
Well Known Member
NACOmatic: Website suspended

That's the message you will receive if you visit the site.

After 2.5 years, my web-hoster has determined that PDF
files are no longer allowable content. They gave me precisely
seven (count'm 7) minutes of notice.

I am searching for a new web hoster. I push 20+ TB/month of
traffic; so the usual suspects are unaffordable. i.e. Amazon's
service would cost me north of $2,000/month ... donations
average less than $20/month. I cannot afford to cover the gap

If anyone has FIRST-HAND experience with a reliable/budget
web-hoster, I'm all ears:

[email protected]
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Bluehost works

I use bluehost - seems to work but I'm not pushing anywhere near the traffic levels. Seven big ones a month.
Look at Gator.

I used to do this for a living and hated to start using someone elses hosting service but I have found Gator Hosting to be reliable and inexpensive.
Please don't take this the wrong way: "unlimited" bandwidth is a numbers game, assuming there are no big users...and they are losing money on you, assuming it's a sub-$100/mo shared provider. Cost at a dedicated host is at least a few hundred bucks.

A place like 100tb.com will get you 100TB/mo for a little over $200, but you'll also have the headache of completely managing the server...much different than if you are using a shared host now. Same with something like a cheap "unmetered" (like a flow limited pipe) server at a place like fdcservers.net... Mostly though, you will see prices much, much higher...

Another strategy would be to try shared hosts that have giant or "unlimited" bandwidth numbers -- but just be ready to move in a moments notice if/when the same things happen again once they notice (regardless of their quality -- most will have a clause against hosting downloads in their TOS) as they are losing money on your account. If you're prepared for it, its an option.

You could also try some of the hosting type services, but it not exactly elegant or friendly to your users.

Feel free to PM/email me...I'm in the industry, but I don't work for any of the companies I mentioned.
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I have used WebIntellects for a number of years and been very happy with them. I'm not a internet guru and my sites are relatively small with minimal downloads so your mileage may vary.
I believe that your explanation is probably the reality. At one point, they
said that PDFs cannot be viewed in a browser, but must be download to be
viewed. That's incorrect. That is precisely why I create the PDFs for
FastWebView (linearized).

But I'm under the caps that I paid for ... and that grinds me.

Godaddy swears that unlimited means unlimited. I guess I'm gonna find out.
If not; at least they'll have a prominent brand I can drag thru the mud.
ReadyHosting? No brand recognition.


Please don't take this the wrong way: "unlimited" bandwidth is a numbers game, assuming there are no big users...and they are losing money on you, assuming it's a sub-$100/mo shared provider. Cost at a dedicated host is at least a few hundred bucks.

A place like 100tb.com will get you 100TB/mo for a little over $200, but you'll also have the headache of completely managing the server...much different than if you are using a shared host now. Same with something like a cheap "unmetered" (like a flow limited pipe) server at a place like fdcservers.net... Mostly though, you will see prices much, much higher...

Another strategy would be to try shared hosts that have giant or "unlimited" bandwidth numbers -- but just be ready to move in a moments notice if/when the same things happen again once they notice (regardless of their quality -- most will have a clause against hosting downloads in their TOS) as they are losing money on your account. If you're prepared for it, its an option.

You could also try some of the hosting type services, but it not exactly elegant or friendly to your users.

Feel free to PM/email me...I'm in the industry, but I don't work for any of the companies I mentioned.
How about .zip files?

ZIP files are the exact wrong thing. They must be downloaded entirely
before they can be used. Ergo; they fall under the "download" exclusion
in the ToS.

My PDFs are enabled for FastWebView (inside a browser). You can begin
using them almost immediately ... and random jump around the document.
It'll fetch the pages as you request (out of sequence).
They will play games. The unlimited disk space will not be unlimited file nodes. I'm guessing the person who told you the PDF's must be downloaded doesn't know that everything a client views is local to his/her machine in same form or another and was downloaded from a server.

I believe that your explanation is probably the reality. At one point, they
said that PDFs cannot be viewed in a browser, but must be download to be
viewed. That's incorrect. That is precisely why I create the PDFs for
FastWebView (linearized).

But I'm under the caps that I paid for ... and that grinds me.

Godaddy swears that unlimited means unlimited. I guess I'm gonna find out.
If not; at least they'll have a prominent brand I can drag thru the mud.
ReadyHosting? No brand recognition.

I believe that your explanation is probably the reality. At one point, they
said that PDFs cannot be viewed in a browser, but must be download to be
viewed. That's incorrect. That is precisely why I create the PDFs for
FastWebView (linearized).

But I'm under the caps that I paid for ... and that grinds me.

Godaddy swears that unlimited means unlimited. I guess I'm gonna find out.
If not; at least they'll have a prominent brand I can drag thru the mud.
ReadyHosting? No brand recognition.


I hope it works. :)

A bigger place like GoDaddy will either (a) not care or notice since a few heavy users don't have the same impact that it would at a smaller company, or (b) automated tools will pick it up faster and you'll be canceled quickly.

Here is some further detail:

http://community.godaddy.com/groups/web-hosting/forum/topic/definition-of-unlimited-bandwidth/ and from http://www.godaddy.com/agreements/ShowDoc.aspx?pageid=UTOS the legal text says "Go Daddy expressly reserves the right to review every Account for excessive space and bandwidth utilization, and to terminate or apply additional fees to those Accounts that exceed allowed levels."

Overall though, I expect you have better chances their than your current host. (And every host will have that clause, in case your are crashing the machine, etc.) Definitely worth trying, and from discussing with a few folks at the office, its what I would do in your situation -- and I didn't see many complaints online about usage terminations.