
Active Member
I'm visiting Loredo and Austin this weekend and I see rain is expected. So does it typically rain non stop like we get East coast or is it more intermittent thunderstorms? And can you usually navigate around the thunderstorms with high ceilings?

~ ajay
is it more intermittent thunderstorms? And can you usually navigate around the thunderstorms with high ceilings?

Usually random, intermittent, and circumnavigable. Man, that's a big word; how about flyable aroundable? Usually... :p
This reminds me of the time I tried to pin down the local forecaster about his 20% chance of rain as any rain at all would ruin our weed spraying. His response was was yes there is a 20% chance of rain. But if you happened to be under a rain cloud, then it is 100%.
This reminds me of the time I tried to pin down the local forecaster about his 20% chance of rain as any rain at all would ruin our weed spraying. His response was was yes there is a 20% chance of rain. But if you happened to be under a rain cloud, then it is 100%.

lol, I know it was a dumb request, but we try :)
Ajay you might want to revisit your plans. There is a tropical storm possibly developing into a hurricane that will be moving into the area on Friday. It is presently trapped between two highs which are steering it north northwest and itis over the hot gulf waters now which means it will intensify as time goes by. I'm about 100 miles southeast of Laredo and all of the communities are getting prepared for the storm, lots of rain and flooding at this time. Just FYI