Well Known Member
From the Navworx ADS600-EXP install manual:

The UAT Antenna MUST be installed no less than 5 feet from any L-Band (Transponder, TCAS, TAS) antenna. Failure to adhere to this critical installation note will result in failure of the ADS600-EXP and void your warranty.

ok, I can separate the UAT antenna from the transponder antenna, no problem.
I do not have TCAS.
TAS antenna is Traffic Advisory Systems (TAS). I don't think I have this. Does a Garmin GDL-39 count?

Now, the wild card, according to wikipedia L band antennas include GPS:
The Global Positioning System carriers are in the L band, centered at 1176.45 MHz (L5), 1227.60 MHz (L2), 1381.05 MHz (L3), and 1575.42 MHz (L1) frequencies.

Does the UAT antenna need to be separated from GPS antennas also?
uat antenna are mounted on the bottom, GPS antenna are mounted on top. That will get you at least three feet separation. It shouldn't be a problem to keep them separated.
They are concerned with transmitting antennas overloading the receiver so just keep the UAT 5ft from transmitters and you'll be fine.
Transmitters huh. So GPS antennas and GDL-39 antennas need not be separated by 5 foot minimum, correct?

Does the UAT also need to be more than 5 feet away from comm and ELT antennas? Those are not L-band are they?
antenna placement

Your com radio and your ELT transmitter are on very low frequencies compared to the UAT. Not an issue. The transponder and the UAT however, have fairly high pulse output power. So, as mentioned... the distance requirement is to prevent one transmitter from damaging the receiver in the other box.