
Active Member
I finally found a great RV9A and flew it home yesterday. All systems functioned normally except the second com, a Narco Com 810 TSO, did not function as it should. Here is how it operated: 1. With the squelch nob in and not tuned to a channel with any activity, no hiss (normal). 2. With the squelch nob pulled, hiss (normal). 3. When receiving a transmission, either AWOS, ground, tower etc., very weak, and the exact same hiss sound as if the squelch button were pulled accompanied the received transmission (not normal). 4. Could not pick up AWOS until on the ground at the airport, with or without the squelch button pulled, and again, any reception was accompanied by the hiss sound (not normal) and reception was very weak (not normal). At times, center could hear my transmission on this radio but they said that it was weak and not as clear as the number one radio, a Garmin 430 Wass (not normal). The audio panel is a new Garmin and works fine and I know how to use it so I don't think the problem is in the audio panel.

Any ideas where I should start looking for the problem? Although the radio is old in years, it was installed new in the plane 1 year ago, so the radio is in effect, new. Thanks, Curt
The usual starting point is to re-seat all connectors, including the antenna, and check for proper grounding and shielding.
I agree with re-seating all connections, and it really sounds like a weak antenna to me - do you know what kind of antenna and where it is located? Many older homebuilts have pretty atrocious antenna types/mounts/wiring.....
Photo's and Antenna

Mike, I'll get some photo's posted soon.

Paul, there are two antenna's located on the bottom of the aircraft just about in-between the steps. The two are identical (don't know make) and one serves the Garmin GNS 430W (with crystal clear transmissions and receptions) and the other the Narco. Time to check all connections!


If you can just swap the antenna coax connections in the back of the radios, see if the Narco now works.