I have altered the bookmarks ...

There are two cascaded lists:

- by Airport ID
- by City name

Left-click the "+" sign to expand the next level of the TOC. For Adobe users;
control+(left-click) will expand all the levels with a single-click.
Thanks for making it easier to download!!

I'm not using your service (having a product), but the FAA for sure has not made it easy to use their data (but I guess we all should be grateful it IS available in the first place!)
Thanks for making it easier to download!!

I'm not using your service (having a product), but the FAA for sure has not made it easy to use their data (but I guess we all should be grateful it IS available in the first place!)

Grateful? We are paying for that information with our tax dollars, and then have to pay again (for things like Garmin) because our incompetent Government purposely chooses the most obtuse method of compiling and disseminating OUR data which they are REQUIRED to provide to us BY LAW.

I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling particularly grateful to anyone in government these days...
Grateful? We are paying for that information with our tax dollars, and then have to pay again (for things like Garmin) because our incompetent Government purposely chooses the most obtuse method of compiling and disseminating OUR data which they are REQUIRED to provide to us BY LAW.

I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling particularly grateful to anyone in government these days...

Huh.. Well, I guess you are right. But still - at least its around ?
But the data is a classic example of how data should NOT be presented - but I guessing partly because FAA has different inconsistent databases themselves ?
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NACOmatic: Updates Avail

The May 7th cycle is now available for
your downloading pleasure.

The July 30th (to Aug 27th) cycle of IAPs is now available
for downloading from:


The IAPs now include a list/index for Kindle DX users on
Page 3 of each IAP bundle. The next edition of A/FDs will
include a similar list/index.

Do these work on Nook? It's a bit small but could be useful with high contrast and resolution (? just PR) and ability to download and display pdf's. Price is right and display has color.
The nook has native PDF support, so yes, it will work just fine.
Anything that can read a pdf, can display these charts, plates and such.
From an iphone, to a pda, to a book reader, to your PC.
> The nook has native PDF support

Have you laid your hands upon a Nook to confirm that its PDFviewer
is not the same crippleware that burdens the Kindles & IREX ???
> Nook ... Price is right and display has color.

The main screen is B&W. The itty-bitty screen
at the bottom for icons, soft-keys and album art
is color ... and utterly useless for PDFs.
Sony PRS 900BC

The new Sony is hitting the stores soon. Is this the answer for serious storage of plates? Any idea how many "touches" required to get me to a specific plate of ORD, for example?
Sony PRS-900 "Daily Edition"


Sony's new "big-screen" ebook reader won't begin shipping until Dec 18th.
They've been witholding review units; so, I am highly skeptical about the
Dec 18th ship date.

*IF* the geeks at MobileRead have it right; the screen is the same width
as the PRS-505 & PRS-700, just taller (7.1"). Because of the aspect ratio
of the IAPs, they are width-constrained on the -505/700, a taller screen
won't help the too-small-font problem.

I don't recall if you had the -500 or -505. Given the price and timing, I am
*guessing* that you had a -500 (close-out). Stop by DCT and ask to see
the -505's that they rent for $10/day.

How many clicks to get to the IAPs for ORD? Dunno. Let's drink about this!

<Click> open IL.pdf
<Click> Select by-City
<How many clicks> to get to Chicago?
<Click> to select ORD
<How many clicks> req'd to scroll to the IAP/procedure you need?
<Click> to open the procedure/page.

That's at least six [6] clicks.

BTW; how are the new living arrangements working out? <g>
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NACOmatic: Jan-Feb 2010 IAPs Avail

The Jan 14th thru Feb 11th cycle (1001) of IAPs
is now available:

- DVDs have been mailed
- Download from: http://www.NACOmatic.com


Much faster downloads are possible using the
DownThemAll plug-in for the FireFox browser.


Using the DownThemAll plug-in for FireFox, I
measured a download at ~800 KBytes/sec.

Using just FireFox, I measured a "SaveLinkAs"
download at ~200 KBytes/sec.

Using Internet Explorer I measured a
"SaveTargetAs" download at ~150 KBytes/sec.
You Got It

Jepps for the Central/Eastern U.S. and Eastern Canada used to cost me around $800/yr. and required a great deal of work keeping them current. Not too many things in aviation that actually have the ability to save us money. Hope others on this site join in as well.
Terry, CFI
RV-9A N323TP
NACOmatic: Kindle users ... New Feature

I have added a "by-City, by-AptID" index for those
cases when you do not know the airport identifier.

NACOmatic: Aug:Sept IAPs Avail - Sectionals, TACs & Enroutes Too

The Aug:Sep cycle (#1009) of IAPs is now available
for downloading from:


New Features:

- Low Altitude Enroute Charts
- High Altitude Enroute Charts
- Sectionals
- TACs

Tips for users of Adobe Reader & Foxit (free):

- Zoom:pan so that you see whatever you desire on the screen.

> File
>> Print
>>> Print Range
>>>> [Click the button] Current View

Using Adobe's (purchased) Acrobat viewer; you can print
the charts as tiles, on 8.5x11" paper:

> File
>> Print
>>> Print Range section; select from amongst: <All>, <Current View>, <Current Page>
>>>> Page Scaling: Tile Large Pages
>>>>> Overlap: <Enter your preference>

Caution: Printing a Sectional or TAC is going to require a LOT of
(expensive) ink. If you are planning on printing whole charts, it
may indeed be cheaper to just buy/subscribe to harcopy charts.

My Thoughts (Bias):

These seem to be useful for devices that have multi-touch (pinch/zoom)
interfaces (iPad, iPhone, 'Droids, etc).

I really doubt that a classic Windows pen/finger/scroll-bar interface is
going to be very workable.

PIREPs, please ...
NACOmatic: Aug 26th Sectionals & TACs Avail

The Aug 26th sectionals & TACs are now available at: www.NACOmatic.com

Updated Sectionals:

Cape Lisburne
Las Vegas
San Francisco

Updated TACs:

Las Vegas
San Francisco
NACOmatic; Sep:Oct Cycle Avail

The Sep:Oct cycle (#1010) is now available for downloading:


Please let me know if you find a broken link ... I *may*
have missed a few things in the rush to re-establish the
site at GoDaddy after ReadyHosting suspended it (and will
not explain why).
NACOmatic: RSS Feeds (fixed for the new hoster)

The RSS feeds are updated for the new site.

What are RSS feeds?

RSS feeds allow you to automatically check for updates and automagically download
them. You 'subscribe' to the RSS feed once. Each time I update an ebook, you'll
receive it. I have my RSS reader configured to check for updates 4x per day.

What do you need? A RSS reader. There are many choices.

My favorite: Juice

Available for:

- Windows
- Macs
- Linux

Cost? Free/donation
