
Well Known Member
Yes ,I'm one of the slow learners! Anyone hear of any updates ie. faa approval, working prototype, shipping dates or anything on the replacement position source for the 600exp since OSH.?
I was told 2 week ship date 3 weeks ago, emails to Dallas Avi unreplied as yet.
Not too worried, there's no hurry and I rather have it right than fast.
Tim Andres
I was told 2 week ship date 3 weeks ago, emails to Dallas Avi unreplied as yet.
Not too worried, there's no hurry and I rather have it right than fast.
Tim Andres

Absolutely. As long as I get it before the AD cut off date I'm long as it works!
I put my order in with Dallas Avionics soon after returning from Oshkosh for the 600EXP fix. When I spoke with Scott Edwards at Oshkosh he said everything was in place for the fix and specifically he stated it was approved by the FAA. Today I called to check on the status and I'm told by Dallas Avionics that Navworx is waiting on an approval letter from the FAA for this very fix. I am frustrated that at first all seemed well and now we're waiting on the FAA. I am hopeful that it's just a matter of time before this whole mess is over!
They also indicated that the software fix for the rest of us was going to be available 18 August.
As you are aware, there are several of us that push the AMOCs through the FAA that allowed the ADS600-B users to use a Garmin GPS as a position source. The same team that approved our AMOCs are responsible for approving NavWorx's AMOCs.

In this particular case, we need to cut them a little slack. In talking with my FAA contacts earlier in the week, everything in the Fort Worth ACO has slowed down due to the recent storms in Texas. Unfortunately, some items like this may be impacted due to the resource constraints they are currently experiencing.

We still have three more AMOCs in process and they are a couple weeks overdue as well. It would be reasonable to expect that Bill is struggling with the same issues.

The FAA won't give us any insight into Bill's AMOC status due to non-disclosure requirements. They won't share any status with a third party unless so directed by the principal submitter.
I called Navworx yesterday - call was answered - spoke with Scott Edwards re my order of 08/04/2016 for 600EXP.

He said is about caught up and will be getting to back orders next week, they have units is stock and it should ship soon.
I had tried several times to get an email reply from Dallas Avionics, and finally today I got this email back. Looks like there is some progress, at least with the FAA and maybe now looks to be back in NavWorx court for mfg. Really not overly concerned at this time we've got until first of Jan 2018 to comply.

Date: Sep 14, 2017 12:30 PM
Subject: NavWorx inquiry
To: <[email protected]>


Navworx has just received certification on the Experimental unit and "Doghouse" for existing EXP System. NavWorx anticipates manufacturing in the next few weeks and we should be shipping shortly after.
Scott C Edwards
Dallas Avionics, Inc.
2525 Santa Anna Ave.
Dallas, TX 75228
I had tried several times to get an email reply from Dallas Avionics, and finally today I got this email back. Looks like there is some progress, at least with the FAA and maybe now looks to be back in NavWorx court for mfg. Really not overly concerned at this time we've got until first of Jan 2018 to comply.

Date: Sep 14, 2017 12:30 PM
Subject: NavWorx inquiry
To: <[email protected]>


Navworx has just received certification on the Experimental unit and "Doghouse" for existing EXP System. NavWorx anticipates manufacturing in the next few weeks and we should be shipping shortly after.
Scott C Edwards
Dallas Avionics, Inc.
2525 Santa Anna Ave.
Dallas, TX 75228

Great news! Thanks for sharing.