Nav lights, or nav lights with strobes.

  • Just nav lights

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Navlights with strobes in the wingtip

    Votes: 27 87.1%
  • other strobe, such as belly, aft fuse, or tail

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
I've been looking at my different lighting options. I'm building a day/night VFR -7. At first I really wanted strobes, but after looking at what's availible and the price, I'm not so sure. Both my cert'd planes didn't have them, and I can't honestly say I've ever noticed them on traffic in my meager 500 hours of flight time. My flying at night will most likley be limited to local flights.
If you don't have a strobe with the nav lights, do you have one in another location?
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Just a personal observation. Strobes often get my eyeballs on a contact before nav lights when looking for traffic at night (ATC called-out or otherwise). The further out I see 'em (or they see me) the better! Nav lights are good for tracking a target, but strobes seem to grab my attention further out. I fly a lot of pm's at my airline, and that's been my experience in terminal areas. I have strobes with the navs on the wingtips of my RV, and like the (hopefully) added target visibility I'm providing...the more ways to be seen by the other guy (big or little, fast or slow) the better. Just one humble opinion (we all have 'em!) :)

"Rocket" RV-6
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