
Well Known Member
I have created download scripts that will allow Oz pilots to bulk download
approach plates, SIDs, STARs & airport diagrams from Air Services Australia.
The scripts will download everything for an airport; or, everything in Oz.

Due to the limitations of their copyright, I am unable to provide bundles
similar to those that I create for the USA. I have attempted to contact
Air Services Australia for the 'license' they mention ... but Drew McDonald
has been utterly unresponsive.

The Oz link is towards the bottom of the NACOmatic home page:


Thank you

In a world where our aussie dollar is purchasing less and less its so nice to see something coming back our way.....

Thanks Doug.

PS: Can you do anything about XM Weather?????:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
A big thanks for this. The take up may be slow at first as it the readers are still evolving but it will take of here, especially once the reader technology evolves.
Air Services Australia is well renown for being dificult to deal with (to put it politely). We have to live with them. They are beurocracy with a capital B.
Thanks again

John Russell