
Well Known Member
It has been a busy year working on my 9A.

And while I'm not done with the year yet, I'm starting to wind down with only a couple weeks left, and one of those on vacation skiing!

Last November we made the decision to move from our house to the other side of town to live on an airstrip. This has turned out to be just a great decision. It is a wonderful neighborhood (07TS), and the knowledge base of all things aviation is incredible. While I lost about 2.5 months building time with the move, the help I've received has made up for it several times over.

I started working on the Fuselage right after new years this year. And as my wife will tell you I have been a bit "focused" on the project.

With the help of a couple friends we got her up on her wheels, and mounted the engine Monday night!

I still have a lot of work left to do, but I can show people pictures and it really looks like an airplane now :).

My hope is to get her done and flying sometime next summer. I think that is reasonable, but we will see.

Still trying to decide if I want to paint it myself, or have it painted. Right now I'm leaning towards painting it white myself, then having a wrap applied in a Texas flag motif (wife's idea).

Now, to figure out how to plumb an airplane engine, and how to fit a cowling!

Dan that's great news! It's so convenient to have the airplane close to home you will love it. Paint wise I would suggest outsourcing the job to professionals. Unless you want to experience the process yourself of course. But make sure you paint before first flight :)


You ALWAYS have the best stories and photos. I have free dinner and beers for you here at KHAF should you find your way out to the wild west! (Tho, I may ask you to buck a few...)


You ALWAYS have the best stories and photos. I have free dinner and beers for you here at KHAF should you find your way out to the wild west! (Tho, I may ask you to buck a few...)


Bill I'll find you when all bucking is done. I hope the offer still stands for Barbara Fish Trap :D
Things are moving along.

Got the wings put on the plane this week!

about ten hours work to drill two holes. Glad that one is done. Was stressed about it, but got everything set within 1/32 and .1 degree so I think we are good.

Canopy is just about finished. Just some final fiberglass sanding/trimming to do.

Really moving into this 90% done 90% to go phase. Not many big things left, but so many little things I keep finding myself just staring at the plane sometimes...

Hope to get the rest of the control surfaces installed, and everything rigged this weekend. And maybe do some work on the fiberglass tips (not my favorite part).

Not many big things left, but so many little things I keep finding myself just staring at the plane sometimes...
Yes, the Thousand Yard RV Stare....I know what you mean! It goes hand in hand with the extended head-scratching sessions. Congrats on your progress. :):)
Just a quick update.

Did first engine start yesterday. The engine ran great (Aerosport Power XIO-320) after we pre-oiled it started on about three blades.

I've got a couple minor issues, idle needs some adjustment, etc.

Also, no fuel pressure, and no tach reading but overall I'm quite pleased with the first run.

Good job Dan.
I was about giddy at this point. I am sure you are too.
Yep ... for sure ....

.... that is a day permanently etched into my memory.
But for the grace the Big Guy Upstairs, it could have been a disaster. in trying to get it started, I gave it w-a-y too much fuel (not understanding how much fuel the injection would dump in under full rich) and discovered by accident I had 1"+ of fuel sloshing in the air intake housing. I cringe to think what could have transpired if it had backfired beforehand.
"Sometimes you can't beat luck." :D
It's official!

Had my DAR inspection today, and everything went great.

A couple suggestions for a few things, but just minor things.

Weather looks good for the next few days, so I just need to get her buttoned up, and check everything over one more time.

And she is airborn!

At about 6:00 CDT this afternoon N96KD took to the sky for the first time.

Everything worked great, and she just jumped off of the field. I've got a few issues I need to work out before second flight, but overall I'm thrilled with how everything went!



Awesome! Welcome to the flying part. You are going to love your -9A.

Have a safe Phase 1