
Well Known Member
Bought 2004 model RV-8 and the nav lights don't work, getting power from switch, noticed just one wire from switch for both lights, I assume it either goes to a splitter or terminal strip somewhere. Don't have the build plans, any ideas? Thanks
What kind of lights? If they're LED, troubleshooting and likely failure points may looks a bit different than if they're simple incandescent bulbs.
Bought 2004 model RV-8 and the nav lights don't work, getting power from switch, noticed just one wire from switch for both lights, I assume it either goes to a splitter or terminal strip somewhere. Don't have the build plans, any ideas? Thanks

You are rather on your own as lights were down to the builder in that era. Check the light fittings are grounded correctly. The wire from the switch will split somewhere. Someone will have to stick their head under the panel and figure out what is going on, unless you have an access panel in the aft side of the forward baggage bay. Find someone locally who has some RV experience and get him to help.

PS Isn't there a guy called Vic locally who is quite knowledgeable?
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Bought 2004 model RV-8 and the nav lights don't work, getting power from switch, noticed just one wire from switch for both lights, I assume it either goes to a splitter or terminal strip somewhere. Don't have the build plans, any ideas? Thanks

No excuse for not having a set of plans:


In an airplane of that vintage there is a fair chance that the bulbs are incandescent (filament) and have simply died. Check them with an ohmeter.
I have power from the Nav switch, bulbs are good. When I pulled the bulbs out I checked ground at the socket, left and right sides are good however the center pole is also grounded which you would think would pop the breaker, it does not. It appears that the single wire from the switch is either split from a butt splice or terminal strip somewhere. I opened the wing fillet panels, now I have to I.D. the Nav wires, also need to pull off wing tips to see what's going on with the socket, I have ordered the thumb drive, thanks for the Link. BTW I have heard that when checking for ground if you leave a bulb in the socket on the opposite side the center pole will show ground because its completing the circuit. I had both removed and also disconnected the feed wire at the switch because the switch is lighted, center pole still shows ground. I'm somewhat decent electrically but not an expert, just a process of elimination.
I am kind of confuse about your light bulb setup infering it has 3 different poles. I use LEDs and they only have positive and negative connections. I guess these are the same with incandescent as well. There is an extra wire that it controls the strobe, and not fore powering up the light.

You can check the negative terminal to aircraft ground and they should show very little resistance as in low milliohm range.

Then if you provide the positive 12 V or a 9V to the positive while the entire lamp is in place, you should see the light lid up. If this is the case, then it's not the light that is bad.

Then trace backward.

As with all the help to remotely diagnose, pictures really help.
The bulbs are not LED, the set up has 4 lights, 2 are the red/green, the other 2 are smaller facing aft, I removed them all and now am not showing continuity to ground since the bulbs where causing the loop. What I'm looking for is the splice where the one wire off the switch ties into the L/R Nav wires, or it may be a terminal strip somewhere, that's where I believe the problem is. I ordered the thumb drive, hopefully it will show where it's at or if someone who built one knows....thanks for all your help full comments.
The connection you're looking for could be literally anywhere between the switch and where the wires part ways to go to the individual lights. There isn't much guidance or standard with how you wire up a lighting circuit on any of the kits before the RV14. It was pretty much dealers choice.

Having said that, I'd look under the seat pan first. That seems like a logical spot. At least it would be on the side by side airframes.
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I ordered the thumb drive, hopefully it will show where it's at or if someone who built one knows....thanks for all your help full comments.

Glad you have the plans on the way, they are essential for long-term maintenance of your RV.

However, you won't find anything in the plans about nav light wiring. Welcome to the world of experimental aviation. :)

Track down the wiring the same way you would for a custom-built car.......