
Well Known Member
While I've got a long time before deciding on lights, I've been reading about the options that are available and something I've noticed is that everyone seems to be installing the nav lights in the cut-out under the lens in each wingtip as opposed to right out at the end of the wingtip. Is there a reason for this? Would they cause noticeable drag? I'm just curious if there's something I need to know.

Cheers :)
Lights out on the tip will cause drag, but probably not noticeable.
Most people use the "enclosed" lights for looks. Be aware that if the anti collision lights are within these enclosures then additional anti collision lights will be required on the tail as they must be visible for 360°.
These are US requirements. I assume that Canadian regs. are similar.
Yes, the Canadian regs are the same. I was wondering if the nav lights are put outside, then that might give more flexibility for landing light installation in the wingtip. However, I have no problem with cutting leading edge of the wing as another option. I'm just brainstorming for now.

Thanks and enjoy the long weekend!

Cheers! :)
Hey Shamit,

Go with a low-profile nav light and you can still put the landing light in the wingtip. These are Ztron Labs nav/strobes (no longer made, unfortunately) and a Duck Works LED landing light.

Hi Doug,

Thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking more along the lines of building some sort of mount to push the landing light more forward in order to get a better angle aiming the light towards center line. If the nav/position light wasn't there, we then wouldn't have to worry about blocking its visibility in the required 110 degree arc. However, I haven't done any measurements and the geometry of the lens may restrict the landing light enough where it won't really make a difference.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's thought of this and since I haven't seen anyone else do it that way, it probably won't work.

Thanks again.

Shamit, you don't really need to illuminate the space in front of you between the wingtips with a direct beam. The light will diffuse enough in flight and on the ground to be effective.