Ralph Inkster

Well Known Member
A part I sent for repair was returned undeliverable, "Moved no forwarding address". Phone, fax & address on website are now invalid.

Anybody have new contact info for Navaid Devices Inc.?
Hmmm, would be nice if they deactivated the website.
Gyro motor pooched in the control head.
Guess I'll have to replace with a Trio head.
Ralph, send me your home address. I have a NavAid head sitting on my shelf out at the hangar. If it still works it's yours for free.

The Zen of VAF and all that....

Earlier this year I had a discussion with one of their former employees about where to get a replacement gyro motor, if/when I need one. He told me the company name which is called Micromo, and I called them and was able to get the part # for the motor. Here's the info from my notes:

micromo 1624L012S692
~$200 in single unit pricing

When I spoke to Horace, the former employee that built them, he said the only reason they went with this motor was for long life, any motor will work on the gyro, but they might not live as long. I have found nearly identical motors to the Micromo which are used in model trains that should work and are significantly less expensive. I haven't had the need to change mine, but when it does I'll try one of these:


Sure you can spend some $$ to upgrade and get a superior autopilot, but if you are able to fix yours up, what do you have to lose except your time and a little bit of money.
Hey Doug & Bob

I'll see what these fat fingers can do with the delicate innards of the Navaid. Will report my results.

Safe flying
Ralph if you need any help don't hesitate to email or call me.

Not too long ago I was given a Navaid head unit that was in a flood. I was able to clean it out (had mud inside it) and the darn thing works like a champ. In fact its still in my -6, it works fine so why take it back out. :) Kickin it old-school, Navaid-style.