
Well Known Member
Is Navaid out of business? I have a unit I want to have checked out, but can't reach them. Phone rings and rings and emails go unanswered. Anyone know?

The gyro in my unit needs to be replaced. I'm not flying yet so it's not a big deal. I spoke to Horace about it several months back. Right now it's sitting in my desk drawer waiting to be sent back to Navaid.

If you can't get something fixed, a Trio auto-pilot will wire right up to the navaid servo. Fit's right into the panel where the Navaid is. Does require a gps, though.

That is definitely an attractive option, however, I'd like to know if mine is working properly or not before I make the leap. Anyone know how to get a hold of them????
Ummmm... worrisome..........

I just tried calling them and there is not even an answering machine. I see their website doesn't even have an e-mail address.........

I have a never used AP1 head unit that I would consider selling if it helps you out. If you are interested let me know and we can discuss a price.

I called them a few weeks ago to get some new molex pins. They sent them in the post to the UK, the same day, no charge.
Well...two weeks still no answer on the phone (not even an answering machine) and no return to my email. Anyone know anything?