It works fine

Not sure if you're looking for anything in particular of the review, but I did successfully download and view. I was able to pick an approach by city, identifier, or airport name.

Works nice, thanks,

Does not work at all for me on my 3gs.... It only fills about half the screen with a strip of pages that won't allow me to zoom in or select anything on the pages. I may be doing something wrong.

What PDFviewer are you using on your iPhone? Can you comment re: how (un?)readable
it was?


What PDFviewer are you using on your 3GS?


What PDFviewer are you using on your iPhone? Can you comment re: how (un?)readable
it was?


What PDFviewer are you using on your 3GS?

I bought goodreader after seeing a favorable review here on vaf. Note that I was able to see the PDF just fine on both the original and newer 3gs iPhone.


What PDFviewer are you using on your 3GS?

The built in reader does not work well with this file. All I get is a long strip of pages that do not fill the screen. They are not zoomable and I cannot select any text on the pages. I also cannot search any text.

Using GoodReader lite, I can fill the screen with each page. I can zoom in and out. I cannot select any text or search on any text.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I thought GoodReader also supported PDF
bookmarks. True/False?
