
Well Known Member

Celebrate National Aviation Day by flying our incredible machines somewhere today! :D
Flew the RV-3 from home base down to Big Bear this morning to do some evaluating on a new airplane tomorrow - airplanes, smooth air, and majestic mountains....can’t be beat!
I wasn't even aware of the occasion, but I flew 3.4 anyway. Just past the halfway point on my IFR, and 300 hours on my airplane.
We did a 2.5 hour round-trip to Urbana, OH for a fly-in and to see Champaign Aviation Museum B-17 restoration. My father flew B-17H. He taught me to fly when I was in high school. Happy Nat'l Aviation Day dad... :D
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Flew to Fayetteville Arkansas to pick up my daughter

Had a nice flight from 52F to KFYV trying to beat the weather system heading in from Tulsa to pick up my daughter. She is home from University of Oregon and had high school friends at the University of Arkansas she was visiting after getting a ride up with one of her friends. Did a quick turn to leave before the weather came in.

1:22 travel time up with a tailwind and an 1:48 coming back with a strong (30-40 kt) headwind. Was a nice break from painting the house and she appreciated the quick trip home vs the 5.5 hours to get there by car.

Passed 400 hours since I bought the RV-10 on the flight back, enjoyed every hour!:D What is that, 6 months of Vlad's flying time? lol