FYI, when i went in to NAPA today to buy a bunch more primer the guy there told me it was on sale until the end of the month. Usually its $9.50 or so and its on sale for $4.99 a can. He said it should be a national sale, but i have no idea if it will work for you guys anywhere else. Figured i would let everyone know and you can find out for yourself.

I bought 2 cases though!


Same thing here in Massachusetts!

No sale her either!

I bought one can as usual!


Whiskey Tango FOXTROT!?!

:mad: CJ
All during my build in Minnesota I would run to NAPA whenever I read about a sale on the 7220 on the forums. I always got the "not on sale here" answer. I ended up using the Sherwin Williams version for most of the project. I was able to buy it at the local Sherwin Williams automotive paint store and the price was usually as good as the NAPA price.
Wow thats crazy that noone else is finding these sales in florida. My experience went something like this. I called Napa and was told they only had 2 cans in stock so I asked if he could order me a case, while the sales person was looking for a price I kindly asked if there was anyway to get a deal if I were to order it by the case expecting to see almost 9 dollars a can. The sales guy comes back and says I guess I could knock the price down to $24.99 for the case. I never expected to get it for that price. I showed up 2 days later and picked up my 8 cans for less and $40.00. I may be heading out there tommorow to pick up another case while they are still cheap.
I wanted to promote this thread again. Went to NAPA in OREGON and found 7220 self-etching primer is still on sale for $4.99/can. The sale is through the end of the year.
Just made a discovery... The closest NAPA store is not offering the primer on sale, but according to the next nearest store is offering 7220 primer for $4.99.

So if you don't find it on sale, the website sure saves driving around. (They still require that you purchase primer at a store.)
Good point - the stores closest to me don't have it on sale - but the one next to my office (20 miles away) does have it, and I'm down to one can.
Thanks, just did the online shopping and sure enough. Prices range from 4.99 to 9.49 at 4 stores within 14 miles. Thanks for the update!
Thanks, just did the online shopping and sure enough. Prices range from 4.99 to 9.49 at 4 stores within 14 miles. Thanks for the update!

I saw that too! The store closest to my work that I was going to hit on the way home, it was 9.49/can, the one closer to my house, 4.99/can, i ordered 12 (case)
None where I am

Prices range from $8.00 to $12.00 a can where I am. If anyone comes across a store in Los Angeles that has it for $4.99 a can, please let me know.
I was told it's corporate owned stores only that are doing the sale. The other stores said they can't price match because 4.99 is below their cost :confused:
Go to and search for "MS 7220". It will ask you for your zip code, and if you don't find it for $4.99 on first try then look at other stores until you do.

My local store told me a few months ago that they NEVER have it on sale (counter dude was a jerk about it). Then sure enough, the current sale listed their store. Went in and the shelf still listed it at full retail; however their computer indeed listed it as on sale.

I ordered several cases (6 per case), and it came in the next day. Took them 15 minutes to find the shipment, but I do have my paint :)
NAPA pricing seems to be all over the place on this stuff. None close to my house would do anything on pricing. I have a NAPA store up north where our cottage is and they gave me a "discounted" case price of $7.56 a can. Oh well, its still cheaper than the retail of $9.98 and I did do a test strip of three different self etching primers and the NAPA 7220 was the clear winner. Runner up was Dupli-Color available at O'Reilly Auto Parts.
I think that each region runs sales ~1-2x per year. I generally check their website the first few weeks of each month to see what's up, because sales seem to last 30 days or so. (Suspect that it's on a rotating list of "stuff" to constitute sales, which used to be printed in flyers.)

Bought 25 cans this time around, and may well regret not purchasing more.
I think that each region runs sales ~1-2x per year. I generally check their website the first few weeks of each month to see what's up, because sales seem to last 30 days or so. (Suspect that it's on a rotating list of "stuff" to constitute sales, which used to be printed in flyers.)

Bought 25 cans this time around, and may well regret not purchasing more.

i only bought 12, i am already regretting not getting more
Another alternative to NAPA 7220

If I were to build an RV again I would simply buy a gallon of Marhyde to paint the big pieces and keep some 7220 around for touch up. I bought a gallon of it for about $50 some years ago and ended up priming tons of parts and only used half of it.

Doug Lomheim
RV-9A, 90116