They confirmed with me yesterday that they are in production and started shipping this past week. They expect to fill their back orders by the end of July, worst case scenario.
Where to mount it?

Where do you fellows plan to mount the box when it arrives? Seems to me, somewhere behind the baggage bulkhead would be best since the coax runs would be shorter and I have no room forward of the instrument panel. John
Where do you fellows plan to mount the box when it arrives? Seems to me, somewhere behind the baggage bulkhead would be best since the coax runs would be shorter and I have no room forward of the instrument panel. John

Navworx suggested behind the baggage bulkhead as you've suggested.
That's where I will be installing mine with the 3' coax cable they built.
Then all I'd need is to run the power and xpdr wires forward.
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as well

I also purchased on Feb. 13. My account status still shows "approved", not shipped. I will post as soon as I receive.

Bill says ( as of Oct27,2015) that the early order numbers of the 600EXP units will ship Monday , I assume that will be Nov 2, 2015. Good news if you are on the early order list ! DRR

Received a tracking number today after an email asking if this was a scam. I ordered at Oshkosh. They said I number 118. Fingers crossed.
disappointing to say the least

Interesting. I ordered in February and I have still heard nothing. This particular piece of technology is going to have to be pretty awesome to make up for the inexcusably bad customer relations.
I have installed 2 -EXP units this week. One was DOA, so they overnighted me a replacement. The configuration, assuming you have a laptop running Windows with WiFi, is extremely easy.

It appears there may be some communications issues between the Navworx and the AFS, but they are looking into it. The traffic works, but I am getting no weather.
Interesting. I ordered in February and I have still heard nothing. This particular piece of technology is going to have to be pretty awesome to make up for the inexcusably bad customer relations.

Bird dog them, Steve. They'll get it to you.

Bird dog them, Steve. They'll get it to you.

I got a call from NavWorx today telling me mine is on it's way! I should get it next week. So I guess I'll be very busy this weekend installing the two antennas. I've been putting off that part of the installation as it's been too hot to work in the hanger. The forecast is for cooler weather starting tomorrow, so I guess it's time to finish the installation. The electrical harness has been in place since August.
I did

As I just now posted in the other thread on this subject, I emailed NavWorx last night asking about the status of my order. I received a generic response this morning, but a tracking number somewhat later. This is a good time of year to have a project, since the flying weather can be iffy.
I have installed 2 -EXP units this week. One was DOA, so they overnighted me a replacement. The configuration, assuming you have a laptop running Windows with WiFi, is extremely easy.

It appears there may be some communications issues between the Navworx and the AFS, but they are looking into it. The traffic works, but I am getting no weather.

I've still not been able to configure mine through the wifi.
The IN works great but no OUT yet.
I've tried 2 different laptops, but the UAT will not communicate back.

Jesse, I'll call you later to discuss options.
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Fly up sometime. If the unit is not DOA, then I can get it configured in about 2 minutes. I'm available late morning tomorrow.
UPDATE: EXP configured & tested

I didn?t make it to Jesse?s yesterday, but thought I?d give you an update.

Today, I was able to configure the UAT EXP unit by using an older XP laptop I had stashed away. So apparently, my newer laptop had security which prevented me from allowing the UAT to communicate & confirm configuration.

I also had the opportunity to do some "on the ground testing" with Ron(RonSim) & Bruce(330Driver) who has the B version.
We tested the EXP stealth mode, ON/Off(squawk 1200, non 1200), Non Stealth mode, transponder ALT vs STBY & traffic alerts from both the IN & OUT broadcasts.

All worked perfectly. Stealth mode presented "NONE", while non-stealth reported (N20DL). STBY killed the broadcast. Interesting that when modes changed, it only took seconds to view the EFIS update.

It's great being in an RV community at CLW with 5 RVs in our row and one more in the next row over. This makes testing easy and lots of RV knowledge close by.
NavWorx 600-EXP

Today, I was able to configure the UAT EXP unit by using an older XP laptop I had stashed away. So apparently, my newer laptop had security which prevented me from allowing the UAT to communicate & confirm configuration.

I received my unit yesterday, and installed it into the RV-7A. Before firing it up, I did a continuity check on all the wiring again (because I installed the harness back in Aug, and wanted to be sure it was correct). With the harness in place I powered up the whole panel (using a Power Supply so that the battery doesn't go dead).

The Wi-Fi interface powered up OK on my laptop. I put in the required EXP setup parameters. It's interesting to note that the EXP wants to see the "Z" format from the GRT EFIS instead of the "EFIS" setting.

The transponder (GTX330) was initially set to REMOTE+TIS on it's output, so I reset that to just "REMOTE". Changing setting on the GTX330 transponder was reflected on the Wi-Fi app (I could see the transponder Mode Changing - Mode A, Mode C, Stby on the Wi-Fi app), but that part still failed and there was no transponder squawk code. I have not been able to get past that.

Today I flew the unit up the Jesse Saints (X35) and he was able to resolve the transponder squawk code issue (he called Bill Moffett, who told him to erase the EEPROM and reset to factory defaults, then reset to the required parameters) The unit tested out 100% OK for FAA compliance, but I'm now not getting the weather displays, nor the station counter (ADS-B count = 0) even though I am getting all the traffic. Bill Moffett is working on the issue....
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I received my unit yesterday, and installed it into the RV-7A. Before firing it up, I did a continuity check on all the wiring again (because I installed the harness back in Aug, and wanted to be sure it was correct). With the harness in place I powered up the whole panel (using a Power Supply so that the battery doesn't go dead).

The Wi-Fi interface powered up OK on my laptop. I put in the required EXP setup parameters. It's interesting to note that the EXP wants to see the "Z" format from the GRT EFIS instead of the "EFIS" setting.

The transponder (GTX330) was initially set to REMOTE+TIS on it's output, so I reset that to just "REMOTE". Changing setting on the GTX330 transponder was reflected on the Wi-Fi app (I could see the transponder Mode Changing - Mode A, Mode C, Stby on the Wi-Fi app), but that part still failed and there was no transponder squawk code. I have not been able to get past that. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Hi Fred,
I'll get the info for you when I go to the airport tomorrow after work.
On the GTX327, I only get the squawk. The alt encoder comes from the GRT split to the UAT and 327.
My 327 output was not set to REMOTE. Seems like I remember Garmin/Trimble

Hi Fred,
I'll get the info for you when I go to the airport tomorrow after work.
On the GTX327, I only get the squawk. The alt encoder comes from the GRT split to the UAT and 327.
My 327 output was not set to REMOTE. Seems like I remember Garmin/Trimble

Dan, I added to the above comment. It's now working (thanks to Jesse) and FAA compliant. Now am not getting weather or station count.

I'd like to know what ADS600-EXP software version you're running. Mine is Ver 5.2.1.

My GTX 330 is also fed with the EFIS Alt output as is the ADS600-EXP, and the EXP only reads the transponder squawk code too....
Dan, I added to the above comment. It's now working (thanks to Jesse) and FAA compliant. Now am not getting weather or station count.

I'd like to know what ADS600-EXP software version you're running. Mine is Ver 5.2.1.

My GTX 330 is also fed with the EFIS Alt output as is the ADS600-EXP, and the EXP only reads the transponder squawk code too....

I posted an update onto the other thread.

BTW, will you be at BKV in the morning?
I'm stopping at ZPH for fuel and might stop in after.
The good news is that we have had a few customers get them and the traffic works great. It looks like there is a software problem with them and they are not sending weather data. We have been told that Navworx is looking for the problem.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc,
This just in from Bill Moffit:


We can confirm there is a problem sending weather over the (hardware) Display port. The weather does function over the Wifi channel.

We?ll release 5.3.0 on Monday.

This just in from Bill Moffit:


We can confirm there is a problem sending weather over the (hardware) Display port. The weather does function over the Wifi channel.

We?ll release 5.3.0 on Monday.


After flying back to KBKV from X35 on Friday, I emailed the FAA ([email protected]) for a status report on the new ADS-B unit. I received it today. There were no issues with any of the parameters that the FAA is looking at. 100% compliant! So At least that part is working OK.

I'm waiting for the new software update from NavWorx that should resolve the weather not being displayed over the display link.
Navworx has placed the UAT configuration release 5.3.0 onto their website.
This should correct the weather reporting issue.
I plan on upgrading this evening & will report the results.
ADS600-EXP Software Update

Navworx has placed the UAT configuration release 5.3.0 onto their website.
This should correct the weather reporting issue.
I plan on upgrading this evening & will report the results.

Great news Dan. I'll await your results as I'm currently out of town (in CT) for the holiday. If your's goes OK, I'll update mine when I get back....
Great news Dan. I'll await your results as I'm currently out of town (in CT) for the holiday. If your's goes OK, I'll update mine when I get back....
Jessie said his upgrade went well & will flight test this afternoon.
I'm sure he will post the results.
Enjoy your holiday.
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ADS600-EXP Ver 5.3.0 Software

Still not reporting weather:(


I'm assuming you mean that the new ver 5.3.0 software is not reporting weather over the serial port to the GRT displays.

Has anyone verified that the weather is being transmitted over the the Wi-Fi link?

I'm assuming you mean that the new ver 5.3.0 software is not reporting weather over the serial port to the GRT displays.

Has anyone verified that the weather is being transmitted over the the Wi-Fi link?

Yes. version 5.3.0. Bill is aware. Jessie also confirmed.
WiFi was working on 5.2.0 version. I will check it tomorrow when I go fly.
I am fully configured but much different from your settings.
Looks like it will work on various setups. I sent an email to the FAA requesting a non-compliance check.
Non-compliance as they can't tell you if you're in compliance, only not. LOL.

Update: flew today & was getting traffic & weather via wifi
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Submitted an ADS-B UAT operation compliance report request on Friday 11/27 & received the report today. Very quick turn around & detailed report.
Got an "everything looks good" :)

Submitted an ADS-B UAT operation compliance report request on Friday 11/27 & received the report today. Very quick turn around & detailed report.
Got an "everything looks good" :)

Good Morning. I did this last week with the Ver 5.2.1 software. I'm assuming you did it with the Ver 5.3.0 software, and that you still don't have any weather over the display serial link....

Any work from NavWorx on when that might be resolved?
600 EXP

600 EXP Installed using TransMonSPE WiFi to WingX on iPad With FAA ADSB compliance report received everything working fine:) (software 5.3.0)
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Just tried my 600 exp with the 5.3.1. Weather works great on my AF4500. Don't know about traffic, as the weather was too crappy for anyone else to fly. Maybe tomorrow.
Just wondering what order numbers of 600EXP are now shipping? Still waiting on mine ordered around Feb 2015 I think mid 30 order number.
I'm pretty sure I was #43 and I recieved mine 2 weeks ago. But that was also right after I called to cancel the order. I was then told it would ship the next day. Not sure if that was coincidence or just how it happened.
I was order number 2 and "coincidentally" received a tracking number in lieu of a reply to my email asking for them to reconcile why I heard orders placed after mine had already shipped even though mine had not.

I now have 1 installed. The install, firmware update and the configuration was straightforward even for a 1st timer. Mine appears to be working as I now get traffic on an Aera 560. I did not connect the Navworx to the Aera, the Aera is getting Wx and traffic via a GDL39 at this point. I may remove the GDL39 and hardwire the Navworx to the Aera.
I emailed the FAA ([email protected]) for a status report on the new ADS-B unit. I received it today. There were no issues with any of the parameters that the FAA is looking at. 100% compliant! So At least that part is working OK.
I have a question regarding confirming ADS-B out is working...

Per the FAA ADS-B website,
E-mail [email protected] with your N-number, ADS-B transmitter and GPS make/model numbers to find out if your equipment is working.

With the Navworx ADS600-EXP what is my ADS-B transmitter and GPS make/model numbers?
Is the ADS-B transmitter the ICAO address (Hex), or ICAO address (Octal) from the identification tab on the UAT console software program?
I have the GPS receiver supplied by Navworx; what is it's make/model number?
Can you "read" N number

When you guys see an ID of traffic, ie, the N number, can you read it? I've got Garmin Pilot on my Nexus 9. Two days ago, for the first time, I actually saw an N number. But it was so small, I could only make out the "N". Couldn't make out the numbers.

Just wonderin:eek:
UAT is not, by definition, anonymous. The EXP console has an option to check a box that will make it anonymous when squawking 1200. Any other squawk outputs the N-number.
As Jessie stated, stealth mode is an option when configuring.
I would recommend not going stealth mode until you receive confirmation from the FAA. I requested confirmation twice and they responded the next business day. It appears that they confirm the last flight only.
After confirmation, you can then set to stealth mode.

Or, if you did configured in stealth mode, just squawk off 1200 and you become non-stealth. They should then capture your N number.