
Well Known Member
So here's the issue. I have a PS Engineering PMA 5000EX audio panel, an SL 30 and a GTN 650, both fed NAV signals from the same VOR antenna. If I select the NAV side of either radio and try and listen to the ID of a VOR or LOC, all I get is loud static over my headset. Both radios themselves are able to decode and display the proper identifier for the stations and all other functions of the CDI on my HSI are normal. It's just the audio that's goofed up some how. Since it's the same problem for 2 separate radios, it would seem to me to be a audio panel issue but I really don't know for sure. Any thoughts?
Just a thought...Have you checked continuity for your antenna cables, including the short connector cables that came with the radios? I had a similar problem that turned out to be the short cable on the COM side that came with the SL-30 (brand new!) A single strand of the core wire of the cable in the 90 degree connector at the back of the SL-30 was shorting on the connector housing. Once fixed, everything works great.
Not yet Mike, but I will--thanks for the suggestion. My plan is to collect all of the trouble shooting suggestions before I tear into the panel so hopefully I do this only once. ;)
I have a funny thing going on with my NAV id also. I have never worked to identify a reason because I have a workaround. I only have a GTN650 for NAV and a GMA240 audio. When I listen for id and push the id (volume) button on the GTN I do not get the id until I adjust the volume. Then it is perfect. Very little adjustment but it is like turning on a switch.
simple things first

Both these radios have good notch filters for removing the morse code. On the 650 you must see 'ID'; on the SL-30 push the ID button until it says 'ID'.
Both these radios have good notch filters for removing the morse code. On the 650 you must see 'ID'; on the SL-30 push the ID button until it says 'ID'.

Hmmm. OK, I'll definitely give that a try to at least get the ID to broadcast, but it doesn't seem to explain the loud static. By loud it's like the volume turned up loud and the squelch off and all I did was punch the Nav audio button on the audio panel to on.
Hmmm. OK, I'll definitely give that a try to at least get the ID to broadcast, but it doesn't seem to explain the loud static. By loud it's like the volume turned up loud and the squelch off and all I did was punch the Nav audio button on the audio panel to on.

The Nav radio does not have any squelch. If the volume is up, you'll hear static. On the SL-30 there are options in the set up menu, to either set the volume there, or to default it to the (one) volume control. Get into that menu, and adjust the volume while you listen.
Not sure how the 650 nav volume is set up or controlled.
Problem resolved --Thanks to all!

Thanks Bob. It helps to RTFM! On the SL 30, at least on mine, the NAV ID is heard over the the normal radio com audio, no need to push the Nav button on the audio panel at all. Just like you said, push the ID button on the SL 30 until it says "ID" on the display and voil?, dit-dit-dash-etc!

On the 650 it is wired Nav audio is wired to the Nav button on the audio panel (Nav 2 in my case). Have the Nav freqs up on the 650, push the Nav button on the audio panel and then push the vol knob (upper left corner of the 650) for the ID and bingo, morse code. FYI the Nav volume features are accessible from the setup page (press and hold the "home" button during 650 power up).