Great video.
I ordered my system a few weeks ago. Looks like delivery is going to be mid May.
Have any others received and installed their unit?

I was wondering where they chose as the preferred RV7/9 location.
I'm considering a forward cabin side mount.
Getting nervous

I ordered back in mid March and they have my money, I was told end of March delivery, then April. They are pushing it back furthur now?
I order 2 of the units a month or two ago. At the time I thought they were just back ordered. When I saw that they had charged my card for both, I called and talked to Bill. I then learned that they haven't shipped any yet. He offered to refund the charge. I hope we don't end up with a 6-cyl P-mag experience. They said they were going to start shipping April 15, but I haven't checked their current estimates.

My order was placed early March and talking with the secretary (at Navworks) yesterday I was told that I was mid-way down the list of orders. The schedule for my unit should be shipping early May.
Val K.
Navworx update

I received an email from navworx inquiring about my harness length as they were building the assemblies.
I called & spoke with Bill and he suggested the installation of the unit would probably be best behind the rear baggage bulkhead. I agreed since the uat needs to be > 5' from the transponder uat, this would make a short coax run.
He also stated they received all the backordered vendor parts & are now back in production.
They should start shipping next week.
My order which is down on the list due to being ordered a couple weeks ago, should ship mid May.

Good news for all. We're getting close.

What will your configuration be? Which unit did you buy and what are you connecting it too?

I purchased the ADS600-EXP.

My encoder is through my Dynon 10A
GTX-327 Transponder
iFly GPS

Looks like I'll have to build a bracket for mounting, route 3 wires forward, (power, encoder, xponder) and add an additional circuit breaker.
I may not need the encoder wire as it may be coming off the xponder since they are already tethered.
Status Update

Received an email form Navworx indicating they are in production. They are resolving a software configuration issue and will begin shipping probably by the end of the week.
Those with units on order probably received the same email
Navworx was to ship the first 20 units last week.

They figure mine will ship mid month.
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Here's another video demoing ForeFlight and the Stratus 2. My instructor and I went up this past weekend when the wind was straight across the runway at 17mph, gusting to 23mph. I chickened out to run the cameras and got him take on the crosswind. I did an overlay of the ForeFlight/Status 2 ADS-B traffic at the end of the video (with all traffic displayed for the video). On the next flight video, we'll demo the Wingx app on the iPad, hooked to the wifi off the Navworx ADS-B unit.
NavWorx ADS-B

I saw these posts and wondered if anyone ever got your unit. I talked to Bill several times before ordering my unit on April 27th 2015 and paid in FULL at that time with a promised delivery date in the weeks to come. May was promised, then June THEN.........on and on with no product in site. Bill said that he was swamped with orders and couldn't keep up but then said that he was packing up to go to Oshkosh. I thought about that for awhile and couldn't figure why he was going to solicit more business when he couldn't deliver on what he already had. In August I called him again and asked for my money back. It took over a month but I finally did get a full refund in Sept. I really wanted that particular unit because it would work with my existing GTX 327 transponder AND I could display the traffic info on my GRT EFIS. Does anyone know if they have shipped any units? I would still be interested but didn't want to be stuck with them when they couldn't deliver (they already had my money) when any day now someone may come out with a better product.
I saw these posts and wondered if anyone ever got your unit. I talked to Bill several times before ordering my unit on April 27th 2015 and paid in FULL at that time with a promised delivery date in the weeks to come. May was promised, then June THEN.........on and on with no product in site. Bill said that he was swamped with orders and couldn't keep up but then said that he was packing up to go to Oshkosh. I thought about that for awhile and couldn't figure why he was going to solicit more business when he couldn't deliver on what he already had. In August I called him again and asked for my money back. It took over a month but I finally did get a full refund in Sept. I really wanted that particular unit because it would work with my existing GTX 327 transponder AND I could display the traffic info on my GRT EFIS. Does anyone know if they have shipped any units? I would still be interested but didn't want to be stuck with them when they couldn't deliver (they already had my money) when any day now someone may come out with a better product.

I received my unit a couple weeks ago as I was installing a panel upgrade.
I just completed the install of a GRT EFIS, Sport SX and also have the GTX-327.
I completed my ADS-B configuration and had my first flight with complete operations viewing weather & traffic today. I was receiving 8 towers(It could be from AC as well). It was very accurate as I approached traffic at my 10 o'clock +1000 feet & the EFIS popped up an alert with 2 mile traffic warning. Very cool as I watched the incoming traffic fly overhead.

Also, I have a friend who bought the certified B version. He placed the order 6 weeks ago & it shipped Tuesday. That tells me that Navworx has caught up on their certified backlog & should be resuming with the EXPs.
I ordered 2 Navworx ADS600-exp units before Dan ordered his.
I have not received either unit.
Nothing against Dan; I am happy for him, but this serves as yet another example of poor business practice related to the rollout of this product by Navworx.
I ordered 3 and have received 1 so far. I am also not happy with the delays, but the unit is worth the wait, IMHO.
I ordered 2 Navworx ADS600-exp units before Dan ordered his.
I have not received either unit.
Nothing against Dan; I am happy for him, but this serves as yet another example of poor business practice related to the rollout of this product by Navworx.

In their defense, (if you can defend them with their schedule & promises), after the last email delivery promise, I finally opted to take my flying RV7 out of service to do my panel upgrade. I truly believe they tried to accommodate me while fore, aft & side fuselages where open. They reworked a unit off the shelf. They had a few of these available for these conditions. I do believe they are gearing up to fill the backlogs as you see in my previous email regarding B deliveries.

As Jessie said, it will be worth the wait for the price purchased.

IMHO, Navworx should have only taken a deposit instead of making us pay in full at time of ordering at a promise of a 3 week leadtime.