receied my AMOC use notification acknowledgement

In my email this morning was the acknowledgement of my notification to the PHL FSDO.

I sent multiple items in with a pdf copy of my signed notification letter...:
The AD in pdf form
The AMOC in pdf form.
A picture of the required placard (installed net to the console db9 cable port).

The text of the letter was in the e-mail and with my redactions is copied below:
FAA Flight Standards District Office
Philadelphia, PA

Dear Sir or Madam,

The FAA issued an Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2017-11-11, Docket Number FAA-2016-9226 for NavWorx ADS600-B part numbers 200-0012 and 200-0013. The AD requires removal, disabling, or coupling the device to an approved external GPS source ? namely the NexNav Mini GPS receiver, P/N 21000. A copy of the AD is attached for your review.

I have recently had a Global Alternate Method of Compliance (AMOC) proposal approved by the Fort Worth ACO Branch, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service; signed by Jim Grigg. A copy of this AMOC is attached for your review.

I would like to use this AMOC on my Experimental - Amateur Built (E-AB) RV6A Serial number (inserted serial number here) that I built. The aircraft is registered as an (enter aircraft type) (insert N-number) and is based in (city State) (insert Airport identifier).

One of the conditions of the AMOC listed above requires that the ADS600B be placarded to show the prohibition of utilization of the internal GPS source and approving the use of a (insert approved position source in use - should be one of the types listed in the specific AMOC you are using) as an external position source. I have taken a photograph of that placard installed in my aircraft and attached it for your review.

Another of the conditions of the AMOC listed above was to notify the local FSDO. This letter is intended to serve as that notice.

Respectfully submitted,

First name Last name
N-number (serial number) owner/builder

Hope this helps! As a reminder this was for the PHL FSDO - your FSDO may vary.

John - Have you gotten your WiFi Adapter to broadcast FIS-B and TIS-B?

I am using WingXPro and for some reason it doesn't seem to be communicating correctly. I appear to be getting some weather data but no traffic...can't really make sense of the "Connectivity" screen in WingXPro.

WIFI adapter connected to DISPLAY 1 TX
MX-20 connected to RX422 TX/RX and works fine with weather and traffic

Thx for posting your wiring diagram..I should have thought about wiring the Display1 thru a DPDT switch like you did. That way I could select my EFIS as a display output as well!




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Brian, the WIFI (and Bluetooth) adapter broadcast FIS-B and TIS-B just fine, as long as they are connected to Display 1. When I first wired the ADS600-B I had the Bluetooth adapter wired to Display 1 and the WIFI adapter wired to Display 2. I had a **** of a time trying to understand why Display 2 didn't output TIS-B, and phoned Bill, who insisted I must have WingX misconfigured. He was adamant that "Display 2 absolutely was broadcasting TIS-B if it said it was on the status screen". After a lot of rewiring, swapping Bluetooth to Display 2 and WIFI to Display 1, trying multiple iPad and Android devices, I was comfortable in knowing that the Display 2 routine had a software bug. Bill conceded as much a short time later and it has supposedly been fixed and will show up in the next firmware release.

In the mean time, I had two devices and thought I'd go ahead and put the switch in so I could at least select Bluetooth or WIFI, whichever suited me best at any given time. I do like bluetooth better, because my tablet auto connects to wifi in my hangar, and for me to connect to the ADS600-B, I must manually disconnect from the hangar WIFI and connect to the ADS600-B. This also happens every time I walk out to the plane if it is next to an FBO with an open WIFI.

Bluetooth and WIFI both worked perfectly with WingX on my iPAD AIR and on various Android tablets with various software, including WingX. I no longer have an iOS device, but I went out to the plane a few days ago and verified that WingX on the Android does work perfectly and shows traffic when the Navworx console software is simulating traffic.

I can't figure out how to attach a document to this message but Bill sent me some instructions back when he thought I was configuring WingX Pro incorrectly. I have posted it here for your review. Hope it helps and good luck!

John - Have you gotten your WiFi Adapter to broadcast FIS-B and TIS-B?

I am using WingXPro and for some reason it doesn't seem to be communicating correctly. I appear to be getting some weather data but no traffic...can't really make sense of the "Connectivity" screen in WingXPro.

WIFI adapter connected to DISPLAY 1 TX
MX-20 connected to RX422 TX/RX and works fine with weather and traffic

Thx for posting your wiring diagram..I should have thought about wiring the Display1 thru a DPDT switch like you did. That way I could select my EFIS as a display output as well!

We've received update AMOCs from the FAA this morning.

I received an update one that now includes the Garmin 625, 635, 650, 725, and 740.

Phil's was updated to add the 200-0012, which was omitted on the original AMOC for the Garmin 480. This would allow support for RS-232 connections in addition to ARINC.

I haven't spoken with Ralph yet this morning, but I suspect that he received approvals for the 4xx/5xx family as well.

Please give AOPA a couple days to get these posted to their web site.

If you have any questions, please send email and not a PM.



I noticed in your FAA letter you said that you have installed V5 firmware to your 200-013 Navworx 600B. I have looked everywere on the Navworx website and cannot find the download for the Version 5 UAT Console. Can you send me a link to where you got yours?


Jim Faber

I noticed in your FAA letter you said that you have installed V5 firmware to your 200-013 Navworx 600B. I have looked everywere on the Navworx website and cannot find the download for the Version 5 UAT Console. Can you send me a link to where you got yours?


Jim Faber

The three published Global AMOCs by Ralph, Phil, and myself that are being distributed by AOPA were written to include 5.0 when it's released. Navworx hasn't released it publicly yet to my knowledge.

I have asked Bill for a copy to test, since my AMOC specifically includes future versions of the software. For whatever reasons, Bill has not responded to my requests. I'm anxious to get a copy since it fixes the Display Port 2 issue, or at least that is what I've been previously told by Bill.


I noticed in your FAA letter you said that you have installed V5 firmware to your 200-013 Navworx 600B. I have looked everywere on the Navworx website and cannot find the download for the Version 5 UAT Console. Can you send me a link to where you got yours?


Jim Faber

Good catch Jim and I wish I could send you a link. The FAA letter doesn't say I installed V5, but the logbook entry, which I also included as an FYI, does. When I saw that V5 wasn't required by the AMOC, I changed the logbook entry, dropping the V5 reference, since it wasn't available and the AMOC would legalize me in perpetuity without ever having to update the firmware, if that is what it comes down to.

As far as V5, I check at least 5 web forums, Dallas Avionics, and Navworx web and Facebook sites almost daily, looking for V5. And every day, every week, and every month, I continue to be disappointed, especially when new Johnny-come-lately products come to market with FAA approval in what appears to be less overall project time than Navworx has had since their AD mess started. This whole affair has been painful simply because of endless, needless waiting with false expectations, poor explanations and even poorer communications.

I really love the ADS600-B and cannot think of a better product for my needs, but next to the AOL Time Warner merger, I can't think of a better example of how to destroy a business.
I have asked Bill for a copy to test, since my AMOC specifically includes future versions of the software. For whatever reasons, Bill has not responded to my requests.

I'd imagine he's a bit gun-shy Bob, releasing a product into the wild that hasn't been FAA blessed. It might help to offer to sign an NDA or whatever he feels comfortable with.
Just in from Dallas Avionics/ Navworx

Good catch Jim and I wish I could send you a link. The FAA letter doesn't say I installed V5, but the logbook entry, which I also included as an FYI, does. When I saw that V5 wasn't required by the AMOC, I changed the logbook entry, dropping the V5 reference, since it wasn't available and the AMOC would legalize me in perpetuity without ever having to update the firmware, if that is what it comes down to.

As far as V5, I check at least 5 web forums, Dallas Avionics, and Navworx web and Facebook sites almost daily, looking for V5. And every day, every week, and every month, I continue to be disappointed, especially when new Johnny-come-lately products come to market with FAA approval in what appears to be less overall project time than Navworx has had since their AD mess started. This whole affair has been painful simply because of endless, needless waiting with false expectations, poor explanations and even poorer communications.

I really love the ADS600-B and cannot think of a better product for my needs, but next to the AOL Time Warner merger, I can't think of a better example of how to destroy a business.

Hi John,
I spoke with Scott Edwards from Dallas Avionics/Navworx yesterday and he confirmed that Version 5 was not out yet but would be "Soon". I asked him what V5 would do that V4.1 doesnt and he said "only that it would now automatically look for an external GPS source instead of having to configure it manually in 4.1" He and I both agreed that the GTN650 AMOC does not specify V5 but recommended that I install it when available. In the meantime he agreed that I was "good to go" with V4.1 for FAA approval.
Hi John,
I spoke with Scott Edwards from Dallas Avionics/Navworx yesterday and he confirmed that Version 5 was not out yet but would be "Soon". I asked him what V5 would do that V4.1 doesnt and he said "only that it would now automatically look for an external GPS source instead of having to configure it manually in 4.1" He and I both agreed that the GTN650 AMOC does not specify V5 but recommended that I install it when available. In the meantime he agreed that I was "good to go" with V4.1 for FAA approval.

Nobody at Navworx or Dallas Avionics are aware of the text in the AMOC application for the 650/750.

Since I wrote two of the AMOCs, I can share with you a portion of the text used in the AMOC application.

The Navworx 200-0012 or 200-0013 units running 4.1.0 (or later) of the UAT Console software

This is why the Global AMOC doesn't state version, since it includes the current and future releases by default.
Hi John,
I spoke with Scott Edwards from Dallas Avionics/Navworx yesterday and he confirmed that Version 5 was not out yet but would be "Soon". I asked him what V5 would do that V4.1 doesnt and he said "only that it would now automatically look for an external GPS source instead of having to configure it manually in 4.1" He and I both agreed that the GTN650 AMOC does not specify V5 but recommended that I install it when available. In the meantime he agreed that I was "good to go" with V4.1 for FAA approval.

One change that is included that I am looking forward to is the ARINC "heading" output. This will let the GNS430W show traffic target heading, instead of just north pointing lines. The Display 2, if fixed, would be welcome too, and down the road, receiving 1090 will pretty much finish it to the product most of us paid for over a year ago.
I'd imagine he's a bit gun-shy Bob, releasing a product into the wild that hasn't been FAA blessed. It might help to offer to sign an NDA or whatever he feels comfortable with.

Actually, it has been blessed by the FAA for the 200-0012 and 200-0013 if you are operating under one of the current AMOCs.

I won't go into details on my conversations with Navworx. It makes no sense bashing Navworx further than they already have been.
Nobody at Navworx or Dallas Avionics are aware of the text in the AMOC application for the 650/750.

Since I wrote two of the AMOCs, I can share with you a portion of the text used in the AMOC application.

The Navworx 200-0012 or 200-0013 units running 4.1.0 (or later) of the UAT Console software

This is why the Global AMOC doesn't state version, since it includes the current and future releases by default.


Can you share all the requirements used in the AMOC application for the 650/750? If not, can you point out any deficencies in what I have done before I have send in my notification to the FAA?

I have;

Connected the Navworx 600B 200-0012 to the Garmin GTN-650 according to the Navworx installation wiring diagram.

Installed Firmware Version 4.1 to the Navworx 600B, configured it to use the GTN-650 as it GPS position source.

Configured the GTN-650 to send position using ADS-B+ Format A via RS-232 serial connection to the Navworx.

Verified "Ready for Flight" on the UAT Console V4.1 using. the GTN-650 external postion source.

Installed the required placard on the Navworx box.

Disconnedted the GPS antenna from the Navworx box.

Can you share all the requirements used in the AMOC application for the 650/750? If not, can you point out any deficencies in what I have done before I have send in my notification to the FAA?

I have;

Connected the Navworx 600B 200-0012 to the Garmin GTN-650 according to the Navworx installation wiring diagram.

Installed Firmware Version 4.1 to the Navworx 600B, configured it to use the GTN-650 as it GPS position source.

Configured the GTN-650 to send position using ADS-B+ Format A via RS-232 serial connection to the Navworx.

Verified "Ready for Flight" on the UAT Console V4.1 using. the GTN-650 external postion source.

Installed the required placard on the Navworx box.

Disconnedted the GPS antenna from the Navworx box.

All the requirements are in the AMOC and the Navworx installation manual.

It looks like you are good to go. We've seen a great variability in what the FSDO wants to see. Some have asked for schematics, photos of the placard, etc and one didn't really care and thought just sending an email that you're using the AMOC in your aircraft was adequate. Please post what your FSDO requires.
First of all I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to Bob for all your work and help on this. We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude!

There is one thing that's been nagging me. The AMOC states only that before using it, we need to notify your principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the local flight Standards District Office/Certificate Holding District Office.

I know FSDOs like to come up with their own interpretations but it's difficult for me to see how that can be read any other way than we need to tell the them we're doing it, i.e "This is to notify you that on aircraft NXX I have completed all the requirements of the AMOC as detailed in..., etc." Any requirement for details, schematics, etc. would be outside the scope of the AMOC. No?

It all could be academic as I certainly don't want to get into an argument with my FSDO. But still...
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First of all I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to Bob for all your work and help on this. We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude!

There is one thing that's been nagging me. The AMOC states only that before using it, we need to notify your principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the local flight Standards District Office/Certificate Holding District Office.

I know FSDOs like to come up with their own interpretations but it's difficult for me to see how that can be read any other way than we need to tell the them we're doing it, i.e "This is to notify you that on aircraft NXX I have completed all the requirements of the AMOC as detailed in..., etc." Any requirement for details, schematics, etc. would be outside the scope of the AMOC. No?

It all could be academic as I certainly don't want to get into an argument with my FSDO. But still...

This has been an argument for EAB builders for decades. Some FSDOs like to make up their own rules. My advice is that's not a battle to pick, since you'll either cause a significant amount of pain for yourself and most likely not get what you're after.
No ADS-B Data In after AMOC Upgrade

All the requirements are in the AMOC and the Navworx installation manual.

It looks like you are good to go. We've seen a great variability in what the FSDO wants to see. Some have asked for schematics, photos of the placard, etc and one didn't really care and thought just sending an email that you're using the AMOC in your aircraft was adequate. Please post what your FSDO requires.

Hi Bob,

I have test flown the aircraft after the AMOC (GTN650) compliance, UAT console shows "Ready for Flight" and I have lost all ADS-B/UAT data in. No traffic, NEXRAD. Nothing shows on my EFIS or WingX on my Ipad via wifi. If i do a traffic simulation all the traffic shows up on both devices. Any Ideas of where to start?


Jim Faber
Hi Bob,

I have test flown the aircraft after the AMOC (GTN650) compliance, UAT console shows "Ready for Flight" and I have lost all ADS-B/UAT data in. No traffic, NEXRAD. Nothing shows on my EFIS or WingX on my Ipad via wifi. If i do a traffic simulation all the traffic shows up on both devices. Any Ideas of where to start?


Jim Faber


I don't have a clue, since you stated that the simulation appears, but traffic doesn't. There is a known bug that doesn't display traffic on Display Port 2, when the EFIS is configured to Display Port 1. But you stated you weren't getting traffic on either port.

Who's EFIS do you have? On my AFS 5500, I have the ability to monitor the data being transferred on the serial port and save it to a file. Does your EFIS have that capability?

Does your unit typically received traffic while still on the ground? I don't know how close your are to an ADSB tower. If so, you can connect a PC to the Display Port to manually verify want is being sent to the EFIS. You'll need HyperTerminal or another terminal emulation program. I don't know the reasons, but previously Bill had specifically mentioned not to use Putty.

I would also request a ADSB Performance Report from the FAA. It will show your last flight flown. It will validate if the unit is truly in the "ready for Flight" mode and transmitting ADSB data.

I had a similar issue on my unit and had to go through all the above steps to convince Bill that I had multiple dead ports. He was quick to point the finger at wiring. Since I've done structured wiring for more than 30 years, I knew it was a connectivity issue, I just had to prove it to him. The bad new is that IC is deprecated and it took him a couple weeks to source a replacement. More bad news, my unit worked great for a few months after the repair. Display Port 1 is now failing again about 10-20% of the time. It requires a power cycle to get the Display Port to work again. Unfortunately, I can't do that in the air. The fact that you are seeing the simulation, would indicate to me that you don't have a problem with the EFIS attached Display Port.

I would definitely reach out to Navworx at their support email or give Scott Edwards a call.
I had a similar issue - showed "ready" but nothing came in...because I wasn't transmitting my stuff. My transponder (SL-70) has to be set to ALT for some fersions and will always transmit for other versions (I have tested multiple SL-70 units with different sw loads). Make sure your Transponder is on and outputting altitude...the console will have the TX label as green when it is all set.

Unfortunately, there is now easy way to monitor the ongoing transmit status - I don't think the light is designed to tell if you're transmitting or not...I haven't installed or tested that feature.
The best way I've found to determine if you are outputting is by using one of those RTL-SDR Receivers connected to a tablet or phone, running software such as the ADSB Receiver app, or similar for iOS. I crank up the airplane's avionics bus right in the hangar and within a few minutes, the ADS600-B starts transmitting. I've checked many other airplanes for friends when they were curious if they were outputting. I can see the transmission on my tablet as such:

I have one of the SDR thingy's and it is a great tool for troubleshooting/validating.
You'll need to uninstall/reinstall or pay for the app eventually.
Thanks for everyone's input. My EFIS is An AFS 5500 on port 1. I will try all of your suggestions. I have also spoken to Scott Edwards. He seems to think it might be a software issue since everything was working before the upgrade. He is reaching out to Bill Moffitt for help. I will keep you updated on my progress /resolution so anyone else can learn from my problem. I'll keep in touch.

Thanks to Bob and everyone here for all the work and the effort to share it! I think I see the light at the end of this tunnel.

I have installed and been operating with this unit for a few years:
ADSB600-B PN: 200-12-09-00 SN: 945 (running 4.1.0)
It is installed with:
GRT HX, GTX-327, G430w
The GRT is configured as Display 1 and shows TIS and FIS - I love the 3D TIS in the synthetic vision view.

I'm using the internal GPS and therefore have the SIL=0 problem.
The only other problem I'm aware of is that I got a call from the FAA saying I wasn't transmitting Baro Alt, which I guess means I'm only sending GPS alt.
Even though the G430w is wired up and I assume configured for display 2, I've never looked for or seen TIS information there.

With the AMOC for the G430w, it looks like I can make myself legal for 2020 by wiring the G430 GPS serial out to the GPS rec input and reconfiguring the unit to use it.

Is that generally correct? Will it broadcast Sil=1 without further software upgrades?

I've seen some mention of issues with Baro altitudes but is anyone have trouble with the GTX327?
Thanks to Bob and everyone here for all the work and the effort to share it! I think I see the light at the end of this tunnel.

I have installed and been operating with this unit for a few years:
ADSB600-B PN: 200-12-09-00 SN: 945 (running 4.1.0)
It is installed with:
GRT HX, GTX-327, G430w
The GRT is configured as Display 1 and shows TIS and FIS - I love the 3D TIS in the synthetic vision view.

I'm using the internal GPS and therefore have the SIL=0 problem.
The only other problem I'm aware of is that I got a call from the FAA saying I wasn't transmitting Baro Alt, which I guess means I'm only sending GPS alt.
Even though the G430w is wired up and I assume configured for display 2, I've never looked for or seen TIS information there.

With the AMOC for the G430w, it looks like I can make myself legal for 2020 by wiring the G430 GPS serial out to the GPS rec input and reconfiguring the unit to use it.

Is that generally correct? Will it broadcast Sil=1 without further software upgrades?

I've seen some mention of issues with Baro altitudes but is anyone have trouble with the GTX327?

Ralph's AMOC has you covered for the 430W. No, it will broadcast a SIL=3. You select the certified GPS option and unplug the antenna to the internal GPS. 4.1.0 is going to report a SIL=3 regardless. (that's what pissed off the FAA) When 5.0 is release it will autodetect the 430w and still transmit a SIL=3. You will want to upgrade to 5.0.

The pressure altitude needs to come from your EFIS or a dedicated source. What is providing the pressure altitude to the 327? Perhaps you have an open circuit that just occurred recently. I would go to the status page to validate that you are getting pressure altitude to the navworx unit.

Also, there is a software bug in 4.1.0 that prevents traffic from being sent on Display Port 2. That is supposed to be fixed in 5.0 as well.
MauleDriver - If you have questions about the 430W install, ask...there are some idiosyncrasies with that and out!
Just got this in an email. While I don't like the delay, at least they're communicating.


Attention: Customers Awaiting ADS600-B Upgrade & Certified ADS600-B NexGen 2.0

NavWorx Customers,

During a recent meeting between the FAA and NavWorx, the FAA has requested additional data from NavWorx referencing the upgrade for AD compliance of the certified system. Once this data is submitted the FAA has conservatively given a time period of 2 months to review.

Be assured that it is a priority for NavWorx to complete certification, not only for AD compliance but for 2020 Compliance as well.

We understand the urgency and frustration that may result with this delay. Be assured that NavWorx is working diligently to reach final certification.

To ensure customers are up to date on NavWorx' progress during this time frame, Dallas Avionics, Inc. will send out updates periodically.

Attention: NavWorx ADS600-EXP GPS Module for AD Compliance (P/N 200-9013)

NavWorx has received FAA approval for the experimental GPS Module "Doghouse" for AD resolution/compliance of existing ADS600-EXP Systems.

The part number of the ADS600-EXP will change to 200-9013, with the addition of the new GPS module, eliminating the AD on the original ADS600-EXP 200-8013 part numbers. No AMOC is required nor will be issued.

NavWorx has completed all design and verification to 14 CFR 91.227 and is waiting for shipment of the new GPS module from the manufacturer.

Thank You,
Dallas Avionics, Inc.
2525 Santa Anna Ave.
Dallas, TX 75228
Phone 214-668-7466
The "two months" or "60 days" phrasing is standard when seeking FAA approval (whether it is an STC, or a new type design, or a component).

What happens is that the FAA's internal review process for data can take up to 60 days. (Or at least their response is internally considered "overdue" if it runs longer than 60 days, not that being overdue means much.)

But the response to the data review can be one of (at least) two things. The happy response, of course is approval. The other response the FAA can give is to ask a question. Usually asking for more data. Then of course the ball is in the applicant's court to answer the FAA's question or provide the requested data. Once the FAA receives the applicant's response, a new 60-day clock starts before their review is again overdue.

If this sounds like it could potentially go on forever, it can. It is one of the more frustrating parts of certification.

My fingers are crossed that NavWorx can supply whatever data the FAA has most recently requested, and that the current request is the last one the FAA sends their way before approval.

My concern now is that the FAA rarely gets anything accomplished or approved after mid-November due to the holidays and office staff that need to burn off their vacation days prior to end-of-year. I think a late-September smack at that 60-day chess-move clock makes the chances of an approved solution (prior to AD compliance deadline) ... slimmer.

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Anyone else out there have a GRT Avionics Safe-Fly 2020 Compliant GPS Module and wondering if it could be used as a valid GPS position input for the Navworx ADS600-B? I have asked GRT for answers but still waiting on a response...

It outputs NMEA0183 position output via RS232...

For the guys who submitted the AMOC, I realize the Navworx manual doesn't specify the GRT GPS module as a possible position source, but then it also doesn't list any of the Garmin units (Garmin GTN 625, 635, 650, 725, or 750 GPS) that were approved with the AMOC. How did you get around this? I would have assumed that the Navworx manual would have to list any potential position source if the FAA were going to approve an AMOC for it.

So 2 questions for those who might know the answer:

1) Can the GRT Safe-Fly interface to the Navworx ADS600B via RS232 as a position source?

2) If able to interface, would it be possible to submit an AMOC for it?

Thx in advance...
Anyone else out there have a GRT Avionics Safe-Fly 2020 Compliant GPS Module and wondering if it could be used as a valid GPS position input for the Navworx ADS600-B? I have asked GRT for answers but still waiting on a response...

It outputs NMEA0183 position output via RS232...

For the guys who submitted the AMOC, I realize the Navworx manual doesn't specify the GRT GPS module as a possible position source, but then it also doesn't list any of the Garmin units (Garmin GTN 625, 635, 650, 725, or 750 GPS) that were approved with the AMOC. How did you get around this? I would have assumed that the Navworx manual would have to list any potential position source if the FAA were going to approve an AMOC for it.

So 2 questions for those who might know the answer:

1) Can the GRT Safe-Fly interface to the Navworx ADS600B via RS232 as a position source?

2) If able to interface, would it be possible to submit an AMOC for it?

Thx in advance...

To get an AMOC approved, you have to substantiate to the FAA that the GPS meets all their requirements. Doing this from scratch is a rather onerous task.

The reason we were able to turn the AMOCs around quickly was that the Garmin GPSs were already approved position sources for other ADSB vendors. We didn't have to prove they met the requirements, since they were previously approved by others. All we had to do was document how they were going to be interfaced with the ADS600-B.

In other words, if you don't see the GPS on this list (, you'll have a whole lot of data you'll have to document and get reviewed by the FAA.

While the Navworx manual may not have listed all the Garmin GPS by specific model number, it does have the interface requirements, which are identical for all of them. You mentioned the GTN series, which was my AMOC. You have two interface options (ARINC and RS-232) and the protocol is ADSB+. Per the second round of AMOCs, any of the GTN family will meet these requirements.