
Well Known Member
A friend of mine gave me his NIB 600 EXP, Transmon cable and antenna to try to sell. I have not been following the Navworx debacle and have no idea weather this can still be used with an approved GPS source, or whether it is just a pile of junk. Can anyone shed some light on this?
If you find a buyer , let me know , maybe he needs two of them. :D

The certified B models have the option of using an external position source. ( still of value) . The EXP model has been OKd for using as an ADSB IN only by defeating the transmit. Otherwise makes a good boat anchor.

As for the antenna and cable guess it might have some value. I believe the Freeflight uses the same antenna.
Bench testing

I could use one for bench testing FlightBox systems. PM me if you have one taking up space / collecting dust.
I thought the issue with the exp boxes was and approved GPS source, and I also thought that an AMOC had be approved to allow the 430/530/650 boxes for the source.
Except the EXP unit has no way of getting an external approved 4XX, 5XX and etc GPS signal into that model. With the other NW units ( Pn XXXXX /?? , certified , B model ) they evidently have a input for external GPS source and therefore allow that " approved GPS position source" signal for continued service.
I thought the issue with the exp boxes was and approved GPS source, and I also thought that an AMOC had be approved to allow the 430/530/650 boxes for the source.

There are actually five AMOCs now. The two most recent cover Avidyne as a GPS source and the other is for the EXP. However, the EXP AMOC requires disabling the internal GPS and using it as a ADSB receiver (no out). While not ideal, it does provide a transition period to leave the unit installed.
There are actually five AMOCs now. The two most recent cover Avidyne as a GPS source and the other is for the EXP. However, the EXP AMOC requires disabling the internal GPS and using it as a ADSB receiver (no out). While not ideal, it does provide a transition period to leave the unit installed.

Slight correction - the NavWorx ADS600-EXP AMOC does not disable the internal GPS, it disables the UAT transmitter. A NavWorx ADS600-EXP that has been modified by the AMOC continues to supply GPS data, FIS, and limited TIS (the traffic "donut" is no longer centered on the receiver).

Bottom line - the ADS600-EXP AMOC is only appealing to those who simply want a stand-alone ADS-B receiver (maybe those waiting 'til 2020 for in-and-out compliance?) or those who have an independent ADS-B out solution such as a Garmin GDL-82 and simply need a receiver for a complete in-and-out sytem.

A note of caution - during testing the AMOC'd ADS600-EXP with a skyBeacon, interference was noted creating 'Baro Alt" errors. I don't know if this is unique to my tests and it would be nice to know for sure by independent confirmation. It has been suggested that an ADS-B out solution such as the Garmin GDL-82, which does not depend on wireless transponder data, might not be subject to interference from the NavWorx ADS600-EXP. At least one of our forum members is testing this and hopefully we'll hear from him soon.
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If you have an ADS-600B -0012 or -0013, I am doing some software testing regarding the SL-70 interface.

If all you're gonna do with it is run it over with your truck, let me know please!

Thanks - I am still testing.
PM me with the part different part numbers will involve different tests. My set up is currently a -0013 (with ARINC) but there are common tests that need to be done for a -0012 as well!

Dan, Im holding spare parts for you if you ever need it let me know. Missed seeing you or your plane at SNF this year . Did make it down Thur and Friday.

Thanks Dennis. Hopefully, I'll commit to another system, but will appreciate the parts if it comes to that.

Yes, I flew in to HBC on Wednesday morning and left Friday morning. How did we miss each other? We all had a great group discussion Thursday night with several VAFers on hand. Sorry we missed you.