
Well Known Member
I am considering instaling a wing tip antenna would apreciate any comments pro or con for doing so thanks.
I've had great results from a homebuilt "Archer" clone in my right wingtip - works great for Nav. I have a similar one in the left tip for my #2 Comm, and it's fine for ranges up to 40-50 miles, but not much beyond that.

Search the Forums for "Archer", and you'll probably find a number of threads with comments, both positive and negative.

Ditto here on the wing tip Bob Archer nav antenna. I have one in the left wing tip of my 9a and it works great for nav and loc/gs. I installed a splitter on the line to feed the seperate inputs for the nav and loc/gs on my 430.


Do the Nav, but not the com.

Nav antenna works great. The com antenna has less then haft the range as the bent whip on my belly.

com antennas

Another question from a rank amaturer do i need 2 ant for my radio since it has flip flop capability.

dustman said:
Another question from a rank amaturer do i need 2 ant for my radio since it has flip flop capability.
No.. one comm antenna per comm radio....

gil A
For my wingtip nav antenna I used the el cheapo one ($27) from Vans... works pretty well as far as I can tell. From 6-7000 ft I can receive VORs up to maybe 80 or 90 miles away... good enough for me. The kit is as simple as it gets, just a strip of copper maybe 36 in. long, plus a length of antenna cable and a BNC connector. Just solder the connector to the strip, then bond the strip to the inside of the wingtip. Easy!
Today I'm trying to figure out my antenna needs and am seriously giving thought to the Bob Archer antenna. I'm opening this thread back up because it is so far the only place I've read referance to being a g/s antenna. So how about it, IS the Bob Archer antenna usable as a g/s?
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Hello Jim,

I guess I forgot to say I'm installing an SL30. No need for a diplexer it's built in.

I have got my Archer NAV antenna hooked up to both my SL30 and GNS430 with a splitter. It work just fine. If I remember right I had to split again for the GNS430. It needs separate feeds for GS and LOC.

If you are doing a MB you can just use a 40" piece of coax with the shield stripped off.
