
Well Known Member
Information I found out about the AD if anyone is interested. The AD Number is 2017-11-11. The following is a portion of the AD.
(e) Required Actions
(1) Within 6 months, comply with either paragraph (e)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this AD:
(i) Remove the ADS-B unit.
(ii) Disable and prohibit use of the ADS-B unit as follows:
(A) Pull and secure the circuit breaker and disconnect the internal GPS antenna connector from
the ADS-B unit and secure.
(B) Install a placard in view of the pilot that states ?USING THE ADS-B SYSTEM IS
(C) Revise the Limitations section of the Aircraft Flight Manual supplement (AFMS) by
inserting a copy of this AD or by making pen-and-ink changes to add the following: ?USING THE ADS-B SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED.?
(iii) Revise the software so the ADS-B unit broadcasts a SIL of 0.
(iv) Couple the ADS-B unit with an approved external GPS as follows:
(A) Interface the ADS-B unit with an Accord NexNav mini LRU GPS Receiver P/N 21000. (B) Revise the Limitations section of the AFMS by inserting a copy of this AD or by making
pen-and-ink changes to add the following: ?OPERATION USING THE INTERNAL POSITION 15
(2) After the effective date of this AD, do not install an ADS-B unit Model ADS600-B P/N 200- 0012, Model ADS600-B P/N 200-0013, or Model ADS600-EXP P/N 200-8013 on any aircraft unless you have complied with the requirements of paragraph (e)(1)(ii), (e)(1)(iii), or (e)(1)(iv) of this AD.
(f) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)
(1) The Manager, Fort Worth Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, may approve AMOCs for this AD. Send your proposal to: Kyle Cobble, Aviation Safety Engineer, Fort Worth Aircraft Certification Office, Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, 10101 Hillwood Pkwy, Fort Worth, TX 76177, telephone (817) 222-5172, email [email protected]; or Michael Heusser, Program Manager, Continued Operational Safety Branch, Fort Worth Aircraft Certification Office, Rotorcraft Directorate, 10101 Hillwood Pkwy, Fort Worth, TX 76177, telephone (817) 222-5038, email [email protected].
(2) For operations conducted under a 14 CFR part 119 operating certificate or under 14 CFR part 91, subpart K, we suggest that you notify your principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the local flight standards district office or certificate holding district office before operating any aircraft complying with this AD through an AMOC.
NAVWORX AD - removal date?

Can?t find the information on the date in which I must remove my existing effected unit from operation. I think it is sometime in Jan 2018. Anyone have that date?

The AD states that we must comply within 6 mos of the date of the AD, which was July 11, 2017, so that means January 11, 2018.

Here's the link to the AD:


Or implement any of the approved AMOCs, which are being distributed on AOPA's web site. In additional to the original three, there are two new ones in process. One for the EXP and one for Avidyne as a position source. Mike should have those up on the AOPA site shortly.
Bob what do you know about the EXP AMOC? Should I get my hopes up?
I have a Echo sitting here to put in, but reading other posts here on VAF it sounds like it doesn't filter traffic as well as the Navworx unit, or accept baro serial data.
Darn shame to remove it, works so well for me.
Tim Andres
Bob what do you know about the EXP AMOC? Should I get my hopes up?
I have a Echo sitting here to put in, but reading other posts here on VAF it sounds like it doesn't filter traffic as well as the Navworx unit, or accept baro serial data.
Darn shame to remove it, works so well for me.
Tim Andres

EXP AMOC has been approved.

Info can be found on this thread, post 27

The AMOC instructions reside here:
Thanks but...
That only converts it to a receiver. I was hoping those guys had cracked the code so we could feed gps info to it, like from a 430 etc.
Tim Andres
Thanks but...
That only converts it to a receiver. I was hoping those guys had cracked the code so we could feed gps info to it, like from a 430 etc.
Tim Andres

No. I doubt that will ever happen & get approval. I would think that the firmware would need to be updated & Navworx no can do. :(

At this point, it sounds as though the Navworx receiver is doing a better job than some other solutions. This way, we might only need an OUT solution for the short term.
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