
Well Known Member
As my wife has watched, at times with shock and awe:eek:, my attempts to stimulate the economy by introducing large amounts of cash to vendors of aircraft related parts and equipment, she has come up with a few ideas to name my RV-8. She has been supportive of my project over the last eight years, but this hobby has caused her a fair amount of financial stress. The worst of it has of course come in the last year with the purchase of an engine, prop, avionics, seats, ...

With that in mind, she originally thought we should call the plane "The Last Straw". She came up with another one last week as my fuselage was in the paint shop: "The Costly B***ch". I warned her with that one that people might think it referred to her.;)

What do you guys think? Which would you choose? I moved the fuselage to my hangar yesterday morning. Here's a photo of it in it's new home.
Name it for her, doofus

For cryin out loud. Does a train have to fall on you. Name your ship after your long-suffering wife. And throw in some nice looking rendition of her as nose art. I am no fool. My 8A will be christened, "Miss Vick". It was the least I could do for someone crazy enough to marry me and then put up with this time and expense hole for 4 years. If that girl loves you enough not to kick your sorry behind to the curb, then for pete's sake name name your ship after her.

For cryin out loud. Does a train have to fall on you. Name your ship after your long-suffering wife. And throw in some nice looking rendition of her as nose art. I am no fool. My 8A will be christened, "Miss Vick". It was the least I could do for someone crazy enough to marry me and then put up with this time and expense hole for 4 years. If that girl loves you enough not to kick your sorry behind to the curb, then for pete's sake name name your ship after her.


What Steve said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Frank @ 1L8 and SGU ...RV7A... Named BUZZ after my Dad Phase 1
I thought of that!

I'm still thinking of variations on her name, Wendy, for the plane, but I thought her suggestions were pretty funny (and descriptive) too.
Now you're talking

What does Wendy do or like? For example, my wife is a nurse, so the nose art will have her in a cute little WWII style white nursing uniform. How about "Windy Wendy" with a little Marilyn Monroe type nose art from the movie Some Like It Hot, where her skirt billowed in the wind. Use your imagination. Oh and by the way, cool looking paint and polish job on the 8. I am planning a similar scheme, taking off from the 352nd Fighter Squadron Blue Nosers design. Name this ship after the wife and the political capital will be significant.
Or for my Dad

The wife actually said she didn't want her name on it. I've also thought of naming after my father. He was an pilot for United, but died in 1992 from a heart attack. He's the reason I got into flying, and the reason I started building my 8 while I was still in my early 30's. I had always wanted to build an RV with him, but we never started. After he died I decided I didn't want to wait until retirement to build. He and his best friend were always getting into trouble, so my mom and his friend's wife called them Butch and Sundance. Right now Sundance is one of the leading contenders to go on the nose of my RV-8.
Hard to beat Sundance

Naming the ship after your Dad would be extremely cool. Sundance would be very appropriate, especially since the sun will dance on your polished fuselage. I am sure your wife will appreciate your loyalty to your father.
Two bandits

Maybe I am off track but it seems to me a beautiful polished 8 with victory stripes needs a little more "hot sauce" than "Sundance"

You have a fighter look-alike on your hands; many would consider it feminine gender. However, if the nose art isn't about a "Beautiful Doll",
since Butch and the Kid were train robbers how bout:
"Two Bandits"
"Bad guys"
"Take the (your) money"
"On the run"
"Hot money"
"All your money"

or a gambling theme
"A handful of eights"
"Eights are wild"
"Ante up"
"Goin' for broke"

Its been a while since I saw the movie and I can't remember any good lines except for, "Who are those guys?" which wouldn't work but maybe you'll get inspiration there.

Dave A.
Hi Craig....

...I'd really ask your wife which of the two suggested names she chose. That would show consideration for her and will be points for you.

BTW...congratulations on the build and keeping the marriage intact....some of us couldn't/didn't do both.
You are all a bunch of it what ever you want and fly high enough so that she can not serve you the divorce papers...HA

Seriously though, one guy hit on an interesting idea. "Spendy". Call it "Lil' Miss Spendy". That way it sounds like the wife's name, yet still conveys her feelings toward the financial black hole our passion generates. Seems appropo too, considering fuel prices now days. Blew $150 on fuel this weekend. Boring holes. I've found wispering to the wife in her sleep, "its only money, might as well give it too Phillips" works as a poor mans brainwashing...
I can't help but rhyme with eight...

"Great Date"
"Buckin' Bait"
"Buck Bait"
"Worth the Wait"
"Why Wait"
"Party at Eight" could parlay any of those into nose art, he he he...
eights and aces

"Eights and aces" is so obvious it is probably already on an RV-8.(or several?)

On the other hand, maybe bad karma, since 'Eights and aces' was the 'dead man's hand':eek:

The first one I thought of was 'Spendy Wendy', but that makes sound like its her fault that you built the plane:rolleyes:

How about "We're out of money, Honey!" and the nose art is your wife in an apron, arms akimbo, standing behind the airplane with her hair blowing while you do a run-up.


The perfect name for an 8 in your situation. Certainly a compliment to your wife and a play on words for the financial strain it has created.

David Watson
Quincy, Florida (49FD)
What's in a Name?

Early on in the construction process, I was already looking to name the -6A project. After much deliberation that spanned a period of several months, "Darla!" just came to my mind, felt right and the name stuck. At first, my wife Linda asked "What's with Darla? I see it more like Mistletoe." When I asked her why on Earth anyone would name an airplane "Mistletoe" she replied, "Because anytime you get near that thing, our money gets kissed goodbye!"


My wife actually likes the second name she suggested, "The Costly B***ch". I think it's pretty funny, but I also think that over the last 17 years my occupation has warped my sense of humor. If I did call it that, I might have to put on a dog as nose art.;) I've also been thinking of "Over Budget" or "Cost Overruns" recently. If it's like any of the other decisions I've made while building I'll change my mind many times before finally figuring it out.
Naming Your Plane


Just had to pile one this one...

Miss Appropriated
Miss Directed
Miss Represented
Miss D'Money